Why do you guys hate Americans so much :'(

Why do you guys hate Americans so much :'(

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it's just easy to make fun of you guys because you do some weird shit (even before the internet)

Maybe because you shit on literally every other country on earth every day of your lives?

because of this

I love america. I even sang and recorded their national anthem today. It made me emotional and feel true freedom

But that's the government, not the people.

I get that some of us are ignorant, but there's a ton of ignorant Euros on here too, and they get a free pass because they're not American

t. american using VPN

No we don't. And Americans do nothing but blame the people for their government because they've never left America and met the people.

Im real finn. The star spangled banner is just a beautiful song.

t. american using VPN

can you find a little smaller jpg, Jamal?

En vittu oo amerikkalainen vaan oon suomalainen mongooli ja tykkään ihan vitusti amerikasta ja aion muuttaa sinne senkin meksikolainen tötteröpää

LMAO I'd trade my degenerate setting for ANYWHERE in Europe. Even fucking Malmo, which is a beautiful city despite what you mart-sharters have to say about it.

Fuck off, he's whiter than you Cleetus.

Because you are sending your undesirables to Canada.

t. american using VPN

But there are just as many threads making fun of us... no other nationality gets made fun of that much aside from you guys, or maybe Italians and Poles

It's because you're popular.

>if you say anything nice about the usa or americans you're considered an american

You don't have white skin. Stop posting here. Go to Reddit or Worldstar with all the mongrels like you.

Because you don't write in my thread

Enjoy your 3 day ban, fatty.

Or Russians, Germans etc. And Americans are the second most vicious and unfunny in these cases, to the point where it's barely even banter anymore, just pure hostility.

Honestly that's probably it, Americans get genuinely angry when confronted with banter which confuses people and entices trolls.

What the fuck does race have to do with this? Also, I'm white you fucking autist

Many Americans aren't aware of their country's fault. We're brainwashed since birth.

We're the most globally exposed, and there is also a dimension of noblesse oblige to their criticisms of America.

Also, with all of the geopolitical shit we've pulled over the last 70 years, I can understand their unease. Not that I'm apologetic about it, because frankly, I really don't feel any regard for foreigner opinions on anything, but it's obvious why we're widely criticized.


yes, especially in threads like these

I mean, we've fucked up plenty as a superpower, but we're still nowhere near as bad as say, Britain in the 19th century or the Soviet Union.

That's obvious. Most academic treatment of this matter will make it clear but it doesn't matter because those two no longer exist, meaning that we are the most recent and relevant global headache, and in a time of wired world media, we will be the most discussed.

thread made already

No you're not. Unless you're part of the 11% white population in Shartland.
Yeah you heard me buddy, Americans will be purged from Sup Forums for good some day. You better pack up. Your time is coming, buddy.

do i have to say it?

lmao, just learn your history, dude. America has killed billions of people during their imperial regime. Don't let facts be illusions, fatty. Why do you think people come here in particular? To rightfully trash the tyrannical regime you are, in unison, with you ravenous insects being the lone people against us.

Depends on your point of view. The Soviets did many horrible things in order to establish a revolutionary system and survive in a world that had turned on them. America has done many horrible things to be richer, despite already being the richest and most powerful nation on earth.

>thread made already

is multiple better???

This. Except there wasn't really anything wrong with how the Soviets ruled their empire, most of their "deaths" are (((fabrications))) from Jewish lore. America in the meanwhile is close to 1 trillion deaths worldwide from their tyrannical imperial regime. Just read more like you have.

Stalin would withhold food to watch millions die for the lulz. There's no humanity east of finland or west of norway.

You are the shittiest posters on Sup Forums and by extension Sup Forums if flag boards are any suggestion.

>implying America doesn't do this right now
Why do you think the poorest regions in the inner cities lack food or money to buy food?

here are 4 more threads for you

I mean, come on dude, did America ever do anything as bad as, say, the Holodomor? Even during the Cold War, during the time of MK Ultra and Agent Orange, we didn't get anywhere near that fucked up.


>Trying to explain & justify yourself
>to some retarded Swedish shitstain of all irrelevant nations

Stop being a cuckboi pls

They forgot to collect their foodstamps?

It is pretty fucked up when Flint, Michigan has poisonous water and the rest of the country is like "lol that's your problem buddy". What's the point of being #1 if you still have to treat your own people like that?

The issue was still just food and basic survival. Who gets to live because you say climate change isn't real? It's just pure greed for the sense of being greedy, the worst aspect of capitalism.

cause americans are fucking retarded

>he still thinks Holodomor was real

That's been debunked hundreds of times. Here, now let me re-educate you.

After the October Revolution of 1917 brought a communist government to power in Russia, and the fighting of the Russian Civil War had stopped, Vladimir Lenin had a tough decision to make. During the Civil War he had followed a form of communism that introduced exciting new labor laws, such as the decree that anyone going out on strike would be shot, but this had been rather bad for the economy.

So, bowing slightly to reality, Lenin introduced the "New Economic Policy," in which capitalism and private property was allowed on a small scale while the government kept control of the larger industries. Specifically, the farmers of the USSR, from the peasants working small holdings to the kulaks who held larger farms, were able to keep their farms running as usual.

But then in came Stalin, who was a little less willing in that regard. He decided to scrap the New Economic Policy and shove the agricultural situation closer to Marx's ideal by collectivizing all the farms; never mind that the peasants themselves considered this an effective return to feudalism.

This entailed reclassifying the kulaks as "class-traitors" because their farms were a little too big, and stopping the kulaks from farming while concurrently importing for farm work large numbers of industrial workers (the so-called "twenty-five-thousanders") who knew squat about agriculture.

you have to chill with your foreign policies

No desu. Middle Easterners, and even some Europeans are dispensable if it means securing an Americentric world order.

What you talking about? All love USA. Why you think so many people want live in USA?

Jesus Christ, i'm dying. i ate something bad.

More people want to live in China and in Canada, France, or in Germany every day compared to America here.

Who, muslims?
you are one, aren't you?

In a million years I'd never move to Canada.

Good. We don't need any more Somalis in Toronto anyway. They ruined Canada for me desu.

They'll keep coming because they're strapped for choices. Nobody wants to live there, not really.

What do you mean? America is still the top immigration destination in the world

He's a muzzie or not American, he posts stupid shit here all the time