Why do millennials care about diversity so much?
Why do millennials care about diversity so much?
Because America isn't White anymore.
Am I wrong for being a millennial that hates forced diversity. I'm not white, but I don't care who I meet really as long as their fun, entertaining, good, and a person that can actually take a fucking joke.
Leftist schooling.
No, just a normie. youtube.com
Theodor W. Adorno · György Lukács · Max Horkheimer Walter Benjamin
Erich Fromm · Friedrich Pollock
Leo Löwenthal · Jürgen Habermas
Alfred Schmidt · Axel Honneth Siegfried Kracauer
Because boomers did and decided to force it on their children and grandchildren.
No really, this forced diversity stuff is pretty annoying
because they don't browse Sup Forums
I always think of this when I hear about "diversity".
Majority of millennials are multi racial or are in a relationship with someone from another race
They've been brainwashed their whole lives to do so.
because we've been told all our lives growing up that diversity is good and important. We've never been told why, only to accept diversity as a good thing with no questions asked.
Look at any company, they all say "diversity is our strength". Look at any school, they say "diversity is our strength". We've been brainwashed into accepting it without even knowing what is good about it.
Just ask a millennial why diversity is good. They'll say something like "it's good" or "it makes things better" but they won't tell you why.
Most people I know are very xenophobic.
Just not openly.
because they're racists and havent read "The Closing of the American Mind"
also because they don't think how the world could be if we promoted UNITY over DIVERSITY. Posted that on my liberal college YikYak today, really made them think.
because the Jewish Frankfurt school finished its run through the institutions.
Media & education system is controlled by Jewish anti whites now, telling millennials what to think
lol no
They are told/think it makes them look better in the eyes of their peers. Everybody needs a fucking social life apparently, cant have hard opinions or anything.
My generation sucks so hard its not even funny. Thanks to you fucks and all the other amerifaggots that have utterly obliterated this countries reputation in the world. Germany and Germans will never accept me as their own. Ever. Fuck you hat
They actually don't, they just pretend they do for social cred. It's the same reason people protest or support movements via twitter or Facebook, it's not because they actually care about what they are protesting/supporting, it's because they want to display a certain public appearance to their peers.
Like the whole Invisible Children/KONY2012 fiasco, most of the people who 'supported' it probably couldn't even find Uganda on a map.
Sowell is so based.
the whites love diversity. they actually complain if they see "too" many white people
It's because diversity is expensive.
*viciously rubs hands together*
oh god... its for the shekels isn't it?
I don't.
its referred to as virtue signaling
I honestly don't even see the benefit of diversity. The only arguments I hear are "but it's so cultural" and shit like that, as if that constitutes a good argument.
Nobody really supports it we just keep our mouths shut and think evil thoughts.
Because traditional culture has been deemed "racist" or "backwards" and now must be replaced by actual backwards and racist cultures.
Yep. They desperately don't want to appear on the wrong side of history. And they don't want to be associated with anything on the wrong side of history, so when they see too many white people in a picture, they immediately begin to panic.
Beacuse it's a social norm for them. Being not accepting to something that is different is just "feels them weird" like a tabu.
Social status, virtue signaling, muh feelings, white guilt, Ivory Tower syndrome, Stockholm Syndrome, hashtags, platitude bracelets, cuckoldry, boredom, spite against their parents, Marxist brainwashing, fear of being called racist, the list goes on.
you fuck nasty racists! dIVERSITY is good and sometim you vote beernie dandarz but no not much god do an why not wit human.
because they cant come to terms with the fact that most of them are just as racist as us
Thank you, I knew there was probably a term for it but I didn't know what it was.
Are you some aging hippie that's never seen a millennial ? We like individuals but most non-whites as a group are just TOO much.
1. Raised to be weak, want to be strong, & diversity is "our" strength.
2. Half of them are diverse (i.e. brown of hair, eye, and skin).
I understood it once. I think it is cathartic for people because it is paradoxical--Diversity is a triumph in and of itself because otherwise diversity means war, disagreement, discomfort.
The death of pride and national identity seems to have a lot to do with it. When you don't identify with the collective, you don't mind letting a bunch of people as your ingroup preference mechanism has been turned off. Possibly for good.
Pic related, searched "millennials" and found this.
>Originally (((Löwinger)))
The only benefit of diversity I've found is cuisine. Asians, Mexicans, and Indians sure know how to use spices, and food from New Orleans is pretty damn delicious.
Oh yes they can. Repeat after me: "Only white people can be racist".
That's because a lot of millenials are fucking spics in america.
I think you misread my post. I'm also a millennial—I used "they" to describe the millennials who panic when they see too many white people in a picture.
Can someone explain to me what a millennial is? Like what time frame are we talking here? I'm 24 right now and honestly curious because I see the term thrown around quite a bit.
As for forced diversity, it's the biggest pile of shit ever. Especially in regards to companies having to do with IT. White people turned down for the job because the company already met their quota of whites. People of color getting benefits and such excuse of their skin color, nothing more.
What has diversity truly brought? I figured it was started to show that color isn't an issue any more etc. But now it seems like we're just pandering to those who aren't white.
because they can score virtue points
you don't mind letting a bunch of people in*, rather
The article for those curious. Recent too, posted today in fact, and only 1/3 of millennials consider themselves proud to be Americans.
Idk about you but ive been having diversity shoved in my face since kindergarten teachers would pair us up for projects with different races and if there weren't enough minorities you had to do the project alone bc they didn't want to put whites together bc apparently that causes racism
>millennials who panic when they see too many white people in a picture.
Who the fuck are these people? I don't think they exist.
Sure, so import some cooks. Better yet have our cooks study abroad. At any rate that's not an excuse for the Great Replacement.
>Why do millennials care about diversity so much?
I can't speak for all millennials, but I care about diversity because, unlike Sup Forums says, foreign girls are hot.
I'm reading Ann Coulter's "Adios, America" right now, and it's pretty interesting. It would be a good book to help red-pill someone lightly.
In particular, she talks about the 1965 immigration act, which is crucial to understanding this whole thing.
Also interesting that she doesn't mention Trump at all (book was before he announced his candidacy). But she criticizes Rubio, Perry, and Jeb for their immigration positions.
Her positions are almost exactly the same as Trump's. I wouldn't be surprised if he's read the book.
bug eyed tranny desu
>At any rate that's not an excuse for the Great Replacement.
If you don't to live in China your a bigot.
White millenials who probably panicked when they saw too many white people in their picture.
he has. it was a major influence on him.
1. To piss off mommy and daddy
2. They haven't been around niggers for an extended amount of time
3. They are told bullshit 'facts' like it helps the economy, makes businesses run better, and makes a nation more healthy (all of it disproven about a million times over).
Mostly, number 1 though.
Because we are no longer shut in as a society and a country and people can more easily see through racist bullshit. A higher overall standard of education paired with an epochal level of information sharing and interconnectedness has removed many of the perceived barriers from one culture to the next. "Brown people are bad" just doesn't appeal to someone who can rationally think about issues.
I believe it, just want to know for sure. I'm reading the book, and it's like listening to a Trump speech in a lot of places.
Huffpost is kike garbage who cares what they think?
I'm going with what others are saying and blaming the schools and how organizations push for diversity. I honestly don't care as long as you are competent and a nice person. Diversity for the sake of diversity is stupid though since it undermines the diverse people you want as trophies instead of people. It has it's pros and cons like anything, too little or too much can harm sometimes.
>Like what time frame are we talking here?
Being born somewhere between 1980 and 2000, depending on who you ask.
One gender, almost exclusively white, and claiming to be progressive and promote diversity.
Although, to be fair, that image explains exactly why the huffington post is such a shit news source.
Because it's what women want. And if women demand something, a hoard of beta worshippers then demand it too until it happens. Then if it fails, they can blame the people that put that law in place, usually old white men.
Its the perfect system.
because they're taught they're born racist
diversity = not racist
glad I didn't bought their garbage dlc.
What a way to shit on a good character, it wasn't enough for her to be gay she had to have a nignog gf. 2 in 1 to piss the racists
Because most of these faggots grew up watching the daily show and never outgrew it. They went to college and got immersed with muh diversity muh gender gap muh patriarchy muh white privelage muh systemic racism black ppl dindu nuffin. Also many of them are extremely naive and assume they just know better than those older than them despite having a fraction of the life experience.
I don't think I've met really anyone under the age of 26 who isn't a blue pilled faggot.
But mostly I blame the sjw hostile takeover of academia.
Here's this:
>Via e-mail, Coulter told me that Trump had “asked for, and received, an advance copy of my book, and he told me. . . that he’s read the book cover to cover.” She emphasized that Trump has “been talking about immigration for years. . . he didn’t get his ideas from me. He had them. My book supports his ideas.”
I think there's an Elephant in the room that people in general want to ignore: The Internet has fucked up Millennials' brains.
>access to soooo much information!
>instant communication and ~~connectivity~~
>availability over ownership, usability and access number 1 priority.
Yes, there is a HUGE amount of information available, however Millennials' also take less time making judgments using information available. i.e. Millennials' will almost always take the path of least resistance when forming a judgment; The first available bit of information; The information that conforms to their biases.
Millennials EXPECT instant answers from each other, no matter how difficult, complex, new or novel the question. And if the answer is not delivered immediately and strongly, it's rejected. It's just unrealistic.
Availability of information is dictated by those with money. Not only are we manipulated by WHAT information comes into our spheres, we are manipulated on how we can respond to and react to that information due to UI/UX.
Opinions have the potential to be stored perpetually and associated with a person's identity which pushes people to extremes to hinders their ability to free discourse.
Why? I have Paella nearly once a week or two. Spanish immigration here is next to zero.
We have the internet now.
Vancouverite: Wow there are, like, no houses. We need to build more housing units! Quick, raise taxes so we can subsidize shitty apartments for the 0.01% of the population that we can afford to buy them for!
Red-pilled Vancouverite: all the houses have been bought up by rich Chinese people. And you want to let in, like, 100x more of them next year, than we'll be able to build housing for in the next 10 years.
Vancouverite: RAAAYYYCISSS!!!!
if youre extremely proud of your nationality youre a retard. just saying
I won't fight tooth and nail for it but I don't think diversity is necessarily a bad thing. All kinds of things in the 80's were much more diverse than they are now. I don't understand it.
I am a 19 year old Catalan millenial
I went to a Catholic high school and +90% of people in my class were virgins at graduation and we actually bullied the only black girl in class (an adopted girl from India, those that are really dark)
They dont. They just wanna make the world brown. There's no diversity in everyone being a shitskin. There's far more diversity between white groups than any other racial group.
Whites have always been global minorities since the dawn of time.
>A higher overall standard of education
Dunning-Kruger strikes again.
no he isn't, and the Falklands are not yours.
This too. We're living in times of rampant impulsion.
Come on. They're all over the place.
> Ugh, underrepresentation of people of color!
If a company photo has too many white people, they get anxious. If an ad as too many white people, they get anxious. If a picture of any sort of gathering has too many white people, they get anxious.
Social media.
It's taught all young people that it's more important to be popular than stand up for anything meaningful. Follow the crowd and you will be liked.
t. nigger from a third world country
jesus must be proud of you
>Implying being annoyed about forced diversity is the same as being racist
Someone tell me why diversity isn't a good thing, the door swings both ways.
> inb4 leaf, I despise this multikulti but would like to see the counterargument.
no theyre not ours. but people here are retards because they were educated by a military dictatorship
Only if you're from a shitty country like Argentina, though. Tell me, which is worse: the economic collapse, the Falklands still being British (and wanting to stay that way), or getting made fun of by Chileans?
Because their kids have to grow up and go to school with niggers and spics
>in a relationship
>people here are retards because they were educated by a military dictatorship
Not for the last generation or so. Also: Chile. Try again.
Hmm. Well I was born in 92. Grew up with a dislike of Indian people because our apartment neighbors were smelly, filthy, disgusting beings who had roaches everywhere.
Then a black kid stole my bike
As I got older and we moved out of the neighborhood to a newer nicer one, I noticed something. Our new nice neighborhood was 99% white. Those who weren't "acted white". (Steady jobs, decent people, very little accent but spoke perfect english). As I got older, I associated shit neighborhoods with those who weren't white. To this day I've yet to be proven wrong about that. Mostly black or Spanish neighborhoods are always garbage filled ghettos.
At 24, I've met a bunch of people who were of every walk of life and met great ones. Shit ones. Etc. What I'm trying to say is that being lumped with the diversity freaks is disconcerting because I don't believe in it one bit. But I do however think there a decent people of every skin color. Problem is that the social norm now is to be over the top accepting of non whites BECAUSE they're not white. Bullshit.
>my friend (now former) stopped speaking to me even a little because he found i was a registered republican.
They don't care about having diverse minds, just diverse skin colors.
Millennials who complain about having more diversity live in majority white cities niggers can't afford to live in.
I've never been in any kind of relationship. Women just seem like a waste of time to me, I feel better off without one.
Everyone being shit colored is not diverse. Whites are the only diverse Humans. All the rest are brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin. The same.
the people from THIS generation are educated by the ones that got that malvinas germ in their heads. and politicians are a bunch of pussies that talk even more about it to get the votes
>my friend (now former) stopped speaking to me even a little because he found i was a registered republican.
I'm not even a millenial, but close enough by age. I find I have to present literally all of my political beliefs as off-colour jokes to avoid being totally ostracized.
the electronic jews tell them to
Its a trend, most have no understanding of politics or the world in general.
Also because the spread of flawed data and propaganda has caused people to think that progressive = intelligent, they don't want to be seen as anything but that.
My girlfriend is 21. On the whole she's fairly sensible, has a career & can't stand feminism, etc..
She voted Remain and proceed to jump aboard the "Leave were xenophobic bigots" bandwagon.
...she'll happily do a 'racist' chinese accent when we order takeaway, refuses to join me if I book a holiday to africa on account of it being "too dangerous" (I think she means she doesn't trust Africans) and dislikes Corbyn for being a 'scruffy old man' and not wearing a poppy.
They're all so confused. Their opinions are formed via social media and the internet, rather than experience, and It's all a show.
>society tells me this is the right opinion to have! If I don't have it I'm [insert 'ists and 'isms here]
So far you're not being very convincing that anyone who's proud of their nationality is a retard. Except Argentineans. Since you're evidently not proud, I'll grant that you're marginally-not-a-retard.
>those digits