>black people are the inferior race
kek, how do you anons even say this with a straight face?
And if blacks actually were inferior, then why do so many white women choose black cock?
>black people are the inferior race
kek, how do you anons even say this with a straight face?
And if blacks actually were inferior, then why do so many white women choose black cock?
muh exotic cock
Yeah master race alright
yeah buddy lightweight baby
>You fool! This isn't even my final form.
>Not a manlet
wrong buff black guy. I know, there's so many black guys with perfect bodies it's hard to keep track of them all
because white people could wipe black people off the face of the planet in a year if they wanted
>rofl blacks are superior
>posts pic of black bodybuilder
What is it with Americucks obsession with niggers and their cocks? Is it a insecurity thing or something?
The best mr olympias are white, the niggers just use more steroids and blow there hearts at 40
Except for ronnie, but he is probably immortal
Anyways the biggest most muscular men are white, but having a dark skin tone makes something appear larger, hence why white Olympians get tanned as fuck
Yeah I'm sure the mighty Australian military would wreak havoc.
Or did you forget that the COmmander in Chief of the world's only real military is pic-related?
Die negro
Mister Premature Death from Diuretic Abuse Induced Kidney Failure 2016.
>ape grows muscles
>thinks muscles makes him superior
he's got that gross HGH gut, looks all deformed
>how even say this
I think it pertains mostly to intellectual and innovative capacity. White women do all sorts of things, but desirable women of any race don't go in for that sort of thing. I'm not saying you have no chance, I'm just saying your mentality is f disgusting
both inferior to white men
Pretty sure you wouldn't look like that if you took all the hgh in the world
In real life, you'll find that most girls don't like black guys. Try dating, you fucking shut-ins.
would girls flock to him though
Phil Heath is 5' 7".
Arnold Schwarzenegger was 6' 3" when he won Mr. Olympia.
More often than when they flock to you which is never.
so where is his cock
if they're so superior, then why do they have no culture? why does the black "community" sell eachother out and throw eachother under the bus?
in your wife's anus
It probably looks something like this
Phil Heath is a manlet.
I'm a big guy user, and I do power lifting and calisthenics (and alot of ab vacuums) specifically so I will never look anything like that. Its gross, it functions poorly and its a miserable lifestyle.
>black masculinity
>lifting to get bitches
You lift for yourself faggot not for pussy.
There are 1 trillion pictures on blacked.com for you to sabe in your HD, no reason to make shitty photoshop.
true, but they look like that after they cut weight and spray tan.
>Hurr durr look at dis strong negro
So? Have negroes ever achieved anything remotely close to the majesty achieved by Europeans? Obviously not. The best of their civilizations were influenced by snackbar raiders from Arabia. The most advanced purely negro cultures, such as the Zulus, were primitive tribesmen who were absolutely decimated by small bands of Dutchmen with advanced weaponry.
>B-but... muh dik
Coalburners exist. Every now and again, the unfortunate moment comes when a legitimately pretty white girl begins fucking niggers. However, the majority of coalburners are trashy, genetic refuse. I, for one, always see niggers (on the internet and in person) bawwing about "why does white girls be so rayciss n dont like me cuz im black n sheeit." Coal burners are the minority (in most Western nations anyway). There are filthy whores who unfortunately exist that do lie with groids, but they are relatively insignificant in number and the majority of that minority are worthless, disgusting harlots undeserving of a white husband anyway.
Nice try, Tyrese.
>And if blacks actually were inferior, then why do so many white women choose black cock?
What is "White Guilt"? Social status = I'm not a "RACIST". Niggers also tend to be "bad boys" and scare white women. Some do it for the thrill of danger. Some just want to hurt daddy.
>blow their hearts
Do they really?
Does more testosterone really impact the heart muscles and left ventricular function?
I know androgen does because the heart has androgen receptors
>And if blacks actually were inferior, then why do so many white women choose black cock?
the white men are watching anime and talking about libertarian theory
>>ape grows muscles
>>thinks muscles makes him superior
that's right goyim
There's your evidence my friend.
Hgh can double the weight of the heart in a couple heavy cycles, hgh guy (aka palumboism) is caused by the internal organs growing due to hgh abuse and pushing out, giving a pregnant appearence. It is also caused in part by the muscles underneath the abs growing due to hgh.
If you ever see anybody that looks cut with a big gut, or that has abs that seem far spaced, they are abusing hgh.
Fun fact, rich piana used to have a shoe size of 11, now he wears 15's
How can this man even have the audacity to enter a competition, he looks fucking disgusting.
>hating big lenny