39 years old

>39 years old
>doesn't have a girlfriend

I wonder why...

Other urls found in this thread:


He strikes me as a guy who has 17 girls on call whenever he needs them.

Is he a subhuman psychopath like you, Jason?


I'm pretty sure he can fuck just about any girl he wants senpai, he just doesn't advertise it

He bangs bare black women, he's awoke af, doesn't need to follow hollywoods ideal and does what he wants


holy shit, didn't notice up until now


Yes, because all rich, famous bachelors are just dying to settle down and give it all up for one, single, solitary pussy.

he and vikander isn't together anymore? was it just a publicly relationship for their movie?

Tom Cruise hasn't had a gf in 10 years...

d'awwww hunky man wants a cuddle

>He strikes me as a guy who has 17 girls on call whenever he wants them.


He's the definition of a manchild, just like Leonardo DiCaprio.

>Me? I want to COLONIZE the world

Because he beats them.

Michael Fassbender is a German guy who likes banging black girls

Why wasn't he cast as the lead in this pic^ instead of George McKay?!

He too old to play Hitlerjugend

The Gengis Khan of The 21St century, spreading his genes to the black elite

It would be way hotter if the White man was an S.S. Officer anyways


How many messages from hot chicks does he get per day?


Hilarious he's supposedly half german, yet looks 100% mick. Truly the german half was GAEL'd

He's a cunt. He was bullied a lot in school and still has a chip in his shoulder.
t. Killarneyfag

Top tier black women, only the rumored ones are ugly. Also he's banging Alicia Vikander for quite a while.

I doubt he gives out his phone number so he doesnt get spammed by journalists and mentalists

Says here that his fathers side is German

Really makes you think

I honestly don't know if his phenotype is looks Irish, but in terms of hair color he's orangy-red all over. Wreaks of the ones who managed to escape Anglo rule

>doesn't know that the Irish side is from NORTHERN Ireland
His blood is that of the Anglo ruled Garlics -- yes I meant to spell it that way

Northern Irish are either Irish, Scottish or Irish protestants LARPing as Dutchmen. There are almost no anglos.

Good. He's making something with his life unlike you drunken bastards

Trump is an example of a similar ethnic admixture (Scottish mother-German father) with opposite results. He looks just like his dad. To the point where it seems his dad was an hermaphrodite had sex with himself

Someone give this guy a prize plz

Do you think Trump used to yank his Dad's arms like he does with other people, or was he Fred's bitch?

I just read that as fASSbENDER

Is he working his way through all the different astrological signs?




wtf i love black women now!

>anybody I don't like
>the same meme race as I think I'm

>t potatonigger
I'm AZN though


Singlephobic detected!

isn't assbender in a relationship with alicia vikander? pretty sure he is.

The older single person is never in a position to laugh at a couple in a good relationship.

Red hair means he's a Viking rape baby

>Sup Forums tries to explain genetics

This is the surname of the one member of ZZ Top who does not have facial hair.

fassbender is a king of this board

But that's the truth
vikings were the superior race after all

Nah m8, the same group migrated from northern Germany to Scandinavia. Northern Germans are legit redheads. I'm a true ginger, and I'm 100% Scandinavian/North German. My body makes its own vitamin D. True genetic superiority.

Norse admixture is very rare in Ireland. The Norse-Gael rape babies were mostly from slaves that were taken to Iceland/Faroe Islands.

God-tier beard

Michael "I Take It Black" Fassbender

Fassbender? No way, good looking People get NEVER bullied. I was a bully victim and I was ugly as fuck, an asymmetric fat child, everyone who looked good as child could behave like the dumbest retard and was beloved by everyone.


i think he said he was fat as young

I got bullied, but puberty hit late for me and did me a good one, but the damage was already done.


Got a serious case of Jungle fever, doesn't he?

I'm the same

lmao vikings are gay and retarded. when faced with a formidable force they run away, cowards and cucks just like modern scandinavians.

Ah, okay, that's another thing. Henry Cavill said he was also bullied and had the Name "Fat Cavill".

>when faced with a formidable force they run away
not always. sometimes they just get killed instead of running away.


according to avclub it's racist to prefer black women


has always been common t b h

>last name Fassbender
>supposedly half german

>guyz, we're not heavily armored nor equipped to take on this newly arrived and fully loaded army
>we could just get on the boats and go rape/pillage/settle elsewhere
>or we could die n shit

Gee user I bet you were god at Age of Empires

Not to mention he has a square-shaped head


i know you guys are dumb but wew

That atrocious hairline, obviously

>39 years old
>caring about hairline

embarrassing post

It's not that he doesn't have a girlfriend.

It's just that he knows a woman (or perhaps even more than 1 woman) who would get really angry if he said this.

Do you guys think Tom Cruise has sex or what?

true colonizer, folows the stars' path

So I guess this is the penance the kikes make you pay if you have aryan genes and want to make it in hollywood

Lots of black pussy? Sounds fair t b h

he went deep method into his role as Epps and never came back

Because he is a social reject who spends all his time on the internet?

How can one man be so based?


Top kek



Pick one.

I see their drivel posted here all the time

Are they any good?

Can't wait to watch that film about the German guy fucking the black girl.

I wonder who was best in bed

looks like his dad is yanking his arm. when trump does his wired hand shake now, his hand is underneath, but in that pic its on top

He's a professional BLEACHER desu

Sodomy reference?

Don't worry man, most white women have been blacked, and most black women have been bleached. The point to take away is that women are whores.

I'd say Fred cause he's the one pulling in the pic

>Michael "I MASS IN BLACK ASS" Fassbender
