ITT: Behind the Scenes Footage

ITT: Behind the Scenes Footage

This is footage of the producers and director of the bizarre film Tiptoes (the movie with Gary Oldman as a midget) buying hookers while on set, possibly using the film's budget.

Other urls found in this thread:

I love, love, love the BTS stuff that came with the LOTR extended editions. I watched those more than once.


>watch movie
>watch extras
>watch movie with crew commentary
>watch movie with cast commentary
>move on to the next film
It honestly does not get comfier.

watching some of the set footage was creepy. the guy kept zooming on kate's lower back tat and just seemed to be stalking her in general.

also from the way kate and matthew were talking when they weren't being filmed it seemed like they definitely fucked.

>so much content that at acertain point it feels like you're part of the crew.
Those extras were truly special. Does anytging else compare? Do the Hobbit movies at least have good extras?

Hearts of Darkness is almost as good as Apocalypse Now
Burden of Dreams is better than Fitzcarraldo

>buying hookers

Lead actors almost always sleep together. Working on a movie involves being away from home for extended periods of time and that time is then spent with another person, and you and that person do your best to get an emotional connection. Fucking is inevitable with a job that is so strongly based around getting personal chemistry, connection, and emotions. Actors are paid to fall in love with each other.

>he only rents hookers
Fool, you get your money's worth after only two months of daily fucking.

Ostensibly being in love is their job.

What Youtube/Internet show was this mentioned on recently to get all your spurgs so excited about it?

These memelords weren't even born when this meme first surfaced

That's one of those things that you know exist but when you finally see it it's so much more disturbing than expected.


Waifus is a helluva drug
also are you the guy who talked to him in the last pic's comments?

No, but I talked to him on his other profile:


>Sheev Pavel

