WTF was that?

WTF was that?
War it's a pointless mass murder by itself, but what happened in SPR just doesn't make any sense to me.

Other urls found in this thread:

Band of Brothers was much better

>tfw you're a history buff and you have to sit through a 25 min battle scene where German Waffen SS troops die by the Dozen and make amateur mistakes like sending open top Marder III tank-destroyers into urban combat just so Spielberg can show nazis get MOLOTOV'D
>They're soldiers from the elite 2nd SS "Das Reich" Panzer Division no less

saving millions of innocent civilians from mass extermination was pointless?

>War it's a pointless mass murder by itself
You're on /tvpol/, war is glorious and dying in one is the ultimate sacrifice to save the white race. Women could never understand honor. Only a skinnyfat virgin neckbeard can

To be fair they were fighting 101St Airborne and Army Rangers, not just random grunts

>"allies fought to save the white race"

Tom Sizemore in this movie is always the first thing I think of whenever the US army in WW2 is mentioned. IDK why. Maybe he should be proto-soldier for the clone army.

It's easily his best performance ever

his comment was clearly not meant to be taken seriously you smug fuck

-part 2
>follow that up with Band of Brothers
>is better for the first 2 episodes -- easy company indeed did FREEDOM the shit out of the second rate German artillery men
>episode 3:"Carentan" - Makes it look like Easy and Dog companies took carentan in a brief battle against German Paratroopers with minimal losses while mailing the Enemy. In reality? It took several days to take Carentan and a German bayonet attack nearly recaptured the whole town
>Frequently shows elite Fallschirmjagers and Waffen SS taking higher casualties and the 101st taking lower casualties than what actually happens

>in the Battle of Nuenen--shown in ep 4--(((Spielberg-Hanks))) get the part of the Brits taking 4 tank losses and Americans suffering 4 killed/11 wounded right, but they exaggerate German losses. They show Gerry lose a half-track and at least a dozen men when in reality they lost only 2 men and no vehicles

Research this stuff yourself senpai

SPR plus Black Hawk Down

To be fair SS units were amateurs, they were politically reliable, that's why they got the best gear.

The movie specified the 2nd SS as the unit they were fighting.
They penetrated the deepest of all German divisions at Kursk, had the top scoring Panzer regiment of all the W-SS divisions, and the most Knights Crosses awarded of ALL German divisions

Just in case the autists needed someone to point it out...I was there to oblige

American Propaganda

Not after the beating they took there, by the time the returned to their garrison in France, they were comprised mostly of foreigners pressed into service.

>War it's a pointless mass murder by itself

By 1944 the SS certanly weren't amateurs, at least the Germanic divisions weren't.

The film is just a generic war movie, it was revolutionary because it pioneered the approach of making pro war propaganda under the disguise of gritty anti-war aesthetic.

>they were comprised mostly of foreigners pressed into service.

No they weren't.
You're think of the 17th SS Panzer-Grenadier "Gotz Von Berlichingen" that was made up of Ost-Deutche/ethnic Germans from Transylvania. The Das Reich division was recruited men exclusively from Germany

You're thinking* of the 17th SS

the Das Reich division only* recruited

Forgive me m8 for the two f ups

They did. Rhine Niggers aren't white.

Don't forget Heat..This isn't the exact quote his character says but,

>Hey slick, see that shit coming out of their ears, they CAN'T FUCKING HEAR YOU.

the eternal Anglo strikes again because of his jealousy that bad-teeth make him considered non-white

huh, guess I got it wrong, thx user(s)

Shit was ridiculous, like Keystone Cops tier shit. What was up with that Waffen SS guy running into the river doing the battle at the bridge? Or that exposed 20mm? Laughable.

Wew lad

>101st airborne
>Green unit, Normandy 1944 was the first time they fought

>Das Reich
>Been killing Slavs, Dutch and Frogs since 1939
>Get fucking plugged in the movie

Normally I wouldn't use Wikipedia for a source but there isn't much written about the Battle of Nuenen so I did use it in this case.

Under "History" sub-heading
>"The British lost two tanks, and four American and three British soldiers were killed. The Germans suffered two killed."

So I was wrong about British tank losses--they were lower-- but right about German losses being only 2 and the British lost 3 soldiers. Interesting how the 4th episode of BoB doesn't even show British infantry taking part.

WTF was that?
Talking with aliens is a pointless process by itself, but what happened in A just doesn't make any sense to me.


minimal losses while *mauling the

Fuck my spelling

that jew or upham shouldve died in the beginning instead of vin diesel baka

WTF was that?
Crashing a plane it's a pointless fire rising by itself, but what happened in TDKR just doesn't make any sense to me.

at the time it was the goriest most brutal and visceral depiction of war ever captured on film. it hasn't aged well because every war film made after it was just as gruesome if not more (with cg blood no less. kek) you had to be there in the theater back in 1998. shook everybody up. even ww2 vets broke down during the normandy invasion scene and mentioned how realistic it was. it's a great antiwar film period

what are my sources for digging deeper into specific units histories? most stuff is pretty vague on smaller more accurate accounting of battles.

just look for books that flat out say they are about a particular div

This is a good one for example.

Sometimes though you just comb the web for this stuff though

neat, will do.

The das Reich division took a huge pounding from allied planes on the way to Normandy though its also possible they had more replacements in order to make up for the losses suffered in the east. But this was a rah rah war film so what can we expect.

>Hanks firing a submachine gun into the Tiger's viewport
>Viewports not having thick, protective ballistics grade glass to protect the driver
Pathetic (((Spielberg)))

couldve been worse


>tfw both sides used the same tanks in that film
It's a really good film but my history autism was triggered the entire time.

When will we get a WWII Navy kino about the HMS Glorious aircraft carrier getting REICH'D by the German battle-cruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau?

>The Patton tank in a movie about Patton

Wtf I love Hitler now.

What is WWII?

Can I get a quick rundown?

Maybe he should've gotten cozy with the bongs first.

After the first 30 minutes the movie is absurd, pointless and historically inaccurate.

The mission may as well been to kidnap Hitler's dog or something

Spielberg turned it into propaganda.


Alt-right seized power in Germany and invaded a bunch of countries but got btfo when America joined.


>sacrificing like 5 lives to save a dude nobody knows to bring him home to his mother because muh family
Was it worth it you fucks?

He need to be sent home to carry on the family name

((((((((((((((((((((((They))))))))))))))))))))))))) have brainwashed you to believe that

At the cost of 8 guys?

WTF was that?
Sup Forums it's a pointless mass autist by itself, but what happend in OP post just doesn't make any sense to me.

Those 8 guys were not worthy to carry their family names: aRyan

they held a key strategic point and fended off german troops in time for reinforcements to arrive. what dont you understand?

All war movies are already propaganda.