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hola reddit
>WB: You wanna make a Batman movie?
>Reeves: Sure, I'd love to
>WB: Great! Here's the script
>Reeves: On second thought...
Why is it so god damn hard to make a new Batman movie? Is not like they have a track record of being excellent.
meanwhile at DC cuck land,
>Im not Upset, Everythings okay, thats fine, nothings wrong, its all good, hahahah fuck reeves, ZACK IS GOD LET HIM DIRECT HAHAHAHHAHAA,
Everything is Okay........... FUCK MARVEL
He has a CamCam statue.
>Congrats on being chosen to direct this movie for our very special and original DC Cinematic Universe (tm). Now what we'd like you to do...
>Uh, I have some ideas
What if the shitskin is right? What if the issue is that Matt Reeves was so disgusted by Ben Affleck's script that he turned the job away? Would that kill Ben Affleck? I'm a big fan of the muslim apologist killing himself.
lmao. probably what happened. If only studio execs at WB would learn from their meddling in their last 2 films
Means Ridley Scott is on board
The problem with BVS was not enough studio meddling
>this is the position DCucks have been forced to adopt
How is this news?
Do you deny that not letting Snyder implement his retard ideas would have been good?
Isn't he working on the apes franchise?
Goddamit this is a trainwreck
Fuck you WB
Fuck you in the ass
What a shitshow, just scrap it altogether.
Why do nerds rage the absolute most in terms of every moviegoing demographic?
I cant wait to read this:
could a CIA cameo salvage the DCEU?
Because they care too much.
CIA could save anything, but he could not save his own life.
If that happens I will literally laugh so hard I die.
Got the early makings of a fine tagline there
>3 shit movies
>Still decide to go on
What did DC mean by this?
>CIA could save anything, but he could not save his own life
so... CIA is basically Jesus?
I have a feeling DC wants a humorous Iron Man type movie. That shit doesn't really work for Batman unless you go straight up goofy like the 60s tv show. Plus it would feel weird after the serious tone of BvS.
They already tried that with Green Lantern
>His job was to save people
>"Come with me if you want to live."
>Until one day
>"Mr Wilson, I'm sorry for the wait. The results came back negative. I'm sorry."
>His entire world
>"It's lung cancer. You have approximately six months to live.'
>was turned upside down
>"I should have worn your mask, Bane." *coughs*
>"You will get through this."
>"What makes you say that?" *spits blood*
>"You're a big guy."
>"For you." *hugs*
>This summer
>"You gotta be kidding me."
>"The Agency can't have a lung cancer patient on its payroll, Mr Wilson."
>"This Agency is my life! I made it what it is today!"
>"Please escort Mr Wilson... and his wheelchair *evil chuckle* off the premises."
>"Please don't do this! Please!"
>Comes a heartwrenching tale, of one man's struggle to find...
>"Alright Bill, here's your hat."
>"Welcome to Burger Duck, may I *cough* take your order?"
>But this ain't the CIA
>"You like working here, Bill?"
>"Then why don't you get down on your knee?"
>To what lengths
>"Come on, Billy."
>Would you go to keep your low minimum wage job?
>Idris Elba is
>"If I suck your big white cock I keep my job?"
>The Black Ops Guy
>Also starring Aiden Gillen as his friend Bane
>Coming Soon
ben affleck doesn't want to direct it, and neither does Matt Reeves. Obviously, there is something fucky going on with the script or with the studio.
If those directors won't touch it, you can bet no other self respecting director will as well. They're going to settle for some C-List director like a David Ayer or something.
>look at me
>i am the bane now
>>Comes a heartwrenching tale, of one man's struggle to find...
>>"Alright Bill, here's your hat."
I lol'd
What can be so wrong with this script that no one wants to touch it?
WB will now offer Darren Aronofsky a boatload of dough to direct. They need a prestige director at this point. Neil Blompkamp, Mel Gibson, Paul Thomas Anderson prob in mix.
He made District 9 and was attached to a Alien movie that seems to be in production hell until Prometheus 2 is out and done with. What else?
why cant dc do this right? why are they fucking up so bad?
Because Batman's character is a hot mess full of conflicting mythos. The only reason Nolan's Batman movies did so well is because they let the character stay forgotten for almost a decade before starting over. A decade for your average normy movie goer is a fucking lifetime.
Wow, you're actually correct.
>Neil Blompkamp
That would cause fags to make Matt Damon rumors.
>why cant dc do this right? why are they fucking up so bad?
more like nolan is an actual competent director instead of zack "the hack" snyder.
>giving the reigns of your literal billion dollar project to the guy that made sucker punch
holy fuck, it's over
DC movies have only ever gotten acclaim/respect when Richard Donner, Burton and Nolan were involved, the rest were mixed at best reception. Hell, even Singer's superman movie got some praise
His vision and aesthetic bolsters good will in the geek community; his weakness is scripts, but I can see him being their safety choice.
I do wonder if Gibson doesn't take this gig instead of Suicide Squad 2. Or both.
It's insane, unprecedented, that 'Justice League' hasn't even come out, and WB is weighing leaving that vision behind. I could give af but I hate that Wonder Woman actress's entitlement and this could kill her "career."
In br they ask Jonathan Nolan to direct it.
It would be top kek
From the brother of director of The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises, The Batman
DC need to bring in their animation department
Dig up Timm and all those on JL and Bas and sas
Timeskip after Justice league unless reboot. And have wacky and wild adventures on the watch tower.
studios line up to give him boatloads of money, and the movies he produces are okay at best, and trash at worst. i'll never understand it.
City Scape
Cut to
Low angle
Zoom up to BATMAN
"I am BATMAN, I fight the bad people...I am the best at fighting and have cool gadgets, and I am very clever rich man...But that's secret."
They should've made Bruce timm the lord of this universe, imagine how kino it would be if it were like the animated shows
>justice league
>teen Titans
>static shock
what does that mean? that James Gun started his career making Troma Movies 20 years ago?
I find it kind of funny (I find it kind of sad) that Joel Schumaccer ultimately had more say with Batman Forever than any modern director will with The Batman
Hell, Joel Schumaccer got to have say in the actors that starred, unlike The Batman where you're pretty much locked in and it'd be a passionless job.
BATMAN: I'm very sad, Alfred. I feel the loss of my parents really bad it hurts alot.
ALFRED: Maybe you should stop being a faggot, Batman.
BATMAN: I need to fight the bad people! I have so much yet even with that I cannot make Gotham a nice place for kittens and doggies!
then Batman & Robin happened.
Imagine every comic book movie...Remade by Schumaker.
>Terry Mcginnis is the son of Batman lmao!
Bruce Timm had some bad ideas
This is mostly true, but i would also mention that WB is completely imcompetent with their properties and making movies. Look at their track record for movies. Green lantern, Superman, even the original Batman movies are trash.
The reason Nolans movies are considered the better DC movies are because they are contained within themselves. There was no big universe planned, no bigger characters mentioned (like superman or anyone outside batmans villain roster). It was about 1 version of batman told in above average trilogy. Beginning, middle, end.
Thanks to marvel, EVERY movie has to build up to the next movie. Iron Man is an excellent superhero movie if you completely ignore the after credits bullshit. Guardians of the Galaxy was surprisingly fun and well made, but the worst parts of the movie were the Thanos/infinity stone tie in scenes. And now DC is desperately trying to do the same thing as Marvel after BvS failed to recieve that praise that marvel gets after every movie they release (see the Justice League trailer and tell me they arent trying to attract the Marvel fanbase)
That's not too retarded. Not like Batman fucking Batgirl.
But Batman cucking Robin to get him to leave the roost to become Nightwing is actually a not bad idea
FutureXmDCcomics is the gift that keeps on giving.
It was genetic engineering and Amanda Waller who 'made' Terry into the successor to batman. Some giant conspiracy.
>having statues of girls when you're a virgin
You can practically hear WB execs meeting for drinks and begrudgingly discussing these DC movies, with gloves on. They're like women.
Bravo Nolan does it again!
Movie ends with him subjected to some crazy military experiment and becoming Death Stroke
>Why is it so god damn hard to make a new Batman movie?
Only for the DCEU it is. Nolan can't be the only one who can do grimdark right?
They make money so who cares
>WB will now offer Darren Aronofsky a boatload of dough to direct
M8 have you seen what his concept for Batman Begins was?
Apart from Copley it was shit tho
the state of this one evansposter who didn't get the memo
>muh marvel
>muh marvel
>muh marvel
Nobody forced DC to copy them, they just suck at doing grimdark as opposite to marvel lightheartedness. The irony is them now trying to copy marvel quipcore after falling on their face copying Nolan and failing once more
1 studio. WB. Outside of Dawn of the Dead for Universal, all his movies have happened at WB.
His weakness is premises. The "allegories don't have to be realistic" excuse is wearing thin.
It was probably fine until Live by Night bombed and the execs started meddling.
Aronofsky won't do it with this script though. There going to have to delay the movie so it can be rewritten yet again.
I'm betting they just say fuck it and hire some tv hack who'll do the script as is.
it's not, WB is just full of brainless executives who think they know anything about film who want to interfere literally every step of the way
Dawn of JUSTice
When will we get the Refn Wonder Woman movie with Hendricks ?
Its probably the best conservative sci fi movie since gattaca
literally clickbait fake news
>blompkamp directing batman
>matt damon for the role
>this kills ben
I just don't think WB knows what type of batman movie they want. Maybe they want a detective neo noir style film, or a Arkham style movie, or a Nolan type of batman movie. I think they don't know whether to keep the movie semi realistic in the same vein as the Nolan movies or add all the magical suicide squad shit in it
>making fun of Based Evans for being a liberal
>defends Bin Afflecki for getting triggered by Sam Harris
haven't defended anyone, dopey. Just mocked you for posting a crybaby
>defends Bin Afflecki for getting triggered by Sam Harris
I haven't seen a single soul on Sup Forums do that. Are you new here?