Is season 4 of the 1OO any good so far?
The 100
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you tell me
post the rest, user.
Does she wear the girdle to keep her gut in check while drawing the attention to her tits?
Hey guys if the 1 is my penis and the OO are her breasts, if you know what I'm saying ;)
Season 1+2 are best seasons.
3 was ok.
4 so far is meh.
So far, so good.
So glad I stuck with this show.
I thought it was gonna be bullshit tween crap.
Ended up really pleasantly surprised.
Octavia though... WEEEW yes please.
>Writers kill off a lesbian character so the actress can star in some other show
>the blowback from the gay community is so intense that they have to backpedal into the sun
I don't watch the show, but damn that was amusing
So her tiddies are out of control this season right?
Best series airing right now imo
When are these two going to fugg?
Also this.
>tfw fapping to Eliza when she was in Neighbours
Did season 3 ever recover?
>it's a Clarke it's all your fault episode
This has been going on since the 2nd season so no
Mfw been binging the rest of SE03
Holy fuck is this awful
They literally dropped all the other shitty plothole-ridden subplots and focused entirely on their le grimdark matrix ripoff plot arc at this point
Like seriously it's getting absolutely tedious
It reminds me of TLMOE which became just as awful once it derived from its core premise
>those fucking idiots who died a horrible death cramped in that ""secure"" vault
all my keks
bit chubby
>tfw you'll never die in between those
feels bad