What would happen to you if you decided to wear the One Ring?
What would happen to you if you decided to wear the One Ring?
You become exempt from taxes
you would become indivisible
It would be extremely painful
It would be awesome becoming a wraith if you could keep your sanity.
Why didn't Sauron just get a property insurance for the one ring?
liquidate my assets and go on an The Hobbit™: An Unexpected Journey© (2012): Directors Extended Edition®
You'd become a mindless extension of saurons will
cash flow problems
The Master Ring amplifies the desire lurking in your fëa (soul) so much that it overpowers you and reshapes your very person. These changes are grotesque as they reflect the imbalance of your core desires. So, if you are a Sup Forumstard, you would take on a ghostly pallor. Or if you are a manlet, you would turn invisible.
you're a big guy
Why did Sauron even create the ring to begin with?
With Liberty and justice for all
>you would take on a ghostly pallor
I would like to know more about this.
What if the One Ring was actually a cock ring?
Tax avoidance
You wouldn't be able to wear it then
your finger would turn green where the ring sat
if you wear the ring as lip piercing do you become invisible or just your lip?
Nothing probably. I have no goals or desires.
I'd live deliciously
to control the minds of the other ring wearers
it only worked on the humans. the dwarfs just became more greedy and fucked off to the mines, and the elves took the rings off
if he got the ring back it wouldn't really have any effect on middle earth, he already had an army so a ring isn't going to do jack shit to help him
it expands/shrinks to fit the wearer
>and the elves took the rings off
Except the elf bitch still wears it.
this desu
One day Hollywood will try and remake these films
Because Sauron died
What would happen if an orc or uruk wore the one ring? Would they see it and be like oh shit that's what sauron looking for or would they take it back to Saruman (pre getting ganked) and would they gain a bonus for finding it and would that bonus be tax deductible
The orc/uruk-hai would still be held accountable for the taxable income earned while retrieving and delivering the ring but he might be able to get any reward under $100,000 at a reduced tax rate.
The orcs are probably scared shitless of the lord. They ain't touching that thing.
"Hello, Tom Bombadil. How´s your wife"
"Wife" you do know bombadil kidnapped her and raped her forcing her to be a sex slave right? You do know that right?