Alright, we aren't able to arm ourselves like Americans can. We perfectly understand that.

We can't buy guns easily and the guns on sale are absolutely shit. We can't buy knifes that aren't fucking tiny and ineffective, our government has strung us up by the balls with their firearm legislation.

But there are things that we can do to keep ourselves safe when shit goes down.

Riot gear is very easy to buy in the UK, a quick search on Google will give you sites that are more than happy to sent shit like shin guards, helmets, body armour, shields and much more straight to your home. Just the sight of a man in riot gear with a baseball bat walking down the street is enough to make someone SHIT themselves. Those pakis will be running for the hills when their gang leader gets whacked with a bat with a swastika engraved on it.

To protect your home if you live in an urban shithole, door gates are incredibly easy to buy and install. Just make sure you're buying something that's durable and while you're at it make sure your door is stronger than fucking cardboard, get that shit fixed.

If you can, get some of that ESG glass put in your home. Shit works like magic, reinforce anything you like and you'll be fine.

And one unrelated thing, get some nationalist shit up in your house. Flags, books and such. Looks brilliant and it shows that you're a true patriot.

Other urls found in this thread: shops uk

>inb4 .22

Chapter 13: Good reason to possess a firearm (page 104)
>In general, applicants should be able to demonstrate that they ‘use’ their firearm on a regular, legitimate basis for work, SPORT or LEISURE (including collections or research).

How to obtain firearm
>join gun club
>become regular
>apply for license shops uk

Also, you can easily obtain crossbows.




You deserve it to be honest for dragging us into WW2 to save your cucked ass




Tfw Northern Irish and can get a shotgun and hunting rifles. Also police are armed. Not sure how hard it is to get a gun but its definitely not as strict as the mainland

This glass seems more sturdy britbong

Spread the arms second britbong spread the means of self defense!

Make sure you get riot gear too m8.

Is stocking up on fireworks a good idea?

Gonna pull some Attack The Block shit?

Anything that spooks shitskins is a good idea.

I think you could set a refugee camp on fire really well with this

lmao like how is gun legislation real nigga

like just get 2 bits of pipe lmao

you got staplers right?

just build a stapler gun lmao

shit you niggas can just grab random shit and a bunch of zip ties now you're a real killa


>MI6 shilling intestines



>look at this gun we built
>step 1: buy a gun

Those industrial staplers have quite a large and strong pull required. There has to be a dozen better, just as simple, solutions.

You can cut springs to make them weaker if you're a sissy and can't handle it.

I think a lot of homemade guns use shit like that because getting a working trigger group that won't sporadically go full auto is a bit of a cunt



I think this might be rifling


no 1 cares :(

I'd pay someone to shoot that lol

they're supposed to be pretty solid

Lexan for cars and windows. Nascar approved.


Japan I think



Personally I'd just get some bike gear, kevlar bike jeans don't look very suspect at all, just like big baggy jeans

But how do I know that shit is authentic and not some plastic bullshit?

It probably is plastic bullshit mate, which is why I suggested bike gear since it's actually designed to protect you.

Army surplus stuff like Kevlar helmet and breast plate can be found on army surplus stores I guess.

decent bike gear will protect well enough from stabs and cuts (well enough for you to fuck the other guy up before he fuck you up too much)

This is like the be all end all of high tier nigger rigs

why would a nigger need to make a gun lmao

Maybe it's different in Australia, in southern USA a nigger rig means like a homemade shitty remedy to just barely accomplish a job that the right, standard tool would do because you're poor/lazy

yeah we don't have niggers here

maybe an abo job?

but that's an oxymoron because abos don't have jobs or attempt to fix things

aww, they got confused and ordered the middle guy a white belt instead of a gun


that's a clip bro

Shut up, stop demoralizing dad.


>when their gang leader gets whacked with a bat with a swastika engraved on it

Definatly don't do this.
Wherever you store your weapon make sure it is unadorned with potentially politically agravating language or symbology, and that you have taken the proper steps to ensure that in court you can say justifiably that it is for recreation not violence, ie: keep your baseball bat with a ball, your hockey stick with a puck, smaller skateboards are also a handy yet effective personal weapon.

Don't be a dick about it because the PCs (Politically Corrects) (Police Constables) in this country will generally find any excuse they can to fuck you, dont give them the chance.

Keep a tire iron under your front seat

ooh, la de da

dis bogan cunt tink he betta dan us!

shouldn't you be raping your kids bruddah

Guns are still available right? Get a semi-auto .22 or lever action .357, or a bolt .308

You're at a disadvantage, but it's still a fucking gun.

Fucking do the stupid thingies you have to do, whatever it is. Get a gun, you fuck.

Baseball bats? Riot shields? You're fucking retarded.

I seriously doubt they can own a semi-auto anything but I agree with your general sentiment, I have a few guns, my favorite being a bolt action 30-06

>British law defines a "rifle" as a rifled firearm with a barrel longer than 30 cm (12 in), and a total length longer than 60 cm (24 in) that does not fall under the classification of long-barrelled revolver or pistol. Single-shot, bolt-action, Martini-action, lever-action (also called under-lever action) and revolver rifles and carbines are permitted, with certificate, in any calibre. Self-loading (also known as semi-automatic) or pump-action rifles are only permitted in .22 rimfire calibre.

Godamn our gun laws are Based as fuck.
Set up to ensure the plebs cant own them but that enthusiasts can.
I mean the cost of a gun safe alone rules out your petty criminals from possessing one, and the registration with the local Police force ensures the more successful criminals are excluded aswell.
And theres no way in hell a gun club is going to take in a damn gangsta wannabe.

>only permitted in .22 rimfire calibre
why ban centre fire but not rim? is there some difference beyond the obvious?

Downside of that glass is when a fire breaks out- keeps others out, keeps you in.

power potential, only heat seeking babby killing rounds come in centrefire

>Gun laws

You poor, poor deluded britbongs.

post pics of your nukes or 2a has failed

>tfw filthy shitskin
>this would be the look of her if i asker her out

user, it's called a spring.

You know what happens when a spring is too tough for someone to put pressure on it? They cut it down and stretch it out so it takes less pressure to compress all the way.

Compressed air tanks / bicycle pump not included.

>complaining about the second amendment

Don't you have private property to hand over to the government?

these things are surprisingly effective

so I guess you don't own nukes then which infers the 2a has failed

I know right? Made one once, fired a ball-bearing.

That fucking thing warped the shit out of an inch of steel, and I think it was extremely underpowered for a shed-bred pressure gun.

Low energy aussie-posting. Sad!

>tfw free to multiple semi auto weapons loaded in my house at all times
>tfw legally free to defend myself against anyone who would do me harm or unjustly invade my property, government included
>tfw free

>dragging us into WW2
The japs would have bombed you anyways

>but that's an oxymoron because abos don't have jobs or attempt to fix things


Fucking lol at the shovel handle

yeah yeah you can bear arms gj, but you can't bear nukes so you're not equal to the government, even your post has qualifiers like "semi auto" and is missing qualifiers for things like stand your ground such as "in certain states"

... Why not just use a molotov?

I don't think we can even buy gunpowder here?
How would we even go about getting bullets if we did somehow get guns?

the receiver is made of the same shovel
Guy who build it wouldn't want them to be separated.

get a gun license

>a country nuking itself
implying killing hundreds of thousands of your citizens won't cause the entire population to revolt in all fifty states.

it was just a prank bro

Who says you can't bear nukes? In a non wartime, if a private civilian is willing to put up the money, and go through all the shit any government would have to go though to have a nuke, why can't you? In actual wartime, wtf is stopping the people from making their own? Really, it's not that hard. ISIS had WMDs chemical or otherwise. What's stopping you?

>Who says you can't bear nukes?
non proliferation treaty

>What's stopping you?
the same thing that stops you tying a shoelace around your bolt and trigger and turning a semi auto into a full auto (nothing)

>wtf is stopping the people from making their own? Really, it's not that hard.
How do I make a nuke in my garage for less than £50??

put a butter knife in the microwave

Nothing happened.
Maybe it's because metal butter knives are banned and we only have plastic ones with blades at a maximum length of 3 inches.

another win for common sense assault butter knife laws

one last bump cuz I rarely get to dump my whole folder

It was not in vain, Oz. I appreciated your dump.

rarely? I seen you do it a few times

>my whole folder

>invent a language
>can't comprehend it

you can have that one

so how did the aussie elections go? is left and right wing reversed in the antipodes?

i have a large assault spoon i can send you lads

Harambe will be taking office soon

not sure mate I don't vote

supposedly labor might have a chance of getting in (they want more rapefugees)

how will we get them through customs?


haven't the votes already been counted?

you seem knowledgeable about rooty tooties

why is the sear called that?

Step it us, ausfag.