What was life in the empire like?
For an ordinary citizen.
What was life in the empire like?
Like present day America under dictator Donald Drumpf. Especially if you're an illegal Mexican living on Coruscant.
Great unless you were rebel scum or rebel scum tried to """"liberate"""" your system
Heavy taxes
Probably about the same, maybe a bit worse if you're an able-bodied adult because of the draft. No more expendable clones to fight your wars for you.
Price of cheese very high, booming mask industry
>Remember Alderaaaaaaaa
For the common man it was far better. The fact that the restoration of the old "democracy" is considered reason enough to celebrate it's fall is proof that political analysts only care about the upper and middle classes.
stfu rebel scum
make the galaxy great again
Pretty good desu. Tarking said that they've installed regional governors so the government was decentralized which was a good thing.
Better than a fucking war, Jedi running amok stealing children because MUH FORCE.
Empire kept everyone in check and had order and peace. Fuck the republic.
Just realized how pretty much any argument that the Empire is misunderstood gets thrown out the window when you bring that up. What a PR nightmare that must have been.
Was Alderaan supposed to represent the jews?
Shit, mainly due to the distinct lack of garlic bread
I jerked off to her once when I was like 15
i can't decide ... is this irony or you truely are a demagog lefty bitch
wtf star wars wasn't supposed to be a documentary amerikkka
Don't worry she is not canon anymore, neither your fap.
>not canon
>helicopter lightsabers
Literally everything good about the SW universe is now not canon.
In its place is Sheev and Star Wars: Rebels.
this is so incredible. what on earth were they thinking? how could they believe it was a good idea
I think a lot of that stuff, especially stuff that takes place thousands of years beforehand, can still be considered canon until they come out with material that directly contradicts it.
KotOR? Nothing contradicts it to my knowledge, still canon.
SotE? Nothing contradicts it to my knowledge, still canon.
I think the majority of overruled canon is the stuff that takes place after Jedi and directly before ANH
I remember when sheeveposting started. I hadn't been on Sup Forums in months so I open a star wars thread and every one was calling him that retarded name. Couldn't believe my eyes when I Googled it and I found out it's real
it's obvious irony you retard
Empire apologists will claim that it was the equivalent of bombing a tiny hamlet and that said hamlet was full of terrorists. The deaths of billions were entirely justified to their twisted contrarian mindset.
But it WAS full of terrorists.
We can't all be held accountable for the actions of a crazed lunatic in charge of us. You think Vader or The Emperor would ever be down in the trenches with us? We're the real work force, while they sit in their ivory towers. Some of us are doing good work out here, user.
Alderaan was developing world destroying weapons to use against the Empire. They made some mistakes and blew themselves up. Good riddance, those terrorists and rebels were brewing up hate against the Empire for a long time already. Also Jedha was a mining accident
I bet you believe that dropping the nukes on the japs was unmoral and instead it would be preferable for the US to suffer close to a million casualties
Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.
I like the name. It's like knife that cuts through the rest of the sentence.
>Alderaan was the midde east
>the death star was the world trade center
Really gets the noggin floggin
Good. Good job opportunities in the weapons sector too.
Blowing up Alderaan was the equivalent of blowing up Switzerland. It's retarded.
I wonder how many Stormtroopers had family/friends on Alderaan. Stupid plot.
Is the government off Switzerland secretly terrorists?
>For an ordinary citizen.
Depends on where you lived. If you lived in the interior or Mid-rim, it was pretty good. Lots of people who are favorable of the current regime because it finally put an end to the Clone War. Probably a lot more favorable for the more industrial heavy systems since the constant output of Star Destroyers and light cruisers probably created a shitload of jobs to be had.
In the Outer-rim, it varied even more. The Empire did very little to limit the criminal organizations who had previously flourished because they were beyond the Republic's borders while it was in power, so people being caught and sold into slavery still happened. But on the flip side, the Empire provided security forces to worlds that previously had none to speak of. So common farmers or unguarded communities actually had protection from pirates or even indigenous vicious beasts. Though there was no guarantee that the Empire wouldn't abduct a family in the night for whatever or no reason at all.
The ones who got it worst were probably worlds who were die hard supporters of the Confederacy.
What was the Emperor's tax policy ?
Alderaan was a hotbed of rebel sympathizers.
The epidemic of people who can't get sarcasm seems more like autism than retardation.
they do know white is the worst camouflage in the jungle right?
The common man in the west was strongly against communism because they saw how shitty the life was under communism in Russia and China, and how much better they had it under freedom/capitalism.
Nothing like put up or shut up.
eh, mmm... no?
I mean why?
Hundreds of civilizations have been genocided other than the jews, even by jews themselves.
>good for the common man
lol this is what commie believe
In the old EU Alderaan was considered the "soul" of the Republic, so the Empire destroying it was symbolic.
please explain how introducing capitalism improved the life of the russian working class
They stopped starving to death en masse or in the gulags for one
More like Sweden
They stop starving and geting gulaged.
please explain why you think communism would improve your life without you being part of the comissariat or the centarl bureau
>everyone was starving under gorbachev
try again capcuks
please explain why you ask questions of the form "why you think X" when the person hasn't said X
I once took off Bastila's clothes and looked at her in her underwear and bra, got a boner, and whacked off to her, mid gaming session.
Oh, good times.
>puting goverbachev era as an expample
fucking lol
the guy that dismantle it
I asked how capitalism improved the life of the Russian working class. It only makes sense to compare it to the previous socialist era.
>the guy that dismantle it
"He" never meant to dismantle the union. It was a military coup you illiterate.
it gave them more freedoms
if russians are retarded and didn't know what to do with it and voted again for a dictator that's not capitalism's fault
>more freedoms
well you've convinced me
not really cause you haven't lived under the USSR so you won't apreciate what you have
i like you
yeah I'm so sad I never got to experience the glorious shock therapy
at this point Sup Forums has memed me into loving the name
I can't think of him as anything other than Sheev
Same thing with CIA
what are you talking about?
>being this ignorant
Probably pretty fucking awesome since everyone was a white human
no but for real what does shock therapy has to do with capitalism or comunism or what?
>asks for free education
lots of non comunist places have free education
>Vader down the trenches
Isnt it confirmed in both new and old canon that Vader fought at the front lines several times?
I'm sure it was great just so long as you were "the right sort".
>you think the police should work for you for free, ya commie?
>come back when you can pay us and we'll solve the case of who stole all your money