How to you feel about abortion?
How to you feel about abortion?
I feel like we should harvest them for organs. Think of all those perfectly fine organs that just get trashed everyday
I feel disgusted and horrified by it because I have a moral compass.
Good, thanks for asking.
the world already has way too fucking many people
I say make abortion mandatory unless you can meet certain criteria (intelligence, income, sanity, health)
I don't feel much. Preserving humanity would be a noble cause, except that 9 billion is quite enough for replacements. Nobody will miss these things when they're gone. They already didn't miss them when they set out to get the abortion.
I don't think people who find it morally permissible to kill their unborn children should reproduce.
Problem solves itself.
throw some chow mein noodles in that wok and you've got yourself a nutritious meal
Did he die?
wrong except if it will kill the mom
It's mostly degenerates getting them, so it's ok. I'd much rather they kill their kids than indoctrinate them.
>fetus organs
>serving any useful purpose
get out of my country chow long
>the world already has way too fucking many people
Only white people give a shit about hte overpopulation meme. Hence, its just that an anti white meme
"A person's a person no matter how small" -Dr Seuss
got a laugh out of me
Good. Should be allowed after birth too.
Should be mandatory for Down's babies and other defectives
If we're going to do it then let's go all in. Abort all retards or any other fetus with confirmed maladies. Anyone with low income is only allowed one child, after that the father and mother are fixed, mandatory.
I feel like we should abort the mothers also.
You don't think there isn't a market for this?
Hell, what about an organ for a fucking infant?
>Abort all retards
Are you forcing a north american genocide?
Should be absolutely outlawed for healthy White foetuses. Don't mind for defectives and non-Whites.
I resent the argument used by feminists that attempts to assert that the foetus is not alive when it clearly is, however.
What purpose, other than a burden, do they serve society?
The same way as I do towards children to a point. Their minds are not developed so I don't consider them human.
Fucking authoritarian lead.
Funny. isn't it?
I think you shouldn't kill your child. Except if there is a high chance of a heavy disability which would let it just suffer for no reason.
It's fucked up but I don't really get caught up on it. Most people are shit anyway.
I know it to be wrong and against god's will, but I would also rather the undeserving peoples thin themselves out instead of creating more lefty voters.
For that case, all for it. It's their ride to hell after all, not mine.
made 2 abortions, AMA
More dead nigger babies now = less crime in 15 -20 years.
Infant organs, yes, but not red jelly organs.
It's literally baby killing so I'm pretty horrified by it.
It's fine as long as niggers, spics, Indians, gypsies and gooks are the ones aborted.
Legally speaking, we should never ban abortion as that's one thing still keeping this country barely white. Also, woman needs to have a recourse to abort if she was raped.
And finally, abortion is accepted by me since the alternative will just end up costing me more in the long run.
P.S. All welfare recipients should sterilized for as long as they are on the dole(depo provera)
So much this
As with just about every single thing I have an opinion of, there are two correct answers: what should be ideally (what one, within limits, should strive towards) and realistically, (what is needed to ensure the survival or furthering of X.)
Ideally, it is outlated, every human life is precious, we all will grow up to be great beings, few to none are upset with their life and so on so forth. Of course reality is not like that, now that our population (worldwide, in general) is too high, and as such, letting people who are too weak-willed to take care of their own baby, their own responsibility, is probaly the demographic which should not be allowed to bear or raise children. On the other end of the spectrum called ''ideally'' one would of course say that all idiots/black people/whoever you want to say is the cause of much evil, should not be allowed to reproduce, but this is not realistic, and savage enough that it shouldn't be implemented carelessly.
In our current world? Yes, we need abortions, or the world will go even further to shit. In another world, another time, we wouldn't need it.
What pisses me (and I'd imagine the majority of Sup Forums) off is when people start to bring the ''it's not alive, it's my body, you can't tell me what to do'' which is simply moronic.
I'd rather work towards having people realize that abortion is necessary murder instead of justified rights, than demolishing abortion in it's entirety.
Hello Argentina
Wew hello pal.
Popular eugenics.
Haha, good one Argentina! :)
Thanks m8
That's a seriously late term abortion, hardly any go that way, mostly medical reasons and young girls not knowing or being scared and not saying until they show,
Why are you people so obsessed with what other people do with their body's, I'm happy for people to do anything as long as they keep it to themselves and don't parade degeneracy.
At what point does a fetus become a human with legal protection?
I feel nothing
>Tell us want you do specifically to assist the already born poor children who suffer?
Then we'll know if you REALLY have a "moral compass" or just another lying piece of shit.
Quite good. I wonder how that would taste? Like beef jerky or a fruit rollup?
>At what point does a fetus become a human with legal protection?
Birth. The same point where all our legal, linguistic, cultural, scientific, religious and cultural institutions agree.
>Tell us want you do specifically to assist
Pretty good banter, Argie.
This woman had a miscarriage - God's abortion.
When God aborts babies, we all have to respect it.
I think abortion is murder. You can't murder an ape though so black abortion is A-Okay
Her body aborted it, not God.
Trying to eat some Oreos here you fucking leaf, almost barfed while chewing them.
Should be eatin' some bikkies, cunt.
It should be legal, but call it what it is, termination of a human being.
>Shooting pregnant Chechens
Doesn't count if you kill the mother too
abortion has to be legal to some extent. I believe that a woman should be entitled to an abortion in cases of rape, failure of contraceptives, not wanting the child because she doesn0t have the financial capability/mental health to properly raise the child.
However, abortion, especially one funded by taxpayers, shouldn't be used by irresponsible cunts who suck 20 dicks a week. In cases such as this, abortion should also come with getting your tubes tied.
It's not a yes/no issue, there are too many variables to consider for it to be such.
Grew up with a mom that was pretty high up in Right to Life. I grew up with such imagery, been redpilled about abortion since I was a baby...
Yet I payed for one when I was young. I'm still conflicted, but never loose sleep over it. We did it FAST, so it was at least... Soulless?
My girlfriend did one, we were 20 y/o.
Would totally have ruined both our lives, we were still studying, no income, no house and we are from different countries. She is kazakh.
Would just give a miserable life to the kid, it was the right choice
god let it happen though didnt he, silly leaf
God let Hitler kill himself too, but he can't take credit for that, can he?
What is ''young'' and how old are you now? What happened to the mother? What did your mother think of it?
An egg is not a chicken
Science should determine at what stage does the fetus become a human being with brain activity, capable of sensation and emotion
Prior to that point, abortion should be fine
Meaningful brain activity doesn't even happen until 13 months outside of the womb, when a child can identify itself in a mirror.
For the last fucking time FETUSES AREN'T HUMANS
parents who have considered having an abortion should have abortion since they'd be shit parents producing shittier children
I'm not morally against it, but I believe it shouldn't be an arbitrary procedure.
If a woman wants to get an abortion simply because she had frivolous unprotected sex, then she should be obligated to undergo sterilization.
Conversely, if a couple chooses to have a baby while receiving welfare then they both should be obligated to sterilization as well. (possibly to a maximum of 2-3 children)
Does this make me a monster?
if we enforced intelligence requirements to have children then the global population would become almost entirely white and asian.
Adoption exists too.
There is people saying we have enough numbers on the planet, they are wrong no one is breeding anymore most pf the population is getting old and the current generation have no children to catch up with mortality rates.
Honey glaze that shit, roast it, serve with potatoes and pureed broccolli.
Bro, that's gross. It came out of a woman's weewee hole.
>An egg is not a chicken
Because the chicken is inside the egg
fine after 5 months, any time before is a waste of a perfectly good meal
Fun fact: Hitler's mother initially intended to get an abortion but she was talked out of it
If abortion was banned the U.S. would become a violent wasteland like the Arab world.
>Abortion is evil!
So is forcing someone to raise a kid in unnecessary poverty. We're all dead ayways.
>Abortion is inherently a racist institution!
No, it just means black people are having more sex than white people and choosing a path to avoid unnecessary impoverishment.
Nothing wrong with it as long as it's early term. With an undeveloped brain it's morally on the same level as getting a vasectomy. A barely developed fetus is no more human than a corpse.
USA done 300 million abortions already? shit, they are twice as worse than commies.
It's murder.
It makes me hard
A subproduct of the hedonist and pos-modern society
I have six kids. I don't like it. they eat too much, and treat me like shit.
What make me even more horrified is the fact that most pro-abortion people are women.
It's like they have no problem in killing someone of their Blood
Good idea
Absolutely 123% don't care
A necessary evil.
They keep the shitskin population in check.
necessary evil
anyone considering an abortion seriously should get one, because they lack either the foresight or the moral strength to conceivably raise another human being successfully
Make ot mandatory for drains on sociaty, muslimes and niggers
fucking degenerate.
They can bag your grocery's, janitorial work, cashier, ect. My neighbors daughter works 40hrs a week and she has downs. She pretty much is the happiest person I ever meet.
you should've been one
Shouldn't be used as birth control between two consenting adults. If you can't handle the responsibility of raising a child, don't fuck each other. It's that simple.
Rape babies are really the only acceptable babies to abort. Also babies that are destined to be born with some disease that makes them complete invalids that do nothing but sit in a wheelchair, scream at everything, drool, and shit themselves. But of course, that's really difficult to detect until it's too late to abort.
Miscarriage is a tragedy. Abortion is a murder.
Think it was 60 million or so. Democrats are wannabe commies and they're the ones pushing for abortion rights.
I completely support it. I'd rather a woman abort that thing rather than bear it into a bad home or a bad situation.
I agree with this but it would never....ever....happen.
Did she take this fucking thing home?