So before the dust has settled, can we all agree this will be the best superkino since Spider-Man 2?
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No. It'll be the best superkino since X-Men: Apocalypse.
>Star Hugh Jackman isn't just giving us the definitive X-Men movie; it could just be the definitive comic book movie.
Yes, hyped
Capekino finally here, rejoice lads
oh is this another non xmen movie wolverine shits up.
lurk moar
I would call it capekino but unfortunately no capes are involved (it's genre-busting).
>from one of the worst capeshit movies to the best
wew lad
they almost got capekino with the last movie until the final third ruined everything
There are many more superhero movies that will be released, and they'll be better than Logan. The Wolverine is lucky that his movie isn't going up against an Avengers film, or even against Guardians of the Galaxy 2 or Wonder Woman.
Jean wheres a hooded cloak in it if that counts
>Redditors of the Galaxy
>DCEU garbage
Logan > X2 > DOFP > X1 > First Class > X3 > The Wolverine > Apocalypse > Origins
but where's Deadpool?
I don't get the hateboner everyone have for Origins, I kinda like it, it was definitely better than Wolverine and Apocalypse
also FC > X1
Apocalypse is seriously underrated.
this. bullshit city destruction plot again. come up with something better, jewrywood
The Wolverine is better than First Class and X3 at least until the third act
Without mention Logan and Deadpool
First Class > X2 > DOFP > First Class > The Wolverine > Apocalypse >> X3/Origins
I'd also say X1 is weaker than First Class as well. Rewatching it is pretty rough.
Forgot about X1, I think, between TW and Apcalypse
First Class twice? If you meant 3rd, I'd agree with your list. Pretty solid. Fassbender elevates the new X-Men movies.
Fuck men, I'm retard
First Class > X2 > DOFP > The Wolverine > X1 > Apocalypse > X3/Origins
I just read Old Man Logan, this movie is nothing like the comics
>tfw no blind Hawkeye
... how many times are you people going to pretend this means anything?
>Mystique can morph into anyone
>chooses to morph into pan face Jennifer Whoreance
Yeah no
you convinced me, Sup Forums
gonna watch this when it becomes available on netflix, or probably even download a torrent in 4-5 months if i remember to.
When it stops reflecting box office performance and audience reaction.
Why is Spider-Man 2 so highly regarded? Tobey Maguire sucked, James Franco sucked, and the plot is completely fucking retarded. The only scene with any heart is when they start operating on Doc Ock, a scene in which Sam Raimi finally put forth some effort. Never mind inventing cold fusion in some NYC loft and then extinguishing it in the Hudson River an hour later.
Also why does everyone underrate the wolverine
DoFP > First Class > X2 > X-Men > Apocalypse > The Wolverine > The Last Stand > Origins Wolverine
Logan, however, will become the greatest capekino of all times
laserdisk leak when/where ?
Every bit of the movie that had Pete as Pete and not Spidey was really bad.
Peter being himself is the best part of the Raimi movies. That scene were he is at the party and Jonah keeps yelling at him to take pictures, he fails to get food because all the trails are empty, Harry is drunk and pissed at him for not helping him with Spider-Man and to top it all off Jonah's son announces he just proposed to Mary Jane is one of the best scenes in all capeshit. And we will never get anything like it again
Sanza Stark?
>what are pre-premiere airings for critics and journalists
Logan > DoFP > Deadpool > FC > X2 > Apocalypse > The Wolverine > X1 > X3 > Origins
Always been fun of Huge. Totally going to see it, the amazing buzz it gets is a just a pleasant bonus.
Why can't Singer into costumes? Every costume in every one of his X-Men movies is fucking garbage.
That movie is absolute garbage. Almost as bad as Suicide Squad
there's only 1 good spidey movie and it's the first one, the rest sucked
>Franco sucked
u suck
I think he's talking about The Wolverine, not Apocalypse
This was the true climax of The Wolverine for me
Is Hugh okay? Looks like he aged ten years in the past two. Is that from the six skin cancers on his nose?
He's a method actor. Did it all for Logan.
underrated my ass
I think this movie was the turning point desu.
Anyone have a link to watch it?
>Fox and Sony make better Marvel movies then Marvel themselves
Why is this allowed?
Watch or Download Logan Movie FREE
I'll give you Fox, but Sony has shat the bed on every capeshit movie they have made post Spider-man 2.
Preferably a site that doesn't want credit card info.
Stop asking to be spoon-fed.
what a convoluted pile of hot garbage
Wtf is the appeal of these movies.
Seriously asking
needs more foreskin, foreskin harvests have been extremely low in recent years
1. Days of Future Past: Rogue Cut.
2. Everything else.
So it's finally happened, capekino has arrived. What a time to be alive.
Those sites are mostly bullshit. There are no reliable links.
Nigga they just took all the videogame tropes of four years ago and put them in a movie gtfo with that shit
I've been hyped for this since it was announced and you guys were all shitting on it. I grew up with the X-Men as my favorite franchise with the comics and cartoon in the early 90s and these are the only superhero movies I like or bother to see anymore.
But I'm going to be honest I am getting scared. Critics NEVER give this much praise to the movies, even X2 and DOFP didn't get this much positivity and they are the definition of capekino. I've got a terrible feeling this movie is just going to be full of timely politics and Trump bashing and illegal alien love that will distract from the film and only lead to critics praising it for the politics and it means nothing of the quality.
>timely politics and Trump bashing and illegal alien love that will distract from the film
The entire franchise constantly hammers home the "discrimination is bad" moral. Why would they stop now?
Nice quads, homo.
It's not a superhero movie. It's a drama with a few mutants.
>Wonder Woman
What terrible bait.
There nothing wrong with having general theme like that but they never made certain real life people out as targets. They didn't have Magneto repressing Bush in the early movies for example. It's features the best superhero tho
>Worried that politics are gonna show up in an x-men film
There's no way you're a lifelong x-men fan if you don't think identity politics will show up.
See my post above you
That's different Nixon was long dead. I should have said contemporary politics.
AIDS from the gay sex
Spoil me. Who dies. Who lives.
>capeshit ripping off video game shit (the last of us)
haven't seen either, am I right?
>I don't get the hateboner everyone have for Origins
Cuz the internet is retarded. Origins is KINO tier.
Fuck you. Spider-Man 2 is amazing. KYS
Donald is killed by Laura, Nobody else major dies.
Dan Stevens makes a surprise cameo and kills Stewart/Xavier.
Logan doesn't die? Weak. 0/10 Would not watch.
>the only superhero movies I like or bother to see anymore.
Shit taste. Nolan trilogy is superior. X-Men are trash.
Maybe, maybe not. TLOU wasn't inherently original.
Unless Laura ends up carrying the cure for the Legacy virus, it'll only be similar in having a Father/Daughter relationship on screen.
You follow "nobody else major dies" with "Later Xavier dies"
That doesn't make sense
Some user spoiled it like a week ago-
The scene from the trailer with Logan and Laura in the truck is the ending shot.
>gritty, nuanced
>violent but surprisingly thoughtful
wew this here kino
Link? I wanna know the whole deal before I go see it.
What food should I order tonight tv?
Please respond, you know how hard it can be to pick out food sometimes.
Watch Legion.
Any scene the character appears in is highly questionable, and all questions are highly irrelevant anyway.
Xavier's "death" will be a rug pull to get people to watch the show.
Idk if he pastebin'd it, start a new general after this one dies and ask it, maybe he'll post it.
Smells like bullshit, user.
I've seen it. Flat out lie. Logan dies, last shot is Laura tilting the wooden cross on his grave into an X. Screencap me if you want, this is 100% true.
There is literally no link to Legion. Xavier gets killed by Clone Logan.
>two (You)s in one response
Too pure and perfect to be lumped into that list of shit and rotting vomit.
There are two Logan? So we don't get his son? Or Sabertooth?
>TFW no spider buggy
At this point Disney should sell the mcu to Fox so we can finally have a interesting movie.