For those who hate or like Milo Yiannopoulos, what would you say to him if you saw him in real life?
For those who hate or like Milo Yiannopoulos, what would you say to him if you saw him in real life?
suck my dick
I would honestly tell him good job for stop pandering to the slavery issue.
then I would congratulate him for not being a cuck on terror.
And then I would ask him to hook me up with that blonde from the chicago rally. she was spectacular
this i bet he would suck it good too
hey milo, will you let me fuck your dirty Greek Jewish dad? Will you let me Bend your daddy over and go to town on his ass hole? Will you let me shove a corn in your daddy's ass, Milo?
Keep being awesome dude!
*Hi-fives him*
Good job on being a help in converting Normies. Now please remove your head from your ass and realize there are more important things than triggering people you insufferable attention whore.
You're a good for nothing faggot who is using your status as a gay nigger lover in order to make a career for yourself by pandering to a disenfranchised voter base.
You don't really help the cause and all you really do is make sjw's mad for the entertainment of a bunch of basement dwellers and edgy teenagers. You're just a jew playing a long con.
I wouldn't say anything, my mouth would be too full
You're a hack. You're not even really gay.
Fucking leaf
not bad for a fag
Hi Milo, thanks for your hard work, ignore the mean spirited twats on Sup Forums
Nothing. I have nothing to say to that faggot.
I would ask him if he's happy about doing more damage to the queer movement than any fascist ever could. I would ask him how he can live with himself as a homosexual when his every breath puts the lives of queers world wide at risk. I would ask him how he feels about making me, my boyfriend and my boyfriends wifes child feel like a joke. I would ask him why he is filled with so much hatred. I would ask him why he's trying to dismantle what me and my queer brothers have worked so hard to create: an image of respectability for the homosexual man.
Shake his hand and tell him I enjoy his work
I'd tell him he has a real voice with real power behind it.
When he talks people listen even if they don't agree with what he is saying.
He could do some serious red pilling if he wasn't so focused on getting a rise out of people all the time. Although I get it. If it wasn't for his trolling antics he probably wouldn't have a voice in the first place.
hey milo I'm gonna need that number to that chicago girl, or atleast a name.
stalking is a 2 way street you know.
don't be a 1 poster OP
> making me, my boyfriend and my boyfriends wifes child feel like a joke
>me and my queer brothers have worked so hard to create: an image of respectability for the homosexual man
What? You make yourself look like a joke. Die in a fire faggot. Seriously.
And no,you're NOT that handsome ,you're 5/10 on a good day with glasses on,assfaggot.
You're the cause Sup Forums turned into a jew, homosexual nigger lover board, I hope you're happy.
Have you brushed your teeth?
"You are as bad as the terrorists that you claim to hate."
>milo's verbal shitposting is equivalent to killing people
stop it leafbro
I wouldn't say anything to him if I saw him in real life. I wouldn't even look at him twice. I don't care about this black-dick-sucking e-celebrity. He's a nobody.
I'd tell him to stop being as embarrassingly dogmatic as his opponents
it's a 1 post by OP bread, abandon
Leonidas was the last Greek man.
hey faggot.
I'm what is known as a reformed leaf, notice I don't have it. So fuck off amerifat.
>I'm what is known as a reformed leaf
I would yell, "Don't touch my anus!"
I met him at a trump rally, super cool person
Keep up the good work cocksucker
I would tell Milo that this whole feminism SJW thing is nonsense and I'd request he'd raise awareness of things like the government power only growing stronger and everyone losing their privacy to pervasive 24/7 government surveillance
Nigger detected.
How much is Milo even worth? I know he has quite a few incomes.
I did see him in real life. He was going on about pink glocks abd where to buy one, i told him if he wanted a more rewarding experience as a gun owner he could always cerakote one himself and do whatever he wanted with it. He said he liked the idea, but idk if it really sank in.
Hey Milo ya fucking edgelord. Hows the being intentionally provocative business going?
I'd mince up to him yelling "lovey, lovey, wait up, lovey". Then I'd lick my finger and fuss with his hair, tidy it up and say, "your bald spot was showing"
hi im yaqub ibrahimstein and youre not
>That feel when Sup Forums is literally a gayer version of /lgbt/
I cry everytime
He kind of looks like zack morris from the wonder years
I have actually met and partied with Milo irl. AMA, and I do have pics as proof
does he have a big dick
I never actually saw his dick. I'm not a homo like him, but I do know that he is a power bottom.
i'm a fag and that's more than I wanted to know.
it's just not necessary for every lurid detail of how people pleasure themselves to be part of a public narrative nor the arc of their work.
so he basically would rape your cock with his ass and be really rough about it
disgusting faggot
Hi Milo
and as a fag and alt R and Nrx and trump-supporter. . . candidly I don't know what I would say to him except something gracious and polite like it's a pleasure to meet you and that I am a fan. Maybe I would suggest a meal out, like something Indian or other asian.
"Rule 1&2 you normie breibart vermin"
Essentially. And he would give me whatever diseases he'd have, because BBC is his favorite sexual rite of passage.
>a fucking degenerate faggot jew
You're a retard
wtf i hate milo now
tell him to go back to his containment board
Post the pics then
Mfw I will live to see the rise of gay Hitler
Hey Milo,
Do you think I'm as attractive as I think I am?
Cutting baby dicks is wrong. Stop doing it.
"You're a liability."
You look like a girl
I partied with him a little over a month ago when he came to speak and a college in my home town. We talked shit on Ben Shapiro and Trigglypuff
Who is your daddy and what does he do?
I hope you get raped and castrated by sand niggers during your Sweden fag pride.
oh your the famous fag ive heard so much about.
You're crazy, but your more sane than the people that hate you. Keep it up.
Fuck off shill.
I would love to talk politics with him and see where he stands past all the theatrics (which I love, by the way). I really like his core message.
I'd also ask him for a job because unemployed. :(
Nothing. I don't wanna catch aids.
Mfw Gaven mccuck kissed him
Go home kik we're full
chrysanthemum chrysanthemum chrysanthemum
it's his killphrase
Nothing. He doesn't care what anybody else has to say.
Wanna fuck?
Prolly along the lines of Thank you for repilling normies. Also if he would try to speak at a Trump Rally
I've met him before after one of his talks.
He's a nice guy, and really loves his fans.
I told him I love his work, and I appreciate that he covers stories that (((the rest of the media))) doesn't.
I would want to talk to that.
"hello i heard you take dick and have conservative opinions which means you warrant some huge amount of attention