What is the best trilogy?

What is the best trilogy?

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>all that pleb shit
>no Rambo
Rambo is the correct answer.

um why isn't the hobbit on that list?

>ANH better than anything in LotR

So this why we hate reddit

>lotr not maxed out
>indiana jones 1 >3
>star wars 4 > 5

>No Trzy Kolory
What's even the point

>xmen 2 better than 1

>original Star Wars is better than the second
>Second Indiana Jones is better than the forst
>third Jurassic Park and Back to the Future are better than the second

>LOTR not all tens



>mad max 3 better than mad max 1
>lord of the rings that high
What a load of bullshit

>Not having FOTR the highest
>having any films higher than LOTR


LOTR is bad

>there will never be a blockbuster as good as the LotR trilogy

Back to the Future should be flipped with "Lord of Rings"

>BttF 1 is better than 2 and 3
>le Matrix 2 and 3 are a lot worse than first one and bad movies rëddit-tier meme
>Superman 2 better than The Movie
>Spider-Man 2 better than 1 and 3

I bet your favorite MCU movies are Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man 1, Winter Soldier and Civil War

You think Deadpool is best Fox capeshit

You like Force Awakens and dislike Rogue One

You hate Star Wars prequels, but best of them for you is third one

Hate Amazing Spider-Man franchise

Hate DCEU and especially Zack Snyder, and everytime someone mentions "kíno" you getting triggered

You need to go back

>inb4: contrarian

Seriously, you need to go back.

>ROTJ just as good as every LOTR

This list is fucking bullshit

>He thinks OP made this image

Hello newfriend

>First Blood
classic action film
slightly dated
very dark tone

>Rambo: First Blood part 2
classic action film
aged gracefully
not as dark as First Blood, but still a serious atmosphere
themes of redemption and hope

>Rambo 3
shitty one-liners every 2 minute
Al-Qaeda are the good guys (seriously, look it up)
shitty action cliches all the time
Stallone looks like a bodybuilder

There are like 10 star trek movies why would they put star trek as a trilogy?

Theres no way anyone who has seen the movies and isnt just parroting reddit opinions thinks thats how the curve for Matrix would look.

The first is clearly better than the others but 2 is still a very good movie, 3 is trash though.

>Every Indy movie is better than every LoTR film

>indiana jones 1>3


>any indiana jones better than Fellowship
>le Empire is the best movie evah meme



and if you had to, it should be counted 2,3 and 4.

It's amazing how every plebeian I've ever met doesn't like Mad Max

Only true patricians truly appreciate it and recognize it should be placed above the The Road Warrior

The list was made before those movies came out.

Also the hobbit sucked.

> Back to the future 1 > 2
Seriously ?

how would you rate The Godfather Sup Forums?

>all that pleb shit
Mad Max ain't pleb shit, just your tastes.

>Star Trek Into Darkness and Beyond both better than the first one

I think we know which trilogy is tops.


>Mad Max 3 being better than 1
>Superman 2 being that high when it only exists as 2 different butchered edits, one with retard comedy & the other using audition footage

This triggers me

Not really a trilogy, but I consider it to be. Rust is 1 part cut in 2.

Why do I bother though, no one here has seen it, or have they?

>Mad Max 3
>good in any way shape or form

What fucking retard made this?

>it's popular so it's bad

Even Sup Forums can agree with normies that the trilogy is GOAT you contrarian fag

Remember how you couldn't walk into a fifties diner in the eighties or early nineties without getting Back To The Future flashbacks?

The Keit-Ai Trilogy.


Two Towers and ROTK were total garbage, even Viggo Mortensen said so.

>inb4 girl power

They also started marketing highly neon clothing in the early nineties which made things seem even more like BTTF2

Please back up your claim regarding Viggo with a source

"LOTR was a mistake."

Potc is absolutely horrible after the first one.

>viggo just complaining about CGI and the CGI in The Hobbit

Holy shit, no better than the retards here.

No, he called the whole process of scripting and shooting a mess.

"Peter was always a geek in terms of technology but, once he had the means to do it, and the evolution of the technology really took off, he never looked back,” Mortensen says. “In the first movie, yes, there’s Rivendell, and Mordor, but there’s sort of an organic quality to it, actors acting with each other, and real landscapes; it’s grittier.”

Mortensen says the “ballooning” of Jackson’s reliance on CGI began with the second film, The Two Towers, and has increased with each subsequent project. “It was grandiose, and all that, but whatever was subtle, in the first movie, gradually got lost in the second and third. Now with The Hobbit, one and two, it’s like that to the power of 10,” Mortensen says.

He definitely did not say they were "total garbage"
He's criticised the increasing reliance of Jackson on CGI, which is true
Just because the filming process is a mess it doesn't mean the film is either

I quite like dead man's chest.

Do one for terminator

>El Mariachi
>Once Upon a Time in Mexico

Return of the Jedi and Thunder dome should be much lower