I am a person with intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the Clinton case. I will answer as many questions as I can without giving too much away.
Previous Threads
I am a person with intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the Clinton case. I will answer as many questions as I can without giving too much away.
Previous Threads
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Does she scissor with Huma?
Did they follow article 4 during the interview?
How can we be sure this faggot is the same user as last night and not somebody subverting?
Where are the 2015 CGI returns.
I still don't believe you'd be able to maintain your secrecy to do any of this.
Why no indictment?
Is the British Queen apart of this NWO?
If you leaked everything right away, what factions would form in a civil war and who would lead them?
Fake as shit sage
Give us information about the CF.
What should we look for.
You said human traffic is big, point me in a direction. What do I even look for to prove this is occurring?
Who in any high level of government is a genuine patriot?
How will the nation split if theres civil war?
Has anything changed over the day with the FBI?
Why are some 'sources' claiming there will be no incitement? Is this to get Clinton to relax her anus?
Do you got any nudes of her from back in the day?
Why do you believe either of them is real?
do our votes really count?
what did randy bill tell loretta
Why did Trump just announce that his inside sources told him that Clinton would get off scott-free, after you previously claimed that it was too big to brush under the table?
I don't believe the one from last night but I don't disregard it due to the thread directions
What's up with the news today?
hearing she's getting off scott free.
Explain this shit hombre.
Prove that you're the actual guy and not some shill
He told her
>muh dick
Are you friend to woman?
i know more than you. I cannot say why.
Is the Clinton Foundation basically the Illuminati?
I wasn't involved in the interview
Ask me anything. Test my knowledge
Well there is a minuscule possibility she will be. But she probably won't because we don't want the rest of the government to smash us
Have you personally thought about pulling a Snowden and leaking some or all of this to Wikileaks or other media outlets not aligned with CF/democrats?
Point us at a specific part of the Clinton Foundation hairball that when tugged at, will blow this thing up and expose as many highly placed corrupt shitbags as possible.
Tell us about the ayys
My friend in cyber security for NSA/CIA (he cant say which) says he will lose his job if goes on Sup Forums. Is this true for FBI and why?
How onto things is Charles Ortel?
Where should we go to implicate the CF with money laundering.
Is that the main thing that the CF is guilty of?
>But she probably won't because we don't want the rest of the government to smash us
this guy is running light on material in Season 3, time to bring in new writers
How many countries does the US do secret ops in?
You are a dick and a liar...
The only intimate knowledge you have of Clinton you got from "Fox and Friends"
Isn't the average life of a empire 250 years?
america is like 240 years old
what do you think is the next empire? is it china or russia?
can anyone stop the USA army? or are we all inept fatasses ?
What changed for you to now believe there's even a minuscule possibility?
(1) Would it not make sense for us to consider you a Russian agent using us because the KGB (or whatever they're called) noticed us after the /sg/ bombing incident?
(2) How on the money is Stephen Coughlin and what's the relevance of the global Islamic revival movement? Where are they on the threat stack?
Not exactly Hillary related.
You said there is a massive Jewish influence in the west.
Is Trump his own man? Or is he another puppet?
What will be his solution in the middle east?
I am not convinced "bomb the fuck out of ISIS" will be THAT effective after 8 years.
Give us an easy to understand greentext breakdown of all the crimes she's guilty of.
leak, can they ruin her without ruining the house of cards she's set up?
And what does the FBI think of Drudge?
What's your position within the campaign
OP name 5 statutes that she's being investigated for violating.
By number.
In less than one minute.
What's going to happen when Vladdy leaks everything as a response to our justice system letting crooked Hillary off the hook.
There's a contingency plan. Right?
So I've been keeping up on all of this, and it looks like the FBI doesn't want anything to do with this because it'll all come tumbling down.
So what can we, as the people, do? How do we stop this cycle of nepotism and treason against the American people?
>don't want the rest of the government to smash us
can already tell you are not the same person
Why don't you pull a Snowden and release the information for the world to see? Since no indictment is coming it's the only moral path left.
Why not leak everything on wikileaks?
Do you have any info on the Syrian war?
Some Clinton e-mails hinted at possible involvement with ground troops.
How much is Israel involved there?
As I understand it, the Vatican's stance is that there is in fact some degree of satan worship in some circles of the political class, can you C/D anything along those lines? Also, is the Vatican involved with any of the shady political maneuvering going on in the EU right now? The pope's pro-migrant stance during a time of increasing nationalism is a little sketchy.
When's disclosure?
Slightly off-topic, what does the FBI know about Dan Schneider and his pedophilia? The amount of infographs I find here regarding not only him, but all of Nickelodeon if both rather compelling and sickening.
What are the plans with Canada and Justin.
We all know he is party of the agenda.
OP failed on this
You said girls are traded like cattle. Where are they from? Where are their parents? Child rape victims are time bombs for accusations, what's to stop them?
Holy fuck, you're a total fucking joke.
How does anyone on Sup Forums believe this?
Is there an official FBI Sup Forums duty? Or is it all done by bots?
>Or is he another puppet?
you already know the answer to that. of course
Is Hillary really a coke head?
You have 1 minute to name 5 statutes that Hillary Clinton is under investigation for violating, without mentioning Jackie Chan.
Opinion on Scott Adams and his theories on Trump?
I had an english professor that worked for the CIA. She got really serious one day and told us ayys were real. Is this common knowledge for govt workers? You said it in other threads. I am not sure how high she was. I Think she just did research and wrote reports for higher ups.
This thread is pretty gay
DID SAUDI ARABIA DO 9/11??????????
DID THE JEWS DO 9/11???????????????
DID ISRAEL DO 9/11????????????????????
DID THE ZIONIST-OWNED U.S. GOVERNMENT DO 9/11?????????????????????????????????
WHO DID 9/11??????????????????????????????????
If you know anything about the investigation, you will no what version of Exchange Server it was running....which version was it senpai hoaxer?
>probably won't because we don't want the rest of the government to smash us
The OP's sentence structure is different. Not the same person.
The biggest dirt is in the donor list. Some of her donors aren't even listed on the CF website
Israel is heavily involved. Soros too
Apparently Comey is feeling guilty about letting her off. That's why I'd say there's a miniscule possibilty.
Unfortunately when Snowden pulled that move. The government changed protocols. In short its not as easy to whistleblow as it used to be
The real OP writes and formulates his statements differently.
At least imho
How are the Jews involved?
Talk about ayys seem to be a common tactic for whistle blowers like OP to have plausible deniability, and OP admitted as much in the last thread.
Aliens don't exist
Are you going to vote for Trump?
1. Theft of babies
2. Theft of ladders
3. Jackie chan
DO IT, get Comey on board to indict her user!
Is there another example of corruption and the donor list that we haven't found yet (like the uranium one)?
fake and gay.
OP is a faggot shill.
>biggest dirt in the donor list
Why wouldn't you be able to give specifics? That's shit we all know already. Give us specific information on her guilt, shit she was involved in, the odds of the FBI recommending an indictment, how strong the case against her is, or stop bullshitting.
This is not the same Op.
you were either really high or something because you are typing differently
I want to believe
You're not typing the same way as the other OP.
What time is it?
We are proof aliens exist
You mentioned human trafficking. Does that mean CF works in Haiti or is a much bigger bargaining chip for world-wide influence.
Is it larger than the Franklin cover-up?
Also can we find links in the released info?
Should we just mass spam Twitter/Facebook with a hashtag like #crookedcash?
Not the real guy. Sentence structure, diction is all different.
I read the original threads a few times, and it doesn't take a genius to see the difference here.
Fuck off shill.
Jews are funding Hillary. George Soros, the Pritzker family and that's just to name a few.
Its much larger than the Franklin cover up.
What exactly is different?
What time is it currently?
>Jews are funding Hillary
Everything. You're slower. You're not as intelligent.
FBI agent wouldn't have said "Jews are funding Hillary"
>What exactly is different?
The OP in other two threads spoke like someone who was in meeting between clients
You speak like someone shooting the shit with their friends.
You never answered me.
The 2015 CGI returns, where the blue fucking HELL ARE THEY?
i felt real passion behind the first guy's posts
your posts are like a limp noodle
he was furious i felt it in his choice of words and how he responded too people
why are u faking this anyways ur embarrassing urself
ya ill agree with everyone else on post structure, and add in: response time, if you are genuine you don't need to creatively think up responses, so a faster response time can be correlated with truthfulness
Oh wow, great to see you again.
Do you have any knowledge about an oncoming financial crisis? If so, what would be the possible consiquences?
Furthermore, are economic cycles (boom and bust) nothing but a meme of (((the elites))) to "sheer the goyim" and consolidate power?
Does the center for global dialogue and communication have anything to do with trafficking girls from Eastern Europe?
What are some sources that are public we can look at on the Foundation? Public records of any sort?
yes that too is what made me say it
he was like a fucking AK - 47 shooting off replies
he didn't have to think about them
they came too him second nature
he must have been on some drug but he was typing really well
What is preventing you from prosecuting the Clinton Foundation?
Also, it seems like you guys have a lot of damning evidence about our government and it seems like this problem isn't going away. If you could boil down the issue in our government to one thing, what would it be?
I only have one question for you, deceiver.
Will you check my digits?