Inferior College Degrees

I think every single non-STEM degree should be illegalized and every student of these courses should be shot.

I also think that STEM majors should get special privileges in regards to voting (like having a special voting system), because they're the only human beings that are able to think rationally. Wolfs in a world of sheep.

Music should get regulated by the state, every nigger that "raps" or makes other subhuman music should be shot on sight. The only music that should be on the radio should the the country's national anthem and traditional music. No modern degenerate trash anymore.

I also think that TVs should be illegalized because they contain too much power when most people are stupid sheeple. People should learn math or physics in their free time, and do the occasional sports.

I also geniuenly believe that high positions of political power should go ONLY to STEM majors, since they are the smartest people, and, as said before, the only ones capable of critikal and rational thinking.

Only the finest Humans can hold such high positions of power.

Furthermore, it is also important to make guns easily available to the people, so they can defend themselves from all kinds of threads.
Open carrying should be allowed and ENCOURAGED, to create an unity between all people, and to prepare them for the upcoming Anti-Degenerate war.

In this war, every non-STEM major and every manlet and everyone bald will the executed AND shot, and then their corpses will be used as food for the animals.

Does Sup Forums agree with me.

The STEM autism is strong.

So you want to kill people so the übermensch rule, but you also want everyone to have guns. Okay senpai.






I have a STEM degree, work in a STEM field, and I think anyone who takes as much pride in this meme as OP should be dragged into the street and shot.

We don't need any more autists in these fields.

women take philosophy?
Or is it just that women are the majority in campuses and therefore have a strong presence in most subjects?

Ayn Rand

>STEM students don't know any history, economy, psychology, sociology, law, and so on...
>but should have privileges in voting

makes sense

There's nothing wrong with getting an education in a non-STEM field for non-employment purposes.

Maybe someone wants to learn about history for self-fulfillment purposes. Why should that be demonized?

The idiots are the ones who view college as something you do to get a job.

Yep, engineering here.

There are so many STEM circle jerks.

I do believe that most people in non-STEM are retards, but, the real cringe is the STEM self loathers.


>women are the majority in campuses
>still can't get laid

>I think every single non-STEM degree should be illegalized and every student of these courses should be shot.
Stupid, you can just not subsidize those degrees and not give out loans for them
>I also think that STEM majors should get special privileges in regards to voting (like having a special voting system), because they're the only human beings that are able to think rationally. Wolfs in a world of sheep.
That's what IQ tests are for, STEM has nothing to do with it
>Music should get regulated by the state, every nigger that "raps" or makes other subhuman music should be shot on sight.
Might as well just kill all niggers
>The only music that should be on the radio should the the country's national anthem and traditional music. No modern degenerate trash anymore.
>I also think that TVs should be illegalized because they contain too much power when most people are stupid sheeple. People should learn math or physics in their free time, and do the occasional sports.
Sure, I agree
For the rest change STEM majors with an IQ threshold. There are plenty of people who just don't want to go through the indoctrination machine even though they are capable


Those that study law/history would be the best suited for voting.

Philosophy 101 was required for my degree.

It didn't have anything to do with my degree or anything else, but it was still required.

Don't you STEM guys have to take a bunch of bullshit electives too?

>good philosophers

>mfw making 100k a year with a humanities degree
Stay autistic stemfags

What degree what job?

I actually agree. Computer Electronics here.

Hole flow is the shhheeeiiits!!!!

thats unfortunate friend my advice is make them laugh

I'm 6'4, have a 9in dick, and make 300k @ Wendys

Seriously though

Why don't they drop STEM tuition fees to near 0, and use liberal arts tuition fees to subsidize them?

Friend does maths he did something to do with forming logic but that is about it I think

>thinks he is superior because he has a special skill on x not y

You people in STEM don't know shit about human societies besides media formatted ideas, i bet you never read and debated the classic authors of philosophy, sociology, psychology, history and economy.

Must feel good believing you are superior while being a automaton constricted by a steal cage of bureaucracy and constant rationality on a late capitalist informational society.

History. I'm a prof at a uni.

Good thing you will never be a president

Some times I get afraid one of you lunatics will turn into a world leader

good idea but we do need creative writing and technical writing to communicate with non STEM.

>He fell for the STEM meme

Not defending him, but the reason why stemfags probably don't like non-stemfags is because of you, being a pretentious cunt doesn't win arguments

make basic understanding of the STEM a requirement and get free technical writing tutition.

we depend on people of non STEM to humanize us. learn to share.

You bring autism to a whole new level

Right, that's what I thought.
Is there a job for philosophy/history/political science/other humanitarians that are not a professor?
I'm talented in this kind of thinking but am going to stem because I want a job, and not at the uni.

Autism euphoria

So like that episode of the Simpsons where the eggheads ran the town?
OP makes me want to smash a nerd face.

When the SHTF, I'll be pawning your daughter for batteries, leet cunt.

Got a BBA. (Bachelor Business Administration). Work in a bank for 60k. Tell me more about how non STEM degrees are shit.

humanities* obviously

I am working on a new held Plasma Rifle. I took it for granted people understood projectile velocity and watched in horror as a non STEM looked down the spiral helix rail . Power on. Had non STEM friend make warning stickers.

We work together.

Usually PR and Media or Lawyers is where those people go or politicians and diplomats i'm sure there are many other options you would have to look into the job options your course would entail

The reason we're even in such a bind is because non-left wingers gravitate towards fields with an obvious shekel payoff like STEM.

It's why education and media has totally gone to shit. You need all types to bring about a war. The old school communists understood this.


you weren't testing in a controlled environment?

Humanities are shit only because of cultmarx and deliberate watering-down.

I am going to start stockpiling batteries right now. Looking forward to our transaction, hope OP's daughter can cook.

I took philosophy in a 70% female university, and only about 15% of those in the course were female.

Not sure what it is about American philosophy, then...

>Muh dick

Currently back from Hong Kong for a few weeks... I finished university last year, went to a shitty Uni but got a first class in.... international relations. When I finished all the job offers were purely work experience and nothing else with the only paid job being around 10k a year or so.

So I decided to just check jobs in Hong Kong (I have family in there, brother race mixed) and long story short I started teaching english there to kids with the starter wage at around 24k hkd a month ( around 2.4k pounds a month).

This required no degree or experience. Well required some experience but you could bend the truth and that what I did. I private tutor on weekends for 600 hkd an hour, 8 hours in total over the saturday and sunday and they pay for my MTR transport expenses. Thats about 500 pound I earn from the weekend for private tutoring.

All they ask for is that you are native english speaker (and white).

I absolutely fucking regret going to university and building up debt for fucking nothing which is also my fault for picking a stupid ass fucking degree.

University is not worth it at fucking all because at the end of the day most jobs don't care for your degree, they just care about you as a person, your contacts and experience

Holy shit Edgemaster, *tips fedora*, I've never seen an autist quite like you

I think student loans should be given out based on risk factor instead of just to anyone, so that means taking into consideration high school performance, major to be studied, all in an effort to determine odds of it ever being paid back.

But damn OP, you win the Golden Fedora award

I think you should be killed
just because

What is Sup Forums's opinion on a Economics degree?

backyard with a Cannabis Club humanities!

built a 250k tesla coil. had a friend attempt to touch plasma stream.

Maybe deep I want to kill them with high flow electrons! AMPS,BABY,AMPS.

The economy is shit regardless of your degree. Pajeets, Ching Bongs, and even Jose's have flooded the fucking market in a lot of fields. Nothing is guaranteed anymore.


my weakness

Yeah, feel it. I only went to stop myself from killing myself.

Killing all non-intellectuals sounds pretty based tbqh

Outright banning degrees is stupid. The problem is that higher education has been give utility. Most STEM degrees should completed in technical institutions.

The rest of your post is bait. Philosophy and Classics majors tend to have the highest average intelligence of any degree. STEM fags are trivia autists most of the time. Yeah, congrats on memorizing the second law of thermodynamics. No that is not what all philosophy boils down to. Excuse me while I finish reading the illiad in Homeric Greek.

>Ayn Rand as a female philosopher
>Not Simone de Beauvoir
Pleb tier philosophy knowledge

controlled? how do you have interesting accidents? ever see an old TV fly back transformer discharge through a voltmeter?

>He can't compete with non-whites
>Master race

>I think every single non-STEM degree should be illegalized

fucking christ you are both stupid and brainwashed by propaganda

STEM fields are good fields, but this worship of STEM is just a heavily pushed meme by big industries in order to lower the cost of labor.

Yeah because we need intellectuals working as doctors as well as in Carl's Jr


and there lay the issue

Go into law like me, Ben. You have to get a BA/BS first. Im going into corporate law, so I'm going to business school rn. But if you go into humanities, that's fine. They'll take any BA/BS as long as you had a good enough GPA/LSAT score

Funny thing... Every GOOD engineer I've ever worked with, was non degreed.
And all the STEM oriented young interns I've had to tolerate, primadonnas.

Fucking stick boys.

the best mathematician I've ever met did not finish high school.

>the creativity used in forming new mathematical proofs is not part of what it means to be a human

I hate >le STEM are inhuman! meme

I studied linguistics at a good UK university. I earn a lot of money and travel all over the world

9% conservative
93% atheist
looks down a microscope at everything
cant comprehend anything without reduction

the key is, during your 8 years studying, think of a business you can start yourself.

Concentrate on others making you money. Multiply the number of bodies you need to make X shekels.

if you keep emotion out you will do fine.

The problem with stem degrees is the same problem with most academic disciplines:

You know what other people know, and you know what their arguments are, but you cannot MAKE their arguments, or tell where they went wrong.

Almost half of hires are not in your field. Many Tech hires are non-stem degrees, and half of STEM degrees didn't get jobs in their field.

What impresses and succeeds are people who can think for themselves, and not just expect that all the constraints encountered in a job are going to have precedent that is taught in school.
STEM, like all degrees, doesn't guarantee that you understand anything or can learn anything, only that you can recite what someone else learned before you.

So get off your high horse, you Platonist fool...

I tip my fedora to you sir. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

me too! We are just wanting to know "why" shit works. usually don't pull from the pussy pool so why hate STEM?

I still do not truly grasp how a capacitor senses electrons! and then uses that sense to create flow!

There's a fucking break in the circuit!

no one has answered that question in 15 years! At least not without a lecture! lol!

no but that sounds cool as shit

I always wish I went into linguistics. Fuck. Why did I ruin my life getting a STEMeme degree

are you still at uni or out and if so what are your job prospects looking like? sorry for being nosey fellow philbro at uni

I know it is electromagnetic and magnetic fields are the originator of electron flow but still a pulse of magnetism across an open circuit deserves more study.

the thing is some fucking humanities major will look at it one day and explain the damn occurance in one sentence!

that's the beauty of different disciplines!

>no doctors
>no lawyers
>no psychologists to treat your debilitating autism
As a STEM major myself, i'm glad other majors existed at my college, so I didnt have to hang out with spergs like you who made up the majority of my class

You basically described North Korea

what is you discipline?

>Everyone takes STEM courses
>any jobs related to STEM would be full which would make other STEM graduates sink to unemployment.
>universities laugh at those unemployed graduates while their pockets are full of shekels
The jews will win in the end.

or generate innovation.

apes dont read philosophy user

don't fucking do it brah. 50k volts with 100mA will ruin metals day let alone your pink flesh!

>agree with everything
>be bald


this post is very stupid. Move to venezuala or best korea if you geuinely believe that these things should be "illegalized".

t. someone who didnt fall for the college meme

Have memes gone too far?

I wouldn't, but it sounds cool as shit still

I don't get this either, what do they even learn in philosophy? Can't they just buy literature written by the philosopher?

You can read it in a book

adam smith is a commie and you know it

Philosophy master race here.

TFW when you make $500k/yr plus bonus as an investment banker after cruising through university while science continues to battle funding cuts.

I've only got to page 500 odd. I disagree though, so far he is arguing that man is a resource and to be exploited, but it is important to sustain the lower classes too. Not to mention he is for limited government and letting the markets play their natural course.

Chem eng my nigger. Sophmore this year. Also my uni is fucking sweet in that I dont take any of my gen ed courses until spring of senior year

I'll ask you fruenden. do you know it plasma/rail guns are not covered by Deutsche law? Would love to sell 500 volt rifles to Germans to use against Islam.

Do you know?

I need some shekels for Temple. Rabbi gave me " The Look" today.

Hypatia of Alexandria, Hannah Arendt, Luce Irigaray, Mary Wollstonecraft, Simone De Beauvoir,

Is Medicine considered STEM?

>stem is just le memorization
>this is what humanities majors actually believe

I agree with this man, but I would go further by saying that most leftists in universities are encouraging the shit and need to be expelled. Removing leftist professors and advertising that higher education is for enhancing knowledge rather than getting a nicer job would improve universities.

...So no country music? Fuck you OP.

medicine has no place in the first world