>three different steve jobs movies just to demonize him
>the social network made cuckberberg look like a perv despite marrying his high school sweetheart
Why does Hollywood hate Silicon Valley so much?
>three different steve jobs movies just to demonize him
>the social network made cuckberberg look like a perv despite marrying his high school sweetheart
Why does Hollywood hate Silicon Valley so much?
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All of those movies about Steve Jobs was sucking his dick though.
Stwve jobs was a raging asshole. The moron liked fonts. And cuxkenberg literally made a website torate women
How stupid are u?
zuckerberg movie was actually decent.
hollywood loves to show how brave and corageous they are by shit talking people their bosses don't like.
Why not cuckerberg or zark muckerberg or just cuck
Literally everyone in corporate america sucks cuckenbergsbdick. Facebook sells no physical product but is the 4th most valued company.
Apple, who sells 19% of phones, is technically the richest company.
GE, who sells nuclear reactors, power plant turbines, and jet fighters is 150thish
it'll come crashin'
>Facebook sells no physical product
lol you are a fucking idiot
I am very aware of facebioks game. I havent had a Facebook account since u needed a edu email. Do you?
>Apple, who sells 19% of phones, is technically the richest company
wrong. that mantle switched over to Alphabet some time last year
Berg berg?
Berg. Berg bergberg berg berg.
Bergberg berg berg
Even worse. Atleast apple has a physical product.
Alphabet literally flaunts what they are. Alphabet.
For anynmoprons who cantbgoogle, alphabet is tje company that owns google. And its name is a joke on who owns them.
Are you the drunk user who knows the Pizza guy?
>Why does Hollywood hate Silicon Valley so much?
Literally the same fucking people in charge.
Even from the same tribe.
That's literally how you run a business and you really think the industry that gave Polanski a standing ovation is any better?
>Why does Hollywood hate Silicon Valley so much?
How much of yuppie faggot do you have to be earnestly ask this.
Yep. I can call nic right now if he still has his old number. Its like some wierd assohio number
Because no one in the SV has a soul.
Movie about Bell Labs fucking when?
Silicon Valley is full of idealistic drug addicts who are literally working to control the internet and world. Stop trying to act like Hollywood is anti-business you imbecile, Hollywood is a business. Just because your favorite jew programmer got slammed in some shitty movie.
>Literally the same fucking people in charge.
Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs aren't kikes though.
Musk isn't.
Gates and Jobs for sure are/were
Elonmusk is the kikeist of kikes. Bill is pretty based with his whole kill all tje niggers initiatives.
Jobs was Syrian. Jews hate them
>Why does Hollywood hate Silicon Valley so much?
Because they're soulless kikes whose entire business model is predicated on invading your privacy as much as possible in order to sell you advertising.
Steve jobs literally liked fonts. He was shit. Musk is sc@ming the govtfor your tax dollars. He got a 20k check for every car he sold. Obambo scammed you, moron. Buy healthcare or else i will jail you.
Because they're a much more creative industry than the one who makes Captain American: Edge of the Falcon Cinematic Universe and then 2 or 3 holocaust or slave movies to win awards.
They hate success. Hollywood has an idea that the only people who are rich or well known should be actors/actresses related to someone already established.
You do realize zuckerburg built a girl rating website for his college, then realised the exclusivity of it wasthe only thing that made it popular. And at this pint it is justa cia gateway.
ummm sweetie that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever read lmao xx
>You do realize zuckerburg built a girl rating website for his college
Wow Hollywood would never put physical appearance over actual talent you really showed us.
But you still said nothing. Zuckerberg is a horrible person ni matter how bad you think hollywoood is.
Or are you literally so fucking stupid you dont understand?
he's certainly all the others, but what exactly makes him a genius. being good at writing code?
I literally don't see how he's any worse than the average Hollywood pedo.
They're both clearly no Mother Teresa but still
>being good at writing code
there's no evidence that he is
movie when?
Bexause he isnt a hollywood pedo, moran. He owns the company thatholly woodpedos invest ib to spy on you.
If you havea facebook account youare part of the problem
Zuckerberg stole an idea he has been hired to dev for, and also cucked his friend out of the proceeds.
He's literally a villain. He's also a beta orbiter who settled for this.
>Be one of the richest people on Earth
>Settle for fat asian
Must be getting a ton of side ass
It boggles mymindhowliterally ni ine remembers myspace.
The only thing different was you neded an edu email to join faxeboolk.
Zuckerberg is an evil prick, though.
There are so many red flags about Facebook it's not even funny.
>Real name policy
>Political censorship, journalistic censorship, personal censorship
>Data mining
>Selling your data to outside corporations
>Extreme profiling of its users
>Tax dodging
>Racial exploitation
>Threatening to subsume newspapers and magazines that are too powerful
>Shady people own significant parts of Facebook
>Uses controversial or downright illegal algorithms
>Literally tried to trademark claim the word "book"
I hadpeople clean out 2 credit card accounts tgrough f@cebook. I am fairly certaian it is a money l@neering scheme.
Are you by any chance a college freshman, because you type like one.
Zuckerberg is scum, and Social Network is an amazing movie.
Does it matter? It wouldn't change how despicable Facebook and its practices are.
Yes it does because you'll realize how stupid you sound in a few years.
>settled for this
But they literally made it seem like he made Facebook to impress Rooney Mara
you seem to think not allowing harassment is censorship. there is no censorship on facebook as long as you don't spread hate speech.
>data mining, tax dodging
well yeah, that's silicon valley for you.
>Uses controversial or downright illegal algorithms
lmao what.
If u use facebook you dont get to call people dumb..
How is your ninth grade gf doing?
"private social network" was not a special idea that could be trademarked. he did nothing wrong.
He speaks out against the NSA which more than counters all of that.
>businessman wants his competition gone
No shit.
Who said I use Facebook?
Just trust me, I know you're maybe 18 or 19. Your idea of social media is going to change a lot in the next few years.
4/10 bait, decent idea, just missed the mark
I sould bet mylleft nut you have a facebook account that you have checked this week.
The last time i logged onto facebook was 5 years ago to get 750 dollars back. Because facebook doesnt have a telephone number.
>there is no censorship on facebook as long as you don't spread hate speech
Oh really? Tell me how criticizing Erdogan is hate speech.
How about breast cancer awareness?
What about basic political satire?
>well yeah, that's silicon valley for you.
That doesn't make it fair or ethical.
>lmao what
>say the right words
>ok you're jesus now
This is why literal criminals run for and win the presidency. Fucking imbeciles.
>most valued
And there's the problem. Unilever who own basically everything turned over €150 billion last year. Zuckerberg is 'valued' at $55 billion himself.
Makes no sense at all.
Now one gives a fuck, reddit cunt
Are you having a stroke while typing? How do you fuck up this badly?
Lol i stoked you're mom.
>tfw mootles could've been a billionaire if Sup Forums and Sup Forums didn't fuck up everything they touch
read the fucking articles. the Erdogan article wasn't actually deleted. the breast cancer ad was eventually approved and not a purposeful suppression. The job centre satire site was flagged as spam.
None of these are directives from Facebook that is censoring free speech. They're administrative errors that happened because their automated approval systems fucked up.
If you appeal those things, facebook fixes them. how is that censoring free speech?
What makes you think that's any different than the top 7 media conglomerates?
>That doesn't make it fair or ethical.
yeah I'm not defending those points either. but they are common and unavoidable for any company of that scale within the industry. just don't share anything you're not comfortable with sharing. not a problem.
same as above: if you don't want the company sharing your personal data, don't give it to them.
you don't need a real name to use facebook either. I don't use mine.
He could have still been here if the leftist puppetmasters didn't turn the pressure up on him to engage in more anti-free-speech controls which he didn't want to do
that's not why he left.
No even he admitted he was breaking even with the site and then his drawquest app failed so he needed to move on.
fake news
>you don't need a real name to use facebook either. I don't use mine.
Then you're violating Facebook policy and will have your account closed.
>liked fonts
is this a bad thing
it's widely known adobe (and by extension the design industry) was a big reason for apple's success
It switched to alphabet, but apple came back again. It's a constant back and forth between them
jobs was a staunch buddhist
that's why he looked so miserable before he died, he was living off hippie fad diets
man what I'd do for a thicc asian
thanks to trannies and drag queens you're not strictly required to any more. APOLOGIZE.
He looked miserable before he died because he's a dumbass and didn't get chemo when his cancer was first detected and by the time he did it was too late.
He was breaking even because nobody will advertise here because of the retarded fucks on Sup Forums posting CP and pretending to be 1337 h4x0rs even though they were just sending people pizzas.
>nobody will advertise here
Well that sure has changed.
fuck off newfag. Sup Forums has had CP and gore since it started.
it was rising server costs and static advertising profit that was the problem, along with his other entrepreneurial ambitions.
afaik this place is still having funding issues but I don't know what asian moot is doing about that.
>afaik this place is still having funding issues but I don't know what asian moot is doing about that.
Try turning off adblock some time (or browse the site on Mobile Chrome)
>he doesn't use Adblock
Been since StileProject little dove. You should probably kill yourself.
Any time Zuckerberg is in the media it's always for some dumb shit. Last I heard he was stopped trying to evict some Hawaii people out of sacred land or some shit, some real cartoon supervillain shit.
But nobody cares anymore. Zuckerberg's scum yeah we know who cares. More people would be mad if Trump called Beyonce a 4 at best. People still use facebook. Well it is losing users especially in the post 00s born generation but Messenger is going stronger than ever and they are buying out all other competition besides Snapchat, who will IPO soon enough.
And Hollywood is just another facet of the MSM who do not understand anything created with computers. The sooner the boomer generation fucks off forever the better our planet will be. All they gave us was shit.
At the end of the day, Twitter has still never made money and facebook makes a lot of money.
>implying adblock still works anymore
>he doesn't know how to customise the most basic add on in the world
>>deadbeat dad names his computer after his rejected & refudiated daughter
>>jew steals anidea for a web bbs from some jocks
wat heros!
kys op