Does Anyone Else Feel Like Trump Has Recently Lost His Momentum?

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I shill for hill now

His schtick has gotten old, and instead of dialing it up now he's dialing it back.

He won, the fervour has died down as a result, now it's just the wait for the conference and then the start of the campaign proper.

Nope, this is what's called a "pivot". It's necessary to get the moderates on board.

This is Presidential Trump provided by Paul "Mr. Chloroform" Manafort.

nah its just because we're waiting for the convention and nothing is happening until then.

Yeah, but we're in the dead days of the race. Nothing really big is going to be happening with the election for several months now*. All Trump really needs to focus on right now is halting his downward slide--which he seems to have already done. He also needs to start taking action to reverse the damage of Shilldawgs slander campaign.

*potential happenings such as, but not exclusively, Hillary indictment, DNC convention riots, and assassinations aren't guaranteed, so I wouldn't include them here.

Damn, guess I'm now a /cruzmissile/

If you believe media polls, then sure. But the media is owned by the same globalists who own Hillary, and hate Trump because he won't sell out to them, so of course they'll put out fake polls favoring her.

No, Trump is shifting his tone slightly while honing his message of America First and Fair Trade. Hillary's post nominee bump is over and the numbers are closing back in. My guess is Trump will see a large bump after his VP and convention.

If there is major fallout at the DNC with Berners protesting/rioting, Clinton will not see a post convention bump. That's the best we can hope for at this time. To me it seems doubtful she will be indicted, so Trump needs to clean her clock at the debates.

He was doing great but every single fucking time he opens his mouth he alienated more people. Honestly he is ruining his own chances.

Hillary and Trump have both lost momentum, it's an inevitability with all the media shilling and memeing the same shit over and over and over and over and over

Actually i think trump has a silent majority of Americans who do not embrace him, rather choose him because he is in their eyes, the least evil.

I've seen his campaign gain acceptance more after bernie's bern out.

Trump was always a Jewish cocksucking faggot. Fuck him and all the nerd bitches on here that support him.

trump's popularity grew because of the conflict. he was always feuding with someone, arguing with someone, yelling at someone, now it's been a few months when he's had no real fight. just wait for the debates.

face it, he's basically the WWE candidate, that's why he gained so much ground. americans love that shit.

still better than hillary though, and if you aren't voting for him you should kill yourself desu

>Nope, this is what's called a "pivot". It's necessary to get the moderates on board.

He is pivoting back to being a loud dumbass.

anyway, once you see a Trump rally, you have seen them all. Trump's gig got old and boring like his ex-wives.


I'm actually glad he's laying low for a bit. People can grow tired of him if he's constantly making big news. Withdraw for a bit and make a push for the trophy. Let Philly burn to the ground and hopefully Cleveland will be comfy. It would be nice if Bernouts divide the party even further.

>mfw you let your gf fuck guys like me


I like you.


you shills never lose your momentum. Why do they keep paying you? your tactics don't affect this userboard


You could say this is a sort of "rest" period for Trump.

He had lots of energy during the primaries and at the rallies following the nomination. Now he's just trying to get moderates on his side as others anons have stated.

Once the debates begin he will go insane on Shillary. Have faith.

>nerd bitches

It's the pre-convention calm before the storm lad. Both candidates are spending their time ironing out their gameplan for winning in November while doing just enough to get airtime while waiting to see what the FBI does.

Just wait user, the real fireworks between Mittens and Obongo didn't start till September.

No, its just a breather because he won the primary.

Yeah, he actually seems really tired. I think he's just naturally losing steam and he's had to run twice as hard as the rest because of all the shit the media gives him.

He's been in the spotlight for too long. His act has worn thin and his lies keep catching up to him.

>months of anti-trump "protesters" rioting and assault Trump supporters
>hurr durr look how small the crowds are

He keeps royally fucking up so he has to lay low afterwards. It's his own damn fault and honestly has been frustrating the hell out of me. I keep hoping he has something big in the works, but I'm just thinking he is starting to get a bit flustered and discouraged and starts with the word vomit.

Primary season is over. This is when he needs to buckle down, bring in the moderates, and be high energy, all of which he is failing at. Don't know what's up with him, but he needs to get his shit together - especially now that Clinton isn't going to be facing charges. He needs to have his A-game on at all times.

Everything depends on the VP pick and whether Trump starts doing some serious homework on the issues. Anti-globalism and anti-immigration are the most important things, but he has to look smart to get the job.

Hopefully VP pick is Sessions who is a genial, well-spoken old guy who actually knows his stuff. If he picks somebody like Chris Christie, it over.

And if Trump ever acts in a debate against Clinton like he did in the first primary after the field was drastically narrowed (first one without Yeb), we're fucked. That showed that Trump didn't have enough knowledge to fill the space when he was given a lot more speaking time.

You forgot more leaks

> media starts election coverage two fucking years before the election.

> anyone ever being surprised when they start losing interest.

Especially people on Sup Forums who likely read news all day everyday.

Like some other guy said best hope is massive riots at DNC convention splintering the party. Carl the cuck and aids skrillex literally and violently fucking each others asses bareback on the streets in protest. Oh the bloody mess, then trump will swoop in and ave the fair maiden Maddie and fill her with his glorious seed. And then, 5 months later, a glorious golden bald eagle will spurt from her womb and the Donalds will ride its wings all the way to 1600 Philidelphia Road

if he gets the moderates he'll lose his base

>1 post by this IUD

$hillary has spent $500k a day in ads against Trump, Trump has spent zero and he's gaining. Also, Trump isn't getting his shit pushed in by the FBI.

His campaign doesn't have enough money to spend anywhere close to that.

wow i hate trump now

Stealth Rare

Seriously, this is basically a rehearsed line. He says this at every rally. I went to the San Diego rally and he said "we have thousands of people in here, and thousands more trying to get in!" when in reality the venue was maybe 3/4 full and nobody was waiting outside trying to get in.

Maybe he should set up a foundation and accept exorbitant speaking feeds as "donations" in exchange for "favors" and whore out his entire family to do the same. Surely he'd have enough money to cover for his decades of deceitfulness then.

He's laying low so that Shillary gets the nomination and he can cut loose on her.

Is this what a libcuck raid looks like?

salty bean nigger detected.
have fun building the wall



His kid is already breaking election laws by soliciting campaign donations from members of foreign governments.

He's not being lude enough.

No he won't. He's already a moderate, dipship. Only retard liberals are acting like he's some sort of extremist. Do you really think Trump is as socially or fiscally conservative as Cruz? Do you really think Trump is an evangelical?

Trump's running on a nationalist platform, while for the last several years Republican politicians have placated rightwing voters with "muh God, muh abortion" and other vague evangelical bullshit, and meanwhile opened the border to Mexico and signed trade deals to benefit the rich (deals that also benefit the poor in the third-world countries, which is why liberals support them, so they can feel like humanitarians while serving their donor overlords) and now Trump has come along and Republican voters have realized that they'd rather vote for the guy who actually has some balls and gives a shit about his country than some faggot crying about Jesus and abortion and fag marriage.

Its just as likely fake as it is real. On one side, he could be exaggerating to make himself look better, and on the other side, these still images could be before the event started.



What in the FUCK is going on in this webm?

And if this were real, its still more than hillary


I mean back when there were debates and the whole idea of Trump was "new" it was a completely different situation, I couldn't get enough of him.

He's trying to be more presidential in the way that he avoids being outrageous as fuck, but that's what got him popular in the first place. I loved how he always came in like an absolute savage, ridiculing his opponents.

I'm starting to get a feeling that he's going to lose to Hillary, but we shouldn't stop trying nevertheless.

It's been all over the news this week, just go look it up, since I know any link I post will be shot down no matter how reputable the source.

just waiting for the debates

Lose to Hillary's voterfraud.

Watch with this playing.


>no proof

ok then, thanks for clearing that up

selling out your base for "moderates" will literally cause him to lose

Moderates don't even exist, they just cowards who won't pick sides and don't have real views.

trump is finished

He's saving his energy for now. He will be back to his old self soon, counter punching bitches left and right.

It's because nothing really is going on. He's won the primary and the general hasn't really started. Who is there to stump? No one yet.

Story plz wtf

I'm sorry you are incapable of using a search engine. Here, let me spoon feed you. donation foreign governments&lr=English&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiM9fDSn9bNAhVbGGMKHe63BnIQqgIIKDAA

This. We are still battling certain (((elements))) within the GOP that are still trying to stop Trumps Nomination.

Add the fact that Hillary has been hiding in her Cave for the past few weeks only coming out to make weak tweets means there is little content for Trump to attack directly.

another fucking shill thread. is there another site that has a pro trump board? I dont mind disagreement, but the concern trolling and blatant propaganda and sliding is out of hand.

Perhaps we start redpilling other Sup Forums boards

Unless he can overcome the media he raciss narrative he seems pretty fucked

I'm finding his latest speeches fascinating. Trump is laying out his vision of an America first government and distinguishing himself from crooked Hillary who is a treasonous cunt that is selling us out for personal gain. This whole election has been great for people who watch politics.

Trump should undergo his rejuvenation ritual of bathing in the pussy juices of a thousand gorgeous Eastern European models.

oh okay, i was a bit confused, you see here you said
>His kid is already breaking election laws by soliciting campaign donations from members of foreign governments.

what you should have said was "several people claimed to have allegedly received emails that may or may not have been from donald trump's son"

it's ok, easy mistake user.


>what is the Clinton Foundation

An organization that isn't getting its emails released to the public for 27 months.

>isn't getting

Slick Willy got caught, Cankles Lynch backed off.

wtf I hate momentum now

He's preparing for the general.

The entire election has lost momentum.

It's going to be slow for a while. Probably after July this whole thing will pick back up.

Oh, I know. The Clintons are in a league of their own when it comes slipping out of trouble.


He doesn't have an active opponent currently.

>The Clintons are in a league of their own when it comes slipping out of trouble.
Actually, yeah. Most people have enough common sense to not repeatedly fuck up.

>take photos before event starts and say place is empty

holy shit trump BTFO

>hillary debating

how do you debate that which does not debate?

I'm not voting for him but i'd save him. He'd be really grateful and probably give me a shit ton of cash.

Sic transit gloria mundi.
An Adversary is needed to shine.
You don't worry, once the presidential fully starts it'll be ok.

No he won't. Trump supporters are locked in. Trump supporters hate Hillary, they will never vote for her. The worst they could do is not vote at all, but most will vote in spite

yes. Unfortunately he was not too smart about this whole thing when he managed to turn almost everyone against him but what I imagine to be border line caricatures of greasy overweight rednecks riding on scooters everywhere with a striped flag on top, yelling racist slurs and "muh guns" "my liberteh" "muh democracy"

He had it and he blew it. Unfortunately for Israel since shillary is the absolute worst scenario for us.



you have internet..????

Look at that new poll I dont agree, but maybe with hype because primaries are over

I want to know too!

It's a radiohead vignette.

>abortion and fag marriage.
Ironically, the people who don't care about those things are the people who don't care about their country, only themselves :^)
The brainwashing got you good.

It warms my heart to know we'll die together and because of the same jews.

>1 post by this ID

Huh, really makes you think

I'm #mentallyhill now