Photoshop a black guys head on this and you couldnt tell the difference
Other urls found in this thread:
the chimps skin looks like my dick
You should photoshop a thread about politics on it instead.
The feet give it away dumb fuck
WTF. That's a black man you fucking racist. I can't even. .Just. .wow.
If monkeys were not politics related we couldn't be posting here, bro.
Speak for yourself.
Isn't that already a black guy?
But isn't it already a nigger?
Please don't insult chimpanzees
Funny isn't it
Lost my shit
Don Cheadle has really let himself go
Gay fish
Sup Forums is just a racist cesspool. White people honestly deserve every rapefugee they get
Oh Nige, you wanker!
Why is he hairless?
Americans and their dry fucking mudcrack dicks. You need foreskin for natural lubrication. Why can't Americans understand this?
im not Mexican
I did.
Niggers are violent and have low I.Q.'s
Just back from club
Hammered on vodka
Why am I doing this
I don't know OP. I can kind of tell the difference.
> black guy
Don't they normally have hair? Isn't there a nasty catch sometimes
Shaving monkeys
C'mon we both know 1% of people think like your average Sup Forumslack
Let's see ... no apes in the Europeans .... Other animals ....
Hm this
Your election cycle has been a mammoth amount of entertainment.
Maybe if we say Europeans have pig DNA muslims will stop raping you
Science. Precluding Jews and Muslims.
Only Germanics look like pigs.
TFW parents bought into the jewish lie and chopped off my foreskin. I... Hope a reversal process is invented sometime when I am alive.
yes very
Holy shit