Walking with Dinosaurs came out 18 years ago

>Walking with Dinosaurs came out 18 years ago

Shit was pretty terrible.

bet you liked jurassic world


Dinosaurs never existed


haha spotted the tisms. Bet you fags like going to see the dimeosars at the zoo exhibits too.

>tfw dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago

>that detailed view of sauropods shitting

>reading about dinosaurs when i was a kid
>"dinosaurs dies out 65,000,000 years ago"
>reading about them now
>"dinosaurs died out 65,000,000 years ago"
>mfw they expect us to believe their lies
how can it be the same amount of time after THIRTY YEARS have gone by?!

is that a real dino lad?

Wow, I feel old man.

>menchild are triggered by this

weeeeeew lad

would love a new WWD with feathered dinosaurs (where appropriate)

and sorta related but why is the BBC so great at documentaries?


Fucking hell, way to make me feel old OP

>tfw the Palaeocene was 56 m.y.a.

Checked and kekked

State owned channels have two goal: to educate and entertain. A good doc has to be both.

true enough but many other state owned channels can't reach their level

but when you watch a documentary and see that BBC logo you know you're in for a fantastic time

But we did get a new Walking with Dinosaurs on the big screen

with celebrity voiceover and fart jokes added in after the fact

Is there a non fart version?

You mean a non-kino version? No, get back to R-ddit

>that underwater episode

>you will never be young again and nail yourself to the couch every week a new Walking with Dinosaurs or walking with beasts episode came out

This nigga is making sense

Nighmare fuel.