Was poland a mistake?
Was poland a mistake?
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I'm a huge Wehraboo and the 1871 German Empire borders are too fucking aesthetic to pass up on but Poland is a decent nation with a long culture of struggle, familia. They're earned a place on this planet.
>with a long culture of struggle
So does Blacks Lives Matter.
mario was a mistake
No they don't :^)
Fuck the EU and fuck you.
that comic is so utterly wrong
>sharing and caring
>accepting refugees
>the same thing
He said struggle not rapes or terrorist attacks.
go home, abdul.
The only mistake is that Poles helped save Europe on many occasions ex. Battle of Vienna, Bolchevist 1920 and WW2 only to get back stabbed. We won't make this mistake again.
Why does everyone bully Poland now?
Jealousy. They have the last great country.
Kek german posters are so kek when they try to bully polish guy.
m-muh heritage!
i just think they need to be shown their hierarchical place again
They're shit
build with money from other countries.
So why does this great country exist solely on other lesser countries' dole? We wuz kangz tier
Yep you'd be surprised how many polacks I meet are surprised how I cling to my heritage and pass it on the next generation you fucking paki nigger
Fuck Germany. Maybe they should ask other EU countries how many refugees they want to take. EU is bullshit.
Pls pls make Western Europe great again
Germany got fucked so hard
says the ameriburger
im a liberator from stavropol
if you're so proud of your polish heritage, go there and help your people instead of crying on a chinese bulletin board
Just a month ago everybody on Sup Forums liked poland for refusing refugees, now they actually see it for what it is...
Isn't it funny?
How about mudshits? They need to be put in their place as well
So you insist that countries be members of the EU and then you complain that they take advantage. Make up your mind.
Hey I am, leaving in 3 weeks to see my family
Fuck off the Poles are alright.
They're good lads, their women are top class and they know how to make a decent beer.
have fun, user! :3
Who will protect you from the muslims and Shitskins?
not poland at least
Complete bullshit
You have no idea
Says Kikemony
Haha that's for sure , I'm going to have a good laughter at seeing you effiminate beta cucks trying to fight
I realize you are just projecting strength because you feel like weeping. It's sad what happened to Germany. Best of luck.
>yfw that amount of whites is more whites and just whites than your entire country's population, including non-whites AND domestic pets like cats and dogs combined
Step one: count the number of cats and dogs owned as pets
Step two: count the population of Humans
Step three: add the numbers together
Step four: kill yourself because this number is still magnitudes smaller than the number of whites in the USA
Toppest of keks.
dont worry
we gonne be fine
also poland has the lowest fertility rate in europe
they will be gone before us
There is this thing in the USA called states. Niggers either live on the coast or the south. Kikemany is not afforded such a luxury. Enjoy being mudslime country by 2020 ahahahaha
>Poland takes in Ukrainian refugees
Kikemany has been taking it in the asshole since 1945
>murican education
Is that before or after you slurp Achmed and Mehmets dick?
You are? That's sad to hear kikemany
have you checked the fertility rates of native germans?
And you sooner than expected
have you checked how many young people left your country?
oh, so you didnt
well you can enjoy your tanned brethern.
let's see how prosperous you will be in a generation or 2 with your welfare system who will only keep on growing while your native Germans will be the working minority supporting this whole apparatus
Poland has been occupied territory for some of the world's most oppressive and brutal regimes, and yet the Polish culture and language still thrives. Nothing but respect for poland.
Pressure makes diamonds
By this I assume it means Rhodesian whites?
yeah... diamonds...
look, abdul, i know youre feeling inferior but explain to me, what is wrong with this picture?
look at your weak ass people lol. Not even a ounce of manhood
That is exactly what it is though. You share the benefits - you share the burden. Sup Forums likes to meme about the number of refugees but they're actually very manageable if every country takes its fair share. You get problems like ghettos or inefficient cheks when you overload a handful of countries.
no you retard.
the point is the "refugees" shouldnt even step foot in europe
thats why we are protesting.
its against morality and against international law
What is wrong with you Germans? Really, you have lost your damn minds.
Very much debateable.
>against international law
Hardly, the only treaty that is being ignored is the one that says we should keep them all in the country they first set foot in - leaving Greece with millions which is neither practical nor fair.
no, fucktard, law says they should stay in first country not in war, which is nowhere near europe OR greece
and it is against morality because they arent compatible with european culture, thus rapes and crime you subject your citizens to
This reads like a fucking horror story.
that's the Indonesian flag buddy
i'd say italy was a mistake desu
Pls sink rapefugees boats if you say
What is this treaty that says refugees have to stop at the first country that isn't gonna kill them? You can apply for asylum anywhere as long as you get there (sometimes not even that).
And they're very much compatible if you do it right - that is, split them up properly. If you avoid amassing too many, assimilation as well as check to avoid letting those truly undesirables in, can work.
haha get fucked kraut , enjoy your slow death
They look nice to me.
no, they dont have to stop, but other countries dont have to accept them, in contrary to what german propaganda bureau is saying
they are a burden, and they are not european, thus the savages can go fuck themselves.
just look what you are saying, fool,
>they are compatible IF
wtf I hate the EU now
Yeah no shit they're a burden and countries don't have to, but like I said, you share the benfit, you share the burden. For someone talking about morality you sure don't mind being an ungrateful spoiled child and turning people asking for help away.
>inb4 they're all undercover terrorists or economic parasites
You could also argue that if you make a mess, you deal with it yourself.
good goy, "share the bruden" what!?
2 generation of soft Marxist brainwashing and you have individual like this kraut talking delusional nonsense on Sup Forums.
Quick, name a university outside the US ranked in the top ten. Are any in your country? No? Wow.
>Germany has 17.6 million pets in cats and dogs
>Germany has 80 million peopleuros
>even rounding to 20, 80 mil plus 20 mil is 100 mil
>US non-Hispanic white population is 197 million
You're almost 100 million under, even with cats and dogs and including non-whites.
What about my education again, German cuck?
Poland better obey EU or else.
or else NATO will provoke Russia in a military "exercise" in Poland.
we wouldnt have to join this shitstorm if you guys didnt wave your dick all the time
Yeah neither were all the programs that have benefitted your country immensely over the years, didn't mind the EU there. But when it's time to contribute a tiny bit, continental cooperation is suddenly out of the question.
It's not nonsense in the slightest.
>people """""asking for help""""""
how many "refugees" were actually refugees again?
oh dear fuck, the programs were part of the deal in eu, same as germans buying all our industries and evading tax
when did syria or somalia enter eu?
your beyond the point of saving. The only thing you will understand is when the kebab dull knife slowly slices your throat, then maybe you will understand. Everything is good until the economy starts to tank.Let's see how well you krauts will manage with savages
i think that you dont understand one thing
eu is a business organization not a fucking charity group