Why is this movie hated?
Why is this movie hated?
But it's not you fucking retard
Are you nuts? That ending is universally hated. The movie was pure kino up until that point.
But hey I guess I answered my question
Nice bait OP. But seriously this is still best superhero movie to date.
You can just start an Unbreakable thread, no need to bait like this dude.
If his weakness was water, why didn't he collapse every time it rained?
Did it never rain before where he lives?
Why do you think he's wearing the coat?
So he never showered or drank anything besides coffee either?
He never got splashback when dropping a huge shit?
This is a plothole
why is you?
Why because it had a twist? I know M. Night and his twists are a meme now, but this twist was fitting considering the theme of superheroes and its cliches.
No, it was his weakness, why would he allow that to happen? Splashback is avoided by filling the toilet with toilet paper beforehand and showers aren't an issue because it takes place in a world based on how M. Night Slamajam's poo-in-loo vision of human life, so nobody has showers.
No its not you pleb
The ending was shit because it had the freeze frame on the characters and it gave an entire films worth of what they went on to do afterwards. As far as I know , it was originally planned to have a sequel, but when they decided it wouldn't get that sequel they added those little character epilogues on. The info given in the freeze frame is what would have happened in the next film. I have no source on that, but I do recall hearing it somewhere, look into it yourself if you want to confirm or deny it.
is bruce willis the alien in signs?
solid 8/10 with a 1/10 text ending. You go from "oh shiiit" to "oh, well.. k"
All i remember is that Samuel Jackson was sent to a mental hospital after Bruce Willis turned him in.
Could you explain the events of the next film that appeared in the freeze frames then?
>people hate this kino because of the text at the ending
wew lad
I can't tell if these are genuine or taking the piss. Do you really think he'd somehow drown/catch pneumonia if he came in contact at all with water?
He didn't fucking die when almost drowning in a pool (because of being trapped by the tarp), so why would those be any of an issue? The point of it being his weakness is that yes, he CAN be hurt by water, not that it WILL kill him, like it's some kryptonite type shit.
We, as human beings, can die from gunshots. That doesn't mean touching a fucking bullet will kill or even harm us.
I haven't seen the film in year, no I don't. I just remmeber watching it and wondering why the film just ended and told me what happened afterwards, instead of just showing me. I do know that the ending was originally more open and didn't have the text, which would have been a perfect ending. It would fit the comic book thing of having a recurring villain, and would make you feel like this was the just the beginning of the rivalry betweem these character said they would have many confrontations as hero and villain in the years to come. The ending as it is doesn't provide a satisfying ending because you don't even get to see the end of the story, and it misses that great opportunity of reflecting the comic book trope.
Then why is he wearing the raincoat, retard? Pay attention to what you're watching next time you want to discuss it.
His weakness was swimming. He's afraid to be in pools because he almost drowned as a kid.
It's his fucking superhero outfit you unfathomable nigger
What it told in the freeze frame was just that Bruce Willis reported Sam Jackson to the police and that they found evidence to lock him up. That's not an entire film worth's of plot, though.
Would the ending be better for you if they showed what happened instead of telling it in captions?
Usually is good attire for when it's raining. Also because it's more 'costume-y' than not wearing anything, as he, in the end, clearly wants to keep his identity a secret.
IIRC it's security labeled, too, which fits his whole super hero persona of protecting (ie: the security job in NY)
His superhero outift that doubles as protection against his greatest weakness.
gloves would have been a good choice then
The ideal ending would have been if it ended as it had but without the text. I just looked into it a bit myself, and found that it being planned to have sequels isn't true, so I must have just retroactively imagined it saying more than it id id inn those freeze frames after hearing that they covered what would have happened in the sequel. Even still, it's not a satisfying ending, if had shown what happened next it would have definitely been better. As it is, it feels like there wasn't another ten or 15 minutes left of the film to shoot but they didn't have time to shoot it, so they just left a note at the end saying what was supposed to happen next. Even if it was a result of test audiences, who are almost always retarded, unfortunately, the ending feels lazy, tacked on and unsatisfying.
>text ending
What other movies do this? I was furious
He doesn't wear gloves because it reminds him that even if he is Unbreakableā¢, even he is not invincible.
Text endings are okay for biopics but not a fictional movie
It's an excellent ending. I know the modern Marvel-minded film watcher isn't satisfied without explosions, an ending wrapped in a bow, then one final quip before smashing to credits, but this is a different type of film.
yeah those are the only others I can think of, like Blow or Big Short
Sam L was the unbreakable one
>Sam L was the unbreakable one
Sam Jackson's character was extremely breakable though
And he jacked it to hentai
I agree with it would be better if they showed instead of telling it. But i guess the freeze frame didn't really bother me that much.
Good talk, man.
his spirit
>universally hated.
Shut the fuck up reddit queer. I bet you weren't even born when it came out. Just jumping on the bandwagon now that they released that pseudo sequel. Fucking kill yourself.
nigga that's deep
I don't even like Marvel movies, retard, it's just a shit, half-baked ending that wasn't even he ending that the director had envisioned for the movie. If it had just shown what it mentioned in the text then it would have actually felt like an ending and it wouldn't have had a bunch of explosions either, it would just be an actual ending.
>they call me Mr. Ass
"who does"?
>yo mama
The movie had some quality dialogue
ITT: tourists and capeshit fans
>le gatekeeper of secret club Sup Forums
shouldn't you be watching some Gaspar Noe?
People in this thread still haven't realized this movie got an in-universe sequel that fucking came out this year. Feel bad for you lads.
Oh i realize, but i don't wanna get spoiled on Split. So i'll be leaving this thread now.
I do, but when I first heard about it I thought it was about a guy with a rough life that goes bowling in his spare time, and I was disappointed when I found out what it's actually about, so now I don't care about it anymore.
Moviegoer film adaptation when?
multiple personalities gives you superpowers, including bulletproof skin
split was a terrible movie but hilarious. The 'how to dance to dubstep' memes will be great
>pseudo sequel
No one knew who he was before
are you retarted? his weakness is drowning not water itself
he would have died when he almost drowned again in that pool if his weakness was just water itself
Even back then people were tired of seeing and hearing Samuel L (I play the exact same loud mouth preacher character in every film) Jackson.
Keep waiting for his obituary to appear, will be a wonderful day.
It's not hated. It's just normies and plebs don't know about it. Put that together with the fact that normies/pleb love shitting on Shamallamadingdong and it's understandable that you'd think it'd be hated.
>a movie that exists to show how a real human being would adjust to being a superhero
>surprised where it doesn't end in a power fantasy
The ending was perfect. David doesn't want to be a capeshitter.