Why do they eat so much processed meat?

Why do they eat so much processed meat?

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I love my presunto (ham),

>I love my presunto (ham)
Patrician portuguese word surrounded by anglo barbaric german dialect

We eat still more, i think

Come home, brother

This haram food strikes fear in the heart and make impure the Moorish jihadist.

Here - hear about the patrician food.

define processed
how do you say jamon in portuguese? xamon?

salted, cured, fermented, and smoked


>Processed meat is considered to be any meat which has been modified in order to either improve its taste or extend its shelf life. Methods of meat processing include salting, curing, fermentation, and smoking. Processed meat is usually composed of pork or beef, but also poultry, while it can also contain offal or meat by-products such as blood. Processed meat products include bacon, ham, hotdogs, sausages, salami, corned beef, beef jerky, canned meat and meat-based sauces. Meat processing includes all the processes that change fresh meat with the exception of simple mechanical processes such as cutting, grinding or mixing

well how else are you supposed to keep meat for long periods of time? meat and fish has been salted for conservation for thousands of years ! i didnt know thats what processed meant

do you use the word linguiça? my fav is the linguiça toscana or just toscana

Like he said. Presunto

But in exceptional case and similar to Modern Galician (jamão) and Spanish jámon
jambelo - is only in Trás-os-Montes - It refers a little ham or little jámon.


We say ''presunto'', like the Italian ''prosciutto''
In all fairness, like 70% of the ham I eat is labeled ''Jámon'' because it comes from Spain xD

Those are not processed you mongs. Yankee spam is processed, viena sausages are processed

ah nice, i hope you enjoy our jamón and chourizo :3
here in galicia we just say xamón, and i think portuguese ham is called "xamón presunto"

looks disgusting lad

>Processed meat is considered to be any meat which has been modified in order to either improve its taste or extend its shelf life. Methods of meat processing include salting, curing, fermentation, and smoking
Can't you read?

This is what I think of when people say that they had sex on a table


? Processed meat are processed meat
it's obvious you have not tried it

Don't confuse the Chileno even more. Leitão ain't processed meat, beware.

Yeah, my bad. I was just horny after seeing so many ''presunto'' pics. Honest mistake


What type of sausage is it?

Os portugueses gostam de salsichas grossas?

Morcilla de burgos


Salsichas e não só.

>i didnt know thats what processed meant
Because it's not what processed meat means. Those meats are preserved, completely different things. Spam and mixed meat burgers(mcdonalds, burger king and what ever the fuck yankee shitlords eat) are processed meat.

i want to live in portugal so much

are you white? if no fuck off

But Portugal is Mediterranean, not white.