What's the conclusion?

What's the conclusion?
He is just trolling everyone and getting media attention and is not an actual crybaby, right?

Other urls found in this thread:


Who cares soccer is gay

I mean what he's doing he is pulling media along with him to France because once his 15 mins are up he's gonna be as relevant as stade rennais lol

He was just like that when he played on Santos, he's doing the same fucking shit now on PSG. When he was at Barça, Messi and Suárez kept him in check, but now he suddenly thinks he's better than everyone again.

But I don't really care, so long as he keeps delivering for the NT and wins a WC.

what did he do?


Fpbp remember to sage, hide, and report all povertydraw threads

>When he was at Barça, Messi and Suárez kept him in check, but now he suddenly thinks he's better than everyone again
most probably this

Bump :^)

He's a cunt, was always a cunt and will always be a cunt

i bet his kid is a cunt too

his grand children will be a cunt

>I'm extremely disappointed. Since I was young I was involved with football and only a few times I've seen someone with such low sportsmanship. I've always worked with youngsters and I've never seen anything like it. It's about time someone gets a hold of him, or we'll create a monster. We are creating a monster in brazilian football.

Somewhat loose translation from René Simões, back in 2010, curiously enough also involving him wanting to take a pen instead of his teammate. If you want to read the story, just put the link into google translate:


You take that back about his cunt fucking kid. What has he ever done to you?


Lol must make this board pretty desolate

good post

>be an overdramatic, overemotional, irrational Brazilian
>not a cry baby
Pick one.
All Brazilians are siss cry babies. Never met a male Brazilian I would call „manly“. They are all fags.

>Never met a male Brazilian I would call „manly“.
He doesn't know who Bolsonaro is, kek

Well you’re right, have to give that to you m8.

he literally JUSTED his career


what did he do?

>goes to psg
>gets pissed cause of cavani
>wants to leave

so basically this meme became a reality?
what a pussy

You can just use filters and avoid all threads you don't like tyrone

What is neymar? He looks like black indianish

He said he's bored of Emery training method and french league doesn't motivate him to play.


He's a mix of black, white, and indio, like a lot of Brazilians.


excellent post

he's not going anywhere. people just need something to chat about since PSG is destroying everyone they play, and that gets boring after a while.
besides, Al-Khelaifi will have him clipped if he tries to leave


And PSG is basically the only team worth news in France.

I don't agree with this post but I gotta say it's really fr**king good

this tbqh

The kid just cannot wait for real )Champion's League knockout stages) football. It's fine.


Bro he fucks his hot sister. Do you think he's actually a cry baby? He plays his cards the way they need to be played to win in life.

I bet their friendship was one of those dynamics where Suarez and Messi talk a ton of shit behind neymars back.

I miss them



bump :)

So fucking Ironic that moving to PSG to get over Messi's shadow, Mbappe's star started rising. Heck, that performance against Angers without him, Mbappe single handedly won them the match.

PSG shouldve never bought Neymar, but the owners probably wanted to make a power statement. Mbapepe is more than enough.

AND HES ONLY about to turn 19!

I wouldn't want it any other way.

Every 3 years or so a new brazilian player is marketed as the new Pele in order to land a transfer higher than all brazilian drug dealers yearly revenue combined. They usually don't play much but at least they have cool haircuts.

he literally just cried


Somebody here watched the friendly today? The guy lost his mind countless times during the game, and dived as usual. The coach had to sub him out. In a fucking friendly match. Against fucking Japan.

Mbappe is better anyway.

He's great and always delivers for the national team.

>le no source breaking newz

Even worse, the source is a scatalan tabloid.

They can't get over it.