How do we fix millennials?

How do we fix millennials?

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Gas chambers

Concentration camps

fix boomers

Concentration camps with Gas chambers

gas camps with concentration chambers

why not Gas chambers with concentration camps? they think they're in the concentration camp, but it's all one huge gas chamber.

.. also inside of a furnace.


boyscouts are good at fixing knots I hear

Is that vitaly?
maybe it was just a prank

I'm a full Millennial (mid 90's). The vast majority of us is still in the 'spoiled brat' phase.
Life will quickly catch up to us.

The result will be a polarized generation, with a minority on the extreme right (both authoritarian and libertarian) and the vast majority so liberal they will probably open all the gates to nigs and immigrants.

Millennial here. We're a fucked generation and it's because you non-millennial fucks allowed our education system to be hijacked and ran entirely by liberal cucks and hippies throughout our entire lives. You didn't win against communism, you only won against the Soviet Union. You ignored warning signs when your schools were being forcefully integrated into nigger ghettos and when communists were employed as teachers and professors.

This is the result. A lost generation of worthless nitwits, for the most part.


Lemme fuck him. He looks delicious!

Age will fix most of them.

take the black pill and realize that it's mostly the older generations who are still holding the foot in the door, newer generations imho are full blown indoctrinated to globalism, our only hope is a chaos that might at least partially reverse things

Did you know he was in a gay porn?
He wasn't doing anything gay, just watching guys do things to each other. Another porn he was in he couldn't get it up to fuck this 8/10 bitch. He fakes pranks too.

He's also a Jew

Vitaly can't be fixed. He's a broken shadow of the porn star he could of been.

About half of them grow up and become right wing.

Nice meme.

I am too. Mid-late 90's.
19 and life goes really fucking quick.
Funny because im mexican and Italian mix breed but im very right wing and no one else I know is as far right as me.
Most of my friends are white too so that slightly shows you the state of white, millennial Americans.
But my two closest friends are also white and right wing and I'm glad I finally have people I can talk politics with.

Remember guys, only trump can save us now

Too late.

Also, the left can't say I'm racist because of my dual "minority" heritage.

Then again, at least 85% of my generation are indoctrinated and lefties.

Please don't kill me Sup Forums

Do you blame them when the Boomers and GenX have run there country into the ground?

I feel like this description or definition is bullshit... I know it coincides with the new millennium, but that describes me and I grew up in the fucking late 80s early 90s so I still identify as Gen-X.

Most people think of the current crop of high schoolers and college aged people and recent grads as millennials, not us oldfags. If we're millennials what the fuck are all you genderfluid invent-a-pronoun queers? some yet to be detemined faggotry??

have them get real degrees, then internships, then jobs
that's it

We hang them and their parents

Generation Z is those born after 2000, but I imagine people after 1996 are similar to them than us born prior.

how can you be proud of it these days?

-no one cares about the future, so long as their favorite reality tv show doesn't get cancelled
-our military are being forced to be bitches
-there is a constant effort to make european americans into looking like the bad guys

You'd be first in the chamber you hue hue nigger

1997 fag here

Its crazy how many people my age just don't give a shit.

Even some people much older than me poke fun because I'm into politics on a national (and somewhat international) scale.

give them back a world where women were chaste and SHAMED if they werent- i.e. single mothers

give them back a world where houses cost 30,000-60,000 and could be bought with a few years salary as compared to DECADES o salary like nowadays

remove the injustices in the court systems if divorce actually happens. The days of women not being able to get a job are long gone barring disability

There is ZERO incentive/moication for millenials now, ZERO. Why would they play a rigged game when they can see the previous generation reaping all the benefits yet for them they will get shit

you dont

Jesus, people born in 1997 are old enough to vote. I want to get off this ride.

I don't know what to do. I'm 18 and it's mostly oldfags holding the line against everything slipping into chaos. Once they die off I don't know what to do. Everyone around me has been completely hooked on the drug of tolerance. Everyone would happily let a Muslim take there home and then kill themselves because they're white.

Born in 90

We're fucking doomed unless something changes fast, these people will not be able to run a society. Hopefully the next generation will backlash hard

Mexican/German and English here
We can band together during the race war and help Sup Forums
We could form a modern-day Culper spy ring.

I'm afraid it is too late for that.

Just hope that they won't do too much damage and that the next generation is composed by a bunch of retards high on marxism.

What bothers me is that they don't even care.

I understand the voting system and I learn the candidates before I vote for them.

A lot of people just vote for the candidate that promises the most gibmedats.

Protip: there are so few people our age with big horizons that we will run this place before long

euro starts ww3
>we get fixed

With violence. It's the only language they understand.

They need to take the (D) and (R) off the ballots so people have to actually research the candidates they are voting for.
People going into high school weren't born when 9/11 happened. I feel old as fuck.

"Give them back"

Ain't happening

It must be rebuilt by us

Besides, it's better than it was the generation BEFORE the booners

>implying millennials can fight in a war

WW3 will be fought by a bunch of old people.

Fucking THIS!

No, it is propaganda.

Probably ages 25-40

>Ain't happening
>It must be rebuilt by us

that aint happening either

try shaming a slut, you will have a whole world breathing down your neck and white knights throwing themselves at you

There is ZERO WAY to get housing prices down besides intentionally torching a city to bring the property value down

and unless you are a politician theres no way to fight against the court system

Boomers fucked it, boomers are the only ones that can fix most of it until they all die. Even then it will take DECADES and CENTURIES to undo the damage theyve done

They pissed off the WHOLE MIDDLE EAST by sticking their dicks into that hornets nest and thats why the whole western world is now getting terrorists attacks weekly

They THOROUGHLY FUCKED IT ALL UP and then have the GALL to say that were lazy for not wanting to spend centuries fixing their shit


Stop them from using social media hugboxes.

what is the context of this picture

>Forgetting chest day

i dont even know wtf he did. shoulder presses and arms everyday but somehow neglected chest? how?

Literally for you

He actually used to be fit but he is letting himself go

If we have to fight it, we will lose. The West doesn't have the courage to fight anymore.

Speak for yourself leafdick.

The west doesn't have testosterone anymore.

Look at these nu-male cucks and try to imagine what the next generation will be like.

God help us all.

> tfw rejected from AF for eyesight
All I wanted was to bomb the fuck out of some ragheads. Don't compound on it yank :'(

My dad went to a recruiter when we was in his early 20's. The recruiter asked why he wanted to be in the airforce. My dad said "So he can blow stuff up." The recruiter told him to comeback when he grew up. I'd think nowadays (this was early 90s) they'd like that kind of shit.

The guy in the pic is so beta lol.

The recruiters liked me, I wasn't stupid enough to tell them I wanted to napalm the fuck out of towelheads. I got rejected at medical due to pretty bad anisocoria in one eye, so I fucked off to study aerospace engineering instead. If your Dad had gone back to a different recruiter, things could have turned out a lot different for him.

fight back then, stop being a submissive little shit

Absolutely this. Well said user.

Are you retarded?

ban all social media

GenX? Boomers still run shit man. They dominate the senate and the house. Eternal boomer, who have cared for nothing but entitlements as the world falls apart.

Shut down the internet.

>laugh at the grownups for being salty old niggers
>remember i'm 33 years old
>laugh at the millennials for being salty young niggers

Kill em all

Vitaly wanted to be a porn star sex god but he didn't have the ability. Just tries to fill thd void of not being good enough

most people in the CF do not blow shit up and those that do have to undergo an obscene length of schooling and lecturing before they do

t. current naval reservist. I've fired a total of 45-ish rounds in my career so far, all at basic. I've carried live ammo at all twice. hard sea trade too

I love you Mexibro. Emperor Trump is coming to save us all. Stay strong.

I know most of you guys are self-hating 20 year olds but do you genuinely believe this generation shit? Old people make the same complaints about kids every generation.

RAF - not a Canadian. RAF is a bit more lenient than the CF. Bombardier are now contracting me to their engineering on their experimental a/c. Alls I wanted was to fly Tornados :/

Canadian navy is based. Alcohol still banned huh?

Our generation has been actively brainwashed into liberal tendencies.

wtg missing the point entirely

most people in modern forces do not engage in direct combat, especially navy and air force

most air force people are in technical support roles babysitting non-strike craft

and booze is only banned during working hours. messes still sell beer, just at "competitive" prices instead of 50ยข a shot

How is young people being liberal a new thing? Remember the 60s?

>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who are under 20


those were young powerless non-influential people

they only controlled themselves

they rose to power and became teachers and taught every single child for 20 years + university + post grad how to be liberal and open minded

completely different to the 60s

We give them exactly what they want. They want diversity? Build section 8 housing in artsy liberal neighborhoods. They want free college? Give everyone a degree, no questions asked. They want $15 an hour? Give it to them, so they can watch themselves get automated out of the workforce. The next decade will suck, but they'll learn quicker that way.

> most people in modern forces do not engage in direct combat
I didn't miss the point. I had what it took to be a pilot, regardless of whatever you throw at me. I was physically fitter with a MSc Aerospace Engineering. Immaterial I guess.

I like the navy - you're brats to the core with a hard iron beneath. Kudos.

By the time they learn, it'd be too late. America would be on her last dying breath

Meant for


>implying we aren't already there
Why waste the decline by letting it happen naturally? Force it, so they can learn something from it.

because you just turned 18. also, most people in general give zero fucks about politics.

I don't think you understand how awful and incompetent third world militaries are

It wasn't the boomers who put in place all the marxist nonsense killing us
That was the "greatest generation" who fought WW2
It's been these boomers who have been steadily trying to pull things back.

World War 3

I'm fucking a 24 year old full blown sjw socialist

she doesn't even know what the word socialist really means, she's just a dumb whore

These kids are fucking doomed

fuck you red headed fagg0t

I'd rather them be brought to the light instead of being condemned into darkness. Convince them of how good things could be instead of showing them how bad things can get.

Also im Floridian kek
Oranges fucking everywhere.
In each direction
Im not even joking.
We're like America's Australia

Single shot.

My closest McDonald's already has the automated cashier/menu taker with the card slot.
Feels good to be stem

Teach them to not use ropes for belts

>Millennial here
>Blaming on others
>Blog entry trying to be the center of attention

Sounds about right, trash.

Genx Here. Millennial trash males can go jump in acid while we impreg the females and keep them in line with a broom in their hand.

99% of people ITT are millennials, why are you so retarded?