Ever since Mr Berns lost, my kikebook feed has been silent on the political front.
Ya mine too except for this popping up today. Stupid hippies
If that's true, I'm really happy about this
tfw will never get to rub in the fact that he lost because everyone instantly went silent about it
all that bravado and big talk and now i don't even get to call anybody retarded fucks sake
Bern. It. Down
Hahaha god damn these people
>the revolution of sending your money to a senile communists making the same rant about big banks over and over again
oh no no no no NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOO
>furthering the status quo of liberalism and welfare
this is amazing. Thanks, Bernie, for doing the right thing. For all of america's people
>yfw Bernie runs third party
That would be fucking great, and it might be possible if he hates Shillary more than Trump, like his supporters seem to.
>tfw Trump bought Bernie to bring down Hillary
He could actually win even after all this bullshit
people have been going on and on about how trump is a hillary plant
but what if bernie is a trump plant?
This means that Hillary is fucked with the FBI investigation and the DNC is setting up Bernie to take the reigns when she gets indited next month.
This other Hillary plant is still around.
did he smelled blood in the water with Hillary being intrviewed by feds?
I really doubt the DNC would want Boinie Saundahs in there. They would probably push for Diamond Joe Biden.
Praise kek and make this happen.
I thought he dropped out already.
>"as I cannot under any circumstances vote for Hillary Clinton"
Do we form an alliance with Sanders fags?
Nope. He's just been losing, but he's always stated that he's in it until the convention
He can't beat Hillary. This is only going to help Trump win in November.
Bernouts would revolt if Clinton was indited and they gave the nomination to someone who didn't run.
nah he still has so much more money to make from his berniebot army. I wasn't sure why at first, but then I remembered what his real last name is.
I more than welcome that possibility.
They mean the eradication of the Republican party and the split of the Democrat party into neocons and socialists
>tfw I voted Leave and Trump in the same year
The wind of change
He's really hoping Hillary gets indicted.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Did you put off building your bunker?
he always looks like he's holding in a fart which he's unsure of, like, it could be just gas or it could be liquid
Do you think they really give a fuck? They know they're liberals and aren't armed, thus they weather the storm for a few days and then they go back to their normal lives.
is he still voting forr Hillary?
If bernie ran third party I'd vote for him over Trump just to syphon votes from Hillary.
Either Bern or Trump will start the happening, so either are fine for me.
God bless you, great Crusader.
If he does I guarantee another Republican will run as well
I can see what he's going to do
He's an old man who probably won't live to see the election in other words he's really got nothing to lose
He has violent radical supporters
I think he's just gonna take his supporters to the convention and when they officially announce the wicked witch has won he is gonna have his supporters chimp out and burn (bern?) the place to the fucking ground.
Here's hoping the witch is inside when he does it
Why does your passport have an aboriginal flag on it like ours does
What the fuck?
Nader x 100
I was wrong. Bless this kike.
The bernouts wouldn't vote Biden. He'd be a loss and guarantee a Trump win. Their only hope is that independents and moderate dems would vote for bernie.
This is a desperation move by the DNC to not get raped in November.
haha, the revolution isn't over yet, go.. i mean guys! i just donated my wife's son's college fund. who is gonna match me?
>Bernie "forget about the Emails" Sanders
>hating Shillary
>/r/sandersforpresident had to migrate to a new Subreddit dedicated to their "political movement"
Literally an "awoovement" board.
Welcome to 'Murica and have a burger, Basil.
Mom says it's my turn to destroy the country
I requested to make you this a while ago, didn't I? I never thanked you. So, thanks lad.
>tfw couldn't vote from America despite dual citizenship
This should be #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
You can't vote faggot, I'm glad
I didnt know there was other dual citizens on here aussie/american dual citizen reporting in
Think of all the tax payer money he is wasting by keeping secret service with him.
If Bernie doesn't drop out, it will truly show what a bitter old fart he is. He already said he'd drop out and endorse Clinton if it looked like he wasn't going to get the nomination. It is mathematically impossible for him to win now. All he's doing is wasting his supporter's money at this point and giving them hope based off delusion.
>bernie runs 3rd party
>romney runs 3rd party
>johnson has a competitive 3rd party run
this election could be fucking weird.
Yeah, my older brother tried to vote, but he's been out of the country for over 15 years? I think it was.
Fuck him, he was going to vote remain anyway.
Considering this is a thorn in Hillary's side I don't care.
Do you not follow Trump on fagbook? He's been agreeing with Sanders constantly lately in an attempt to lure his voters against Clinton.
>mathematically impossible
Why do women love Bernie so much?
Bernie will never stop running.
because they are stupid
Don't worry all the super delegates will switch to Bernie.
How is that a strategy. If you were never going to vote for Hillary in the first place you wouldn't be syphoning a vote from her.
ok, so lets say trump, hill, that libertarian guy, and bernie all run in the primaries against each other
what happens?
kek thats even better than "forgot to prep the bull"
He supports her because she's not Trump. He's made it clear that he will do whatever he can to make sure Trump doesn't get the White House. So he supports her, but on principle I don't think he actually SUPPORTS her.
He already said he wouldn't and that he would endorse Hillary. Bernie is literally a cuck, he says he's against the big banks, wall street and the establishment, and then he watches and allows and even says he will endorse for the big banked-backed, establishment candidate Hillary take the DNC nomination.
He is luring a lot of Democrats away, I am one. I wanted to vote for Jim Webb, and I refuse to vote for some old commie Jew or a dried up old hag of a crook.
Gotta hand it to Bernie voters, they're sure optimistic for total failure.
He should invite him to be his VP
>Romney runs Third Party
the fight isnt over!!! he neets your donations now more than ever!!!
Well, the attorney general said she would accept what the FBI says. I doubt it'll happen, but if Hillary get indicted, Berne will more than likely be the nominee. That's why he's staying in until the convention. I don't agree with his policies, but I hope he gets the nominee just so Hillary can have lost the primaries twice in a row.
why would he get out when Hillary could be indicted?
Fuck you nigger, served in the Welsh Guard and the USN.
Johnson gets rekt and Democrat is split between Hillary/ Bernie and Trump wins.
Bernie would not be the nominee without massive concessions.
The choice would naturally be Joe, or possibly Hillary depending on her grip and how deluded the party is.
I got sick and had a nurse talk politics with me when I was on some painkillers. Said she loved Bernie. Wtf I thought people in the medical industry hated these commiecucks cause their policies would decimate their field
If they pick Joe there will be outrage and riots and a huge loss of trust in the party. People will wake up to the bullshit of the Democratic party, and Trump is pretty much guaranteed a win. Plus crooked Hillary still loses the primary twice in a row. I'm happy either way.
Look at the sanders subreddit for just 2 minutes and you'll see just how butthurt they are about Shillary.
It would split the democrats and trump would win. Bernie wouldn't do it.
He fucking hates trump and his hatred may blind him to the fact he has no chance at a victory running 3rd party. Ot maybe he feels he could save the Senate and house if he crashes the presidential election with no survivors? Anyways not saying he will run but wouldn't be surprised if he did.
I wish he was this delusional. He's old af so i hope he just says "fuck it" and does it anyways. Too bad he's a cuck.
They may offer him as a sacrificial lamb of a candidate if they know that they have no one else who can beat Trump.
That I would actually considering Open Borders Johnson is basically a democrat. The Weld pick was another WTF moment.
I know Sanders supporters hate Hillary but Sanders has defended her quite a few times.