Would you watch a film based on pic related?

Would you watch a film based on pic related?

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yes it's called we need to talk about kevin

Only if he's portrayed as the hero

definitely, his manifesto is one of the most unintentionally hilarious things ever

>they adapt the scene where he listens to chad fucking his sister


Keit-ai Finds a Way in the Quebec Shooter's Sup Forums post.


I kinda already did. It's called Rampage by Uwe Boll

you guys missed out on the threads he made on /misc/

one was all: saw an indian with a hot blonde in a luxury car

and then he proceeded to list why it was ridiculous

i thought he was Argentinian from his avi lmao

was a real dick too to everyone whos like youre not even ugly brah

what would the genre be?


Would I!

>The average is 5.5? I thought it was 4. This is very unsettling.

can't believe he used his real name for all those posts

I would make one where it's very self contained and it's him dealing with his emotions before and after making the videos. I would have the movie start with one of the videos. We could also show him in and around people and him struggling to interact with grills. The main problem is that I don't want to make it too Emo. I want it to still have some optimism in there somewhere but I have no idea how. I mean the story is just so depressing. I know making it self contained and character based makes it so but fuck.

Not gonna lie, this would be my passion project or a Louis Theroux doc on Sup Forums and it's users.

Oh wait wait, I found it.
>I'm tired of seeing losers with hot chicks Seriously, today at my college I saw this short, ugly Indian guy driving a Honda civic, and he had a hot blonde girl in his passenger seat. What on earth is up with that?!?!? I would climb mount Everest 10 times just to have a girl like that with me. I drive a BMW coupe and I've struggled all my life to get a girlfriend. What's wrong with this world? Does anyone else get disturbed and offended when you see sights like this? Someone make sense of this ridiculousness.

The movie trailer was pretty good, here's hoping they tell us a release date soon


Comedy. A man looking for love in all the wrong places. Ends with him bleeding out in the middle of the street looking at the sky smiling, saying "thanks to me, there are less blonde sluts in the world."

Only if he was played by Michael Cera.

theme playing in the back


>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
>...There was me
>That is Elliot
>And you're probably wondering how I got here.

Didn't murder enough normies for it to be interesting.
A film about Cho would be better.

>see guy giving a classmate a lift home
>spergs out

Bet he feels stupid now

No, I can't even remember what he did.

No. You know the normies would fuck it up

>Directed by Uwe Boll


>Directed by Peter Rodger
Oh baby

Seriously, there's some username I used as a kid to post on like lego forums and the idea of someone finding it terrifies me.

I can't even understand how mad of a man you have to be to use your real name while posting Elliot's shit.

Craziest part is how he lies to himself. Claims he would climb Mt. Everest but never even asked a girl out.

>hollywood makes movies about beta attention whores like Columbine and Mark David Chapman.
>baawww how do we stop shootings
>try to ban guns

Should be a law that limits the coverage of these attention seeking assholes.

I never realized until now how much this guy looks like the dude from Art School Confidential. I guess if there were ever a film about Rodgers, then they should definitely get that guy to play him.

>Step mom takes him with her to another country, gets to experience another culture for a couple months
>literally cries on the phone to his dad and promises he won't be weird anymore for weeks until he buys him an early ticket home
>Stepmom bans him from the house when she gets back
>"Why is my father such a weak man, letting a woman boss him around like that?!"

He is literally comedy gold.
I don't think Sup Forums and /r9k/ would appreciate having a movie made about them though.

>story about mass murderer
>want it to still have some optimism in there somewhere

that webm where he touch his hair and drive with real human being background music so good
2 bad a board about tv dont support sound webms

don't insult that awesome flick by comparing its clever carnage with the spastic hissyfit thrown by that limp wristed faggot. the beta bitch couldn't even break into a sorority and barely got a decent kill count.

i think dave franco can pull off the mixed race/autism look

Yes if it was written by Christopher Nolan and directed by zack snyder.

>ywn rape elliot

>we will never get his full search history

>nazi anime

> philosophy of a knife
>did adolf hitler have a girlfriend
>nazi anime
>internet explorer

Only if it's a quirky road movie. Been wanting that since this:

>Nazi Anime
Did he birth the alt-right?


>Blood elves are nazis

>tfw you throw in incest porn and my search history is similar with all the Hitler and Jews shit

I-I-I'm only looking that shit up to troll people though.

Except for the incest porn, I'm looking that up because I jerk off to it and it's awesome.

I seriously hope you don't google full sentences like Elliott did.

yes but it would probably suck because they would make him out to be some normie

to get people to watch it, they would probably have a nude scene where elliot gets a blowjob or something

I google stuff like "Himmler talks about how much Jews smell". Honestly I should just bookmark that one at this point because of how much I copy and paste it.

>roommate takes very long shower
What did he mean by this?

But that's not how search engines work. You input the important MEANINGFUL words and you omit the generic stuff like "talks about how much" because that just adds noise to your results.

I must streamline my google searches about Jews.

I don't want to spoil you the end of this movie, but he lived with his parents, and he talked in his videos how his took "long showers" (She was probably masturbating) and how he was jealous some Chad was fucking his sister and he could hear on his room.

You're very wrong.

>Directed by his faggot dad
>Movie is about not knowing his son is a deranged psychopath despite raising him to be one
>Ends with him absolving himself of guilt and saying there was no way this could have been prevented
Would watch for a good laugh.

Did he never erase his search history?

>erase search history


w-why are you laughing

You will literally never escape your search history

>that super-soaking couples with orange juice scene

10/10 kino

Nah. Only if he was played by Idris Elba.

I have a tendency to randomly google lines from the plane scene

Wonder what the police would think of my search history if I ever got arrested for some reason

which shooting or mass murder should be adapted as a film?

"Who the fuck is Dr. Pavel?"

I can see it

>why does this guy keep mentioning the cia

>only killed two roasties
>the rest of the victims were fellow beta faggots

Nope. If I got to see a bunch of spoiled whores get mowed down, I'd pay good money.