Could I pass as a local in your country?

Could I pass as a local in your country?

yes, easily.

Yes, easily.

Not a chance

Not even meming

You look like a Turk/Georgian/Armenian, so yes

I mean I don't doubt that there are people in Pakistan that look like me. But I don't believe my looks would be common in Pakistan

It wouldnt be uncommon either

You should have your dick pass through my asshole.


that's haram

More pls


You look very, very generic desu. If you were lighter or darker you could pass as anything from Levantine down up to those lighter Indians.

I think it's the nose.

I have one more

you look like a paki
no offense

Are you a latino? It's very hard to tell what you are.

People here would think you're Turkish



No wonder. Maghrebians are rapebabbies central so a lot of you can look like anything. Diaspora or immigrant?

Diaspora. What do I look like to you?

From your flag? Mexican.
