Don't like guns? Ban them.
Then stop trying to take muh guns
You should add guns and weapons to that list.
As a democrat.
I completely agree.
>Don't like guns? Don't get one.
>Don't like rape? Don't get raped.
>Don't like murder? Don't get murdered.
Then stop shooting up schools, Cletus.
None of those are rights
>be democrat
>promote a downfall of the ruling class and a distribution of their magic monies to everyone
>"but its fine because they got there being evil"
>don't like spousal homicide
>don't get married
Literally the abortion argument.
With cigarettes it's a bit different. 2nd hand smoke fucks your life up regardless of whether your own decisions. Smoking should only be done by pill or injection of tobacco. That way, people can fuck themselves over and leave the rest of the population in peace.
All the recent school shootings have been by dems, leaf.
The last two are another actor committing an act on you.
Every other example is a passive first party actor only acting on themselves
Hahaha, I like it.
Makes you think, huh?
But seriously now. I'm not for making thing illegal just because I don't like them (mostly because it doesn't work). However too many people taking drugs, drinking alcohol, or basicly being degenerats is bad for society and if something is bad for society, then it's no longer a personal issue, it's a social one.
This is why some people would like to take others' "personal" rights and why I would like them to be educated/reeducated/forced by society to behave like they should.
Since everything is about he individual and not the collective, when will welfare and to a further extent taxes disappear?
Everything I like must be analyzed in isolation while everything I dislike must be analyzed in context.
so what your saying is that sharia law is the worst thing that ever happened to humanity and should be abolished globally
Don't like Jews?
Can you clowns stop responding to '1 post by this ID; occupy democrats image' threads? It's fucking annoying seeing this shit at the top all the time.
Hey, lighten up, chuckles!
Don't like school shootings? Then don't go to school.
This is coming from the party that wants to tax people at huge amounts...
None of these are rights, they are privileges that can only be granted by a society that can absorb their cost.
No matter how loudly people advocate for these "rights", they're going to find their popular support drying up awfully fast once it is no longer economically feasible to offer them.
All smoke from pre-packaged cigarettes has become more dangerous from additives required by the government to "make them safer", (the "fire safe cigaratte" additives being the most recent in the list). Tobacco is not good for you, but it's nowhere near as dangerous as the government has now made it.
Also, cigarette smoke is such a small contribution compared to the refineries and vehicles that surround us in this country. A single vehicle spews more harmful chemicals into the air than even two restaurants with smoking sections. If clean air is the concern, then ban personal vehicles. It would be safer to have government-approved bus and taxi drivers on the road, rather than everyone and their personal vehicle :^). You don't NEED that vehicle.
Don't expect me to fund your degeneracy through my income tax then, kikes
Dems are pretty anti cigs and booze. This is much more apt for libertarians.
>its okay if we say this and then try and get rid of the 2nd amendment
>Don't like pedophilia? Don't do it
God I love people without a moral compass
fpbp once again
> don't like racists? Then don't be one
> don't like republicans? Then don't be one
> don't like Christiana? then don't be one
You have the right to be anyone you want but doesn't mean you get to take other people's rights away
FPBP we should just stop calling them liberal,progressives or democrats. They need a new name. Something synonymous with hypocrite that can be passed off like a name of a party.
Don't like gay marriage? Bake our cake anyway! Or else!
I literally saved this 2 years ago. Convenient deletion.