
2b's fat arse Edition

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grew out of videogames when i was 17

Why can't we have a wholesome edition for once

Like a Lord Denning edition

Britain's future is multiracial

Nice, congrads

whats your point lad


How grown up of you.


do you reckon this is poisonous lads?
it's about the size of my big toe

too easy

Why can't British nonces stop impregnating Thai women?

I love to poo, but I hate to lose
Somebody give me, a beat to groove to

A poo-poo-poo, a doo-doo-doo
Somebody give me a beat to poo too

one day they will be as giants
taller than the sky

but that day aint yet come...

no it's not poisonous

Agreed, haven't touched a video game in years. The last one was an AoE2 binge while at uni

Same reason Aussies can't stop impregnating flip women.

Just realised I've seen this image every day for months without realising

What is it?

>flip women

My MP was the sole Canadian MP out of 200-300 who voted against making Nelson Mandela an honourary Canadian citizen (they needed unanimity).

He called him a "communist and a terrorist"

Why's that?

A wild vegan yank appears with a 6/10 thai gf



5/10 at best

you are all alphas

4/10 thai

I'm being generous because she's got a lovely personality. :3

I am very angry with you, /brit/. For I have given you fantastic posts that dwarf the posts of all living men, yet thy hath not been returned with a humble (you).

Repent now and sacrifice thine (you)'s to me, or let there be a trembling in the skies and a darkening of the land, so that all your cattle may decompose within the fields, and all your water blighten with black tar.


lick it

what the fuck is that

Creepy overweight middle aged Anglo men have to resort to desperate third world girls to get laid.

good lad

would be proud to be represented by a man like him

Nice to see this! You and your Thai girlfriend are so cute together! I wonder how long you have been studying Thai? you did a good job and every word was understandable! from a Thai native ;) And you are real funny too... 5555 :D

Hmmm nice of your part so

thailad do all thairanese people look the same to you?

what is wrong with beto

is he actually mentally retarded


think he's just trying to be "avante-garde"
the gimmick stopped being amusing about 500 threads ago though

Thank you very much! I have been studying for about a year now, but I never spend as much time studying as I would like... Good to know it is understandable and that you find it entertaining. Appreciate your comment Bambycakes :)

watchign amine lads

based cuba

No, but there's like different types of "looks" shared by different Thais.


based black people

you like this girl lads?
get ready for more :^)

Mélanie Laurent is my waifu

MI comandante Fidel...................

want a thai girl to ride my willy

lads what are your opinions on this momiji shite?

Personally I find it very cringe, despite being a fan of anime. Am I out of touch?

as a canadian myself once u date asian women in asia u aint going back.... real women are feminine, polite and caring :)
hope the best for u mate~ ^^

>call turks shitskin cockroaches for so long that they finally go insane and start cuckposting
haha we've broken them

I've dated about 20-30 Thais from different location and I have to say about 1/5 will ask for a little money at times. I would say once every 1-2 months. I've dated women from different locations over the world but I find women from 2-3rd world countries are looking for a good man. In 1st world countries they seem to be more money focus on how much you make! The difference is a Thai woman will treat you like a king compare to a western woman she will treat you like garbage. Trust me, if you try a Thai woman (stay away from the hookers that only want your money which is where most people go wrong), you will never want to touch a western woman again and I would advise to never date a western women cause they aren't built for a relationship while Thai women and women from 2nd/3rd world countries are. They are brought up to respect their man and family first compare to career second. I find people in 1st world countries lose their humanity hence why I mainly live in Thailand these days.

It's getting annoying though.


ahhhh yessss

they've been doing it for like two weeks
honestly completely mad that Easter warranted a rangeban but this doesn't

lauren southern is my waifu

dont ever think thai girls are all gold digger if you ever talk to such an education thai girl you will know people around the world are the same open your mind and shut your mouth think positive



Jesus Christ shut up beto


shit waifu



She is cute, jew, french and blonde
The perfect waifu

God damn bro. You are so fucking lucky. The way she looks at you. Shit.

is this real????

Think brit should leave


Why are anime posters usually the most racist?




Why would you post on this site so much that you know how to hotlink?
Do the girls love your hotlinking skills?

Honey Select desu

>honestly completely mad that Easter warranted a rangeban


Business Idea: Give me (You)'s

i really feel bad for white men, their women are all degenerates, so they need to date asians

considering deleting my Sup Forums account :/

wtf no!!!

it was just a bit of fun


want to explode inside megumin desu

Guys i need to smoke less, my throat is hurting


Bfs sleeping on the couch.
I just woke up for a big wee. Had abou 10 pints last night.



imagine dedicating all your time to that

What's that one supposed to be?

digestives > hobs
sorry it's the simple truth





Blow me cunt

easterposting will save western civilisation from the blacked turk menace

ahhh no, the dumb frogposters are invading

Know a bunch of Karen Burmese lads at my work, good lads.
