Fixed desu

fixed desu

Pan-nationalism is mental illness
Also, Transylvania would have more of a reason to be in the German Union than h*ngary

Improved version.


Pan-nationalism is mental illness

This is the ugliest attempt at map ppsting ive ever seen

I tend to agree. I wish we had many smaller monarchies instead, this woold represent the people in a better way. The color zones should be ethnic regions though.

>The Swedish Empire

>tfw not part of the new roman republic

we're not slavs you retarded macaco

I'm just confused.

Unironically fixed

>nobody wants portugal

We're not even German.


>Wilhelmus van Nassouwe ben ik, van DUITSEN bloed, den vaderland getrouwe blijf ik tot in den dood.

can't fix this

binland annex us please

>Scandinavian republic
Anti-monarchists must be purged before any union can be proposed.

The concept of ethnic nationalism is the only thing that will western europe.


Frankfurt is majority non-german. In a hundred years ethnic germans will be secluded to some rural villages in their own country. I'm not Sup Forums I do not believe in white nationlaism, it's a made up Americanism.

Rome and finnish khanate best alliance

>When non-European try to "fix" europe

white nationalism could work in America, but not in Europe

The Great French Empire should include the French speaking parts of Switzerland and Belgium, Ireland should be united and I think the Iberian Peninsula would word better if it were a sole political entity as well.
Can't be arsed to do the map though.

It's a fake made up nationalism, fits Americans perfectly.

it's not like you'll ever be able to revert back to your ancestors ethnicities anyways

>it's not like you'll ever be able to revert back to your ancestors ethnicities anyways
No need to remind me, I hate my existence every day. God's greatest curse on me was to make me American.

Could have been worse.

No, this is


chill, dude
it's not that bad
at least you are probably 90% European
and there are many qt white americans

You can LARP as a deceased ethnicity like Goths, Hittites, Celts, and so on

They are free to grab

>Poland/Austro-Hungaria border
I notice something new every time I look at it

The person that made that map is severely autistic to the point of absurd and pointless genius, the city state of Montauban always cracks me up.

Give Finland Ingriya and this is perfect.

True, but living a bit nicer is pointless if there is nothing to live for
I don't have any non-european ancestry, but it doesn't matter. I'm a mongrel white mutt without history or culture.
>and there are many qt white americans
No girl would ever want me

Why are new worlders so fond of blobs? Small countries are nice.

just shut up and clean your room

dumb meme
