Thoughts on Nocturnal Animals? Was it kino?
Thoughts on Nocturnal Animals? Was it kino?
Yes. Also obesekino.
Why the fuck is Amy Adams in everything
>Hurr durr, 20 years revenge by standing you up at dinner
No. Cuckturnal Betamales is not kino. It's just a story about a weakling beta who got cucked and dumped. He gets revenge by writing a book about him being cucked and beta. He makes her feel bad, then he doesn't talk to her like a woman as (((revenge))). Nothing to see here but a faggot beta.
There are some good shots but overall it's disappointing
>Cuckturnal Betamales
The revenge isn't standing her up in the restaurant, it's her life.
How the fuck did Jake know what her life was now like? and how did he plan it?
Isn't he more desperate for writing a book and spending his life masturbating over how to take revenge all for her?
>How the fuck did Jake know what her life was now like?
She chose artifice over authenticity, it was a foregone conclusion. In reality though, he was really just showing off his achievement as an author. We don't know for certain what he knows about her, but we know he put his dick on the table by sending her his book and then blowing her off. Only she knows the extent of how devastating it is, and in a sense that's worse.
>slut getting BTFO
Fuck, me.
Another figure spoils the shot. Him not showing up wasn't a script choice it was a cinematograkino one. KINO
>bouncing naked fat women for no reason
it was shit.
>>bouncing naked fat women
Well now I have to watch it.
Nothing with Amy Adams is kino.
It's one of my MOTY
Make up your own mind tho.
it was trash
The kidnapping scene did a pretty great job of building tension and making Jake's character look like a little bitch.
Shannon stole the rest of the movie, though.
I can't decide until I know what Mike and Jay think about it.
Does Amy Adams get nude in it? I'm praying every day but God seems to be ignoring me.
>no reason
Breathtaking symbolloligism worthy of Buzz Aldrin's instagram. Those ladies take you places or they send you places. Gut check time.
Because people think she can act. Like jlaw and hathaway etc. They cant emote. She was shit tier in Arrival.