There are less Blacks in Brazil than there are in the USA. How do you feel about this, Sup Forums?
>7.61% of the Brazilian population
>12.6% of U.S. population
There are less Blacks in Brazil than there are in the USA. How do you feel about this, Sup Forums?
>7.61% of the Brazilian population
>12.6% of U.S. population
most pardos and even some white brazillians would be considered black here.
Brazil is full of self hating negros in denial. Don't you get gibsmedat money if you can claim black ancestry in Brazil? I hear many dark as fuck people turn it down because they don't want to be considered niggers.
Not really. Puerto Ricans have the same genetic composition as our pardos and they're considered hispanic there.
hispanic and black aren't mutually exclusive.
Pardos and a portion of Brazilian whites would fall under the latino umbrella
shame about all the Brazillians though
anyone from brazil is considered latino here. their race is another thing.
do you actually know how our census works
Dominicans are considered Hispanic too but they are definitely nignogs.
I wish I had that picture saved with me with the Hispanic criminals who were all classified as White by your census. Some of them clearly looked like they had Black admixture like our pardos.
George Zimmerman is a white Latino, like Cubans, many Mexicans, and Argentinians.
Yeah - you're "white". Just like Argentina is "white".
Because a lot of people your consider considers "white" are actually black. Just like how in my country for some reason they consider hispanics "white"
>White by your census.
Those were mugshots you silly willy. Some police group all hispanics as white, since they either don't treat hispanic as a race or don't have an "other" category.
Damn, we really have that much? How da fuck no one bombed us yet?
there are also less heads in brazil
They're called "broadly white", meaning just Caucasian in general
They're Christan.
I never knew we had goat fuckers here
curiously, most arabs in the US are christian too
I feel fantastic, thanks for asking.
>who were all classified as White by your census
They aren't.
Arabs aren't the problem. It's Islam. White Muslims shoot people and blow shit up too in the name of Allah.
>Arabs aren't the problem. It's Islam.
They were literally all labelled as "White" even though a couple of them looked lime mulattoes. I know there's the "non-Hispanic White" thing though, but when Hispanics are included in that figure their racial mix doesn't seem to matter.
No they don't. They're largely euro blood with some 20/20 black/native split
What even is black in Brazil? Brazilans are a clusterfuck of Nigger, Portuguese , and Amazon natives.
Yes but there mixed population is nearly 45%
Iv seen the "whites" of Brazil and most of them look like they have shit skin blood.
It feels good to not live in a third world shit hole.
They don't have whites in Brazil, they just have slightly less brown people.
It's mostly the ones from the south that are nignogs, most dominicans especially from the north are in between mulattoes and triracial.
What your Race in the US is as classified by the government largely depends on if you're a criminal and if it would "fuel racism".
Nation isn't probably even majority white anymore realistically. The racial statistics should be assumed false.
Please bomb Brazil. Let none survive.