Under Christian Law feminists and Transgenders are guilty of Witchcraft and are ENEMIES OF GOD.
In a Christian Nation should we not be able to burn them at will or throw them from heights to feed pigs, dogs and crow?
Under Christian Law feminists and Transgenders are guilty of Witchcraft and are ENEMIES OF GOD.
In a Christian Nation should we not be able to burn them at will or throw them from heights to feed pigs, dogs and crow?
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There wouldn't be any need to do that if white men stopped being cucks because women would behave. Trannies are statistically insignificant. I've never seen one in my entire life.
Because we're not fucking muslims
Me on the right
But christianity is a religion of peace. Its not like it has anything with islam right ?
No one cares about christcuckoldry anymore, they're all atheists with crosses
This isn't a "chr*stian nation" it is secular from its inception. Go suck your dead kike's cock somewhere else you fucking christcuck.
The transgender population is exploding with the homosexuals. It's a natural transition to go from homo to tranny and for both to support each other, ie Michelle and Barak Obama.
I bet you never saw a $100k in cash either, must not exist...
The Jews were the first to deny the Christ and they denied him with THEIR PUTRID SOUL AND HABITS. From then on, all those who denied became JEWS.
So know your time is limited SJeW.
Repent or burn in the fires of this world and the hereafter!
>Implying the denial of Occult power to Gentiles wasn't why Kiketianity was spread in the first place
Witches aren't real and were a political tool for anyone above the rank of 'mayor' to execute anyone at will they wanted after they were done with them. Former lovers, wifes, debtors, political opponents, and useless family members.
The fedora-tipping retardation comes into play when atheists claim that it was a Christian-only ritual. When there is evidence of pagans and mayans executing witches.
>the only religion that has ever burned witches
>implying there weren't witch-hunts even being carried out in the far east.
Sup Forums becomes more and more like ISIS every day.
Radical Christian extremists will defend this.
Radical christian extremist death toll in the 21st century: 0
i'm pretty sure that's higher just from aggravated assault and murder alone.
we just don't see them running into airports with bombs strapped to their chests.
That shit looks awful. At what point would you just pass out from pain?
Almost instantly.
But bear in mind: most of the paintings of this caliber were done be renaissance artists to make people feel enlightened that they were past these stages of history. Actual usage and practice are likely small to nonexistent.
It's like how the Iron Maiden, a device that didn't even exist in those times, came into being. Many torture methods and devices were just fabrications.
The brain dead city dwelling masses were the first to destroy all their ancient pagan traditions and accept your semitic christcuckoldry religion. They were the same kind of people who accept leftism today. Christcucks were the original liberals. You have to be delusional to claim your trying to save the white race while worshiping a brown hippie jew god
Better for a transgender to be consumed in ash then live on as a vessel of disease and perversity.
ISIS is a bunch of Jew funded goat-humpers in the sand.
WE are the Army of Christ and you shall fear us like the fire in our souls!
Harry Potter Paganism with their homo Wands shoved up to hell.
Paganism is made for emo-losers that cuck for feminists. Just about every Femi and SJW looks like AND acts like a modern paganz
Why don't we burn down christian churches instead?