testosterone on tap watA
Testosterone on tap watA
Got my pubes at 11.
>breeding hips
We are becoming more and more r selected.
All the "muh GMO" and "muh hormones in the chicken" narratives are retarded.
Got peach fuzz on my lip at 9
Im Spanish(white:^))
yeah I think most did around that age. I was 10 personally
Getting too fat too fast. Puberty starts based on body weight/fat content among other factors.
What do your hips look like, pham?
its called neoteny. we're evolving
I started growing body/pubic hair around 9, and started shaving when I was 14. I'm pretty fucking hairy, though.
So why do y'all keep circumcising when it is not the evolutionary desire to?
This. Read Nietzsche, first chapter of Zarathustra explains it all. The soil that once grew great trees has been eroded and increasingly supports only weeds. We are moving towards a society of last men, a race of long lived fat idiots who never truly live life, instead living through others, through sensationalist newspapers and gentle, predictable and safe pleasures (aka video games) that carry no risk.
Average cranial capacity has fallen by the size of a tennis ball since the Bronze Age.
How can 13yo kids (the vast majority of them) be taller than 5'9'' (175cm).
When people my age were 13, we weren't this tall. And I'm talking about 15 years ago. Such a rapid evolution in height MUST be related to external factors: growth hormones in meat, protein augmentors and GMOs are the most plausible causes.
It is will known however that Italians are genetic defectives.
They mature faster because a masculine figure isn't present in their lives. It's a fail-safe in our genes so we can breed earlier and won't go extinct at times of war, disease and famine.
You'll find children from fatherless families going through the same stuff. They tend to mature faster physically but remain emotionally and intellectually stunted.
Says the aboriginal who lost a war against emus...
Idk, I was 5'11 when I was 15
Around 12 for me, but it wasn't really pubes pubes, was more like a peach-hair-style bush
Yet, I never see dudes with body hair at the beach. Can they just not brow it or do they all shave like fags?
I take endocrine shots
>tfw didn't start puberty til i was like 13
Because religion is a cancer.
Childern without their biological father living with them hit puberty nearly a year earlier then their counterparts with a dad.
The theory is Epigentic factors, indicate to the child's body that the enviorment may be hostile, and therefore prepare them to breed earlier, and changes their behaviour.
I'm 18, no chest hair yet and shit tier facial hair. Pretty sure it has something to do with all the hormones in food and water.
Kullman syndrome? Pituitary gland?
Because the human lifespan is shortening. The millennials will die in their 50s.
>tfw 19 and this is me
I'm like 9 inches erect so whateva
age at when you enter puberty is directly linked to nutrition. Eating a lot, consistently = puberty earlier and vice versa.
Basically, food is more easily available and consumed than any other point in history.
I hit puberty around 12.
How? I had hair on my chest at 15. Now I'm hairy all over my body.
be my twink plz
I doubt it. Plenty of guys my age don't have chest hair. Maybe I'll see some growth in a year or two.
Don't worry user. I literally had just a handful of chest hair when I was 18 and shit-tier """beard""". Now I'm in my mid 20's and I have decent chest hair and Jon Snow-tier beard.
>didnt finish puberty until senior year of high school
Can't really recall what age it was, but I was cumming before I had pubes. Might have been 10 or 11. I think I forced puberty because I took a back massager and went to town on my dick with it every night and was blowing 5+ ghost loads without pause. My record was 12 in a row.
Got my puberty at 13.
I miss that libido, it was awesome.