Why are our relations so bad?

Why are our relations so bad?

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Manly BLACK Turkish warriors don't like to associate themselves with weak inferior wh*Te subhumans

This is just my theory. Roaches hate Germans because of an inferiority complex being that they probably collect a paycheck from a more intelligent German who owns nice things and lives comfortably and Krauts are mad that the hairy manlet Turks are fucking their ugly women.

it was used to be good, until erdoggo went nuts a few years back after the coup and imprisoned a bunch of people including some eu citizens, and started censoring the media. this causes merkel to flip out, understantably so

But why does Germany get all the hate? From the German perspective, it looks like Erdogan suddenly went rouge and started calling us nazis.
But I am sure there is more to it

Because Erdogan and his boys are arrogant and don't get everything they want from Germany. Unfortunately many Turks living in Germany are loyal to Erdogan and hate Germans for some reason. Those should fuck off to Turkey, btw.

It's good to see that our government doesn't completely suck Erdogans cock.

Based Dutchmen handled the situation well.

Because many Turks want to be loyal to Erdogan. Numerous Russians I've met here also believe everything they hear on RT and think Putin is some sort of superhero.

>Because many Turks want to be loyal to Erdogan. Numerous Russians I've met here also believe everything they hear on RT and think Putin is some sort of superhero.

You're literally the most indoctrinated country in Europe though....?

Yes, because you've seen some 'Refugees welcome' and German state propaganda that means every German buys into that bullshit...

erdogan has low support
he needs to create an enemy to gain some votes
he keeps insulting germany and because of that
1- subhuman turks in germany vote for him
2- subhuman turks in turkey tink germany is turkeys enemy and erdogan the glorious leader will save us from germans
dictator erDOGan can only get 51% of votes even with cheating LOL(atleast he cant get 141% like putin)
turkey is a failed state soon it will be completely collapsed

good thing is germans are actually profiting off this because everyone in the top schools of turkey is trying to move to germany
atleast you will get your "engineer and doctor" refugees soon
but other turks(dictator supporters) need to be profiled ASAP because they might become terrorists in upcoming war in turkey (which will be between kurds vs erDOGanists vs secularists)
end result will be kurdistan, some greece tier state(if secularists get foreign support and fight. most of them will just run away seeing the opportunity as they are rich and educated) and erdoganistan

it's because t*Rks are uncivilized animals and germans are the exact opposite of that.
t*Rks just want to get govt bux without working, they're like a cancer cell

i can't wait for the day when you'll go all nazi again and kill all the t*rks and niggers this time


Maybe because of the years of disrespect the EU had towards Turkey? You know, your ridicolous 'requests' for us to be considered to join the EU, when in reality you flat-out didn't want us there because it'd add too much value to the Euro. Not that I care for Erdogg, but honestly Turkey is just returning the favour.

t*Rkish subhuman
especially this 16 y.o t*Rk LARPing australian subhuman

G*rms are supporting PKK and izm*rlirs

yanma gavad :DDDDDDDDD

>Oh no! We don't get to execute prisoners in the EU
>Oh no! We don't get to persecute political opponents in the EU!
>Oh no! We don't get to be a dictatorship in the EU!
Yeah, sorry for all that disrespect...
Meanwhile Erdogan becomes dictator, his supporters beat up people in other countries, he disrespects the authority of the Dutch state, calls everyone a Nazi and installs a dictatorship.

I read an article about a Kurdish festival in Germany, called "Freedom for Öcalan", and German authorities didn't stop it.
Is that the reason for tensions with Turkey?

Allah aşkına siktir git piss Fetöcu

Turkey still doesn't have death penalty (and didn't back then)
Turkey wasn't persecuting political opponents back then, and is only 'doing' so now because some of the parties literally support terrorists
Turkey still isn't a dictatorship, and Erdogg wasn't lashing out at critics like he was back then.
I thought Germans were suppose to be smart people?

>Negotiations for full membership were started on 3 October 2005.[5] Progress was slow, and out of the 35 Chapters necessary to complete the accession process only 16 had been opened and one had been closed by May 2016.[6] The early 2016 refugee deal between Turkey and the European Union was intended to accelerate negotiations after previous stagnation and as allow visa-free travel through Europe for Turks.[7]

>Turkish accession talks came to a halt as a result of the 2016–17 Turkish purges. On 24 November 2016 the European Parliament voted to suspend accession negotiations with Turkey over human rights and rule of law concerns,[8] though this decision was not binding.[9] On 13 December, the Council of the European Union (comprising the ministers of the member states) resolved that it would open no new areas in Turkey's membership talks in the "prevailing circumstances",[10] as Turkey’s path toward autocratic rule made progress on EU accession impossible.[11] As of 2017, and especially following the passage of the constitutional referendum, Turkish accession talks have effectively stopped.[12][13]



You aren't proving anything. Even with the death sentence being abolished in 2004, the govt hadn't executed anyone since 1984. Progress was 'slow' because of the stupid requirements the EU kept pressing on the govt. I love how Romanian subhumans are somehow qualified the enter in 2007 but Turks aren't who had a bigger economy and an even bigger one now. But who cares about that, right? oh wait, except you do when it suits you, pumping us with billions of dollars suddenly to accept immigrants and then suddenly telling us this will accelerate our entry. You're delusional if you think this isn't about the EU flat-out not wanting Turkey.

>You're delusional if you think this isn't about the EU flat-out not wanting Turkey.
I know the EU doesn't want Turkey, but that's due to them knowing you'd eventually pull off shit like right now.

Not him, but what can I say, many people in Europe don't want to have a "muslim" country in EU.
Is it racist? Sure, but we are democracies, we can't go against the wishes ouf our populations

Why would Turkey be allowed into the European Union when Turkey is in fact not European?

Something something PKK something Kurds.
I honestly don't give a shit what turks think.
However, there is also the factor that Merkel and her lapdogs are acting kinda aggressive towards Turkey, like in "You have to do this and that right. Muh ethics." or they don't let them in the EU.
You can't just change another countrys culture and politics, even if they are shit.
My opinion.

To be honest, I think despite all her qualities, Merkel is pretty bad at statesmanscraft
Kohl and Schröder were much better at keeping good relations with Turkey and Russia

They blackmail EU with refugees.
They imprison German Citizens without Trial
They give Erdogan absolut power.

Man kann nur erstaunt sein, wie schnell Deutsche aufgehetzt werden können.
Aus guten Ländern werden innerhalb von Monaten schlechte Länder.
Erdogan hat sich nie geändert- die deutsche Öffentlichkeit ist instabil.

Aus anti-völkischem Denken werden Heldenvölker mit Selbstbestimmungsrecht.

Diese generelle Arroganz....diese Daumen-hoch/Daumen-runter-Beurteilung.
Dieses Moralisierende.

Deutschland ist in der Tat momentan höchstgradig ungesund, hier scheinen grundlegende Dinge nicht verstanden zu werden. Die Mitglieder der Regierungsparteien sind dafür repräsentativ.

>in tat momentan
moruQ alman subhumans waren niemals gesund amk

>Erdogan hat sich nie geändert
>Verstaatlich den Islam
>Lässt sich zum Alleinherscher per zweifelhaftes Referendum wählen
>Politische Säuberung im Land

Murad bitte.


>Landsleute werden verhaftet und als Nazis runtergemacht
>beschwert sich

Mohammed bitte

Turkey is facing threat from a military coup from islamist-scientology, and left-wing nationalists terrorists. But instead of support, the so-called NATO "allies" provide safe space for PKK and Gülenists to operate and regroup.
No wonder Turkey becomes more authoritarian, to deal with the existential threat to its sovereignty. Once again, European do everything in their power to prevent Erdogan from winning the referendum.
It seems to me like European countries aren't interested in a strong and sovereign Turkey. They wan't a failed state which is easy to influence. The suffering and misery it would cause to Turkish population doesn't interest them at all.

>Turkey is an poor and opressed victim
Oh noes. :(


why is israel allowed to take part in the eurovision song contest?

dies uezs berkay hat schon wieder recht

turkey doesn't need to bow before the eu but the eu needs to bow before the BIG BLACK TURKISH BULL

It shouldn't be, same with Australia. A song contest is different from a continent though mehmet.


>this thread

It's like a whole country of inbred autistic rage

we fuçked you greek we have atak helikopter

I like when you put *'s in w*rds.


Because Turks are fucking cancer, they're the Niggers of Germany/Austria. They are and will always be roaches. Everyone who was every in a school or city with a majority of Turks can confirm this.

yes that alone is the reason for everything. And that is why nobody ever talked about this

Rangeban yemediniz mi siz? :DDD