>ITT: Films that women will NEVER EVER be able to understand
I'll start.
>ITT: Films that women will NEVER EVER be able to understand
I'll start.
Nu-males too
Hmm... never seen it.
Is it any good?
It's kino
>itt: closeted homos who hate women bcuz mom
I don't hate women at all, I just accept that they're different from men
>Roastie gettin toastie
What's the name of this one?
Is this boring? It seems like it.
Jarmusch is a meme
Butt blasted homo or bitter single cunt
You decide
dumb frogposter
Hmm... It's for Patrician mind only I must admit.
There's a spiritual and slow burn aspect to it. If it doesn't do anything for you within the first 30 min then turn if off.
Haha, you didn't refute the claim that you are an homo angry with his mom
I was surprised about that one, but every woman I show it to cannot understand any of the character motivations.
Oh shit that one slipped by me.
Great catch user...
This is also Robert Pattinson's only good movie.
this for sure
>le white man can do jap shit better than japs meme
Embarrassing film.
M8 u wot
Algren was never on their level
I think this one's beyond the scope of any human understanding.
Why though? I used to watch that film almost every year, what's wrong with it?
Perfectly fitting 2bqh my famalams.
looks like solaris, but maybe it's the actor from it in a different role
>films no fatass neet on Sup Forums will ever understand
Women generally just don't get cinema
how come every time somebody on this website doesnt hate women, you guys claim theyre overly sexual women? theyre probably just guys who havent developed resentment from being rejected their whole lives. that makes a lot more sense than assuming there are women on here
if hes a bitter single cunt, shouldnt be mad at women like you guys?
my girlfriend has better taste than most of you capeshitters desu
tinker tailor soldier spy
Yeah but she's fat so who cares
nope. cute, and good taste. sorry :)
Lol ok user
>my girlfriend has better taste than most of you capeshitters desu
He actually believes this. Just wait till she gets BLACKED boyo.
Truer words have never been expressed my friend.
Post pics to prove she isn't a lardass.
If she isn't just a figment of your imagination that is.
What does taste in cock have to do with taste in movies?
>An insightful analysis about the opposite gender means you secretly despise them
Such primitive minds never cease to amaze me.