Current state of play in the lower house (76 needed to win):
Labor: 72
Liberal: 66
Independent: 2
Green: 1
Xenophon: 1
Undecided: 7
Who knows what is happening in the Senate.
Counting resumes on Tuesday.
Current state of play in the lower house (76 needed to win):
Labor: 72
Liberal: 66
Independent: 2
Green: 1
Xenophon: 1
Undecided: 7
Who knows what is happening in the Senate.
Counting resumes on Tuesday.
first for One Nation
First for prepbull on suicide watch
>Counting resumes on Tuesday.
Lazy ass fucking public servants
why didn't the one nation lady run in the house? surely that's more important than the senate yeah
>it's a 'labor and greens will have a minority government' episode
So who will call the shots now you fuckwits!
Where were you when nothing happened for the past 10 hours?
One nation will become the more extreme LNP, RE: the greens to the ALP.
That means there is unlikely to be much budget control, but we'll probably seal the border and reduce immigration which will help a lot.
She would have lost because the major parties collude to preference against her.
We have instant run-off voting not first past the post.
She used to have a seat in the house but lost it in 1998.
No. The senate is more important since it is the house of review. She will likely hold the balance of power there.
Knowing that the count resumes on tuesday you dumb cunt
Greater chance of gaining seats in the senate. Looking like she may get 3-4 i believe?
Easier to get elected to the senate.
>The senate is more important
No, anyone who can win a seat in the house runs for one. The senate is second tier.
Well no shit.
It's not like I'm on ABC watching the news.
Having a few seats in the senate is potentially more powerful for a small party than having one seat in the house of reps
Any word on Lambie? Lazarus has conceded.
Tfw unironically gave one nation vote cards to muslims and asians
The upper house (senate) regulates the lower house.
2 in Qld, 1 in NSW, 1 in WA probably
I've read anywhere between 3-5 though
Are these results good or bad? Who are the good guys
There aren't really good guys out of the major parties but the result is pretty good to do with Senate.
Farmers, Shooters, Fishers are the good guys
Stab Prime minister in the back for his job, take control, sign globalists global treaty's, cruise along with former PM's policies and be the darling of the globalist media. Get merchant banker cunning and call a double dissolution election in the dead of winter over the non passage of a couple on bills no one has ever heard of. Get the shit kicked out of you by the OZ people for being a sneaky fucking merchant.
Bad, because it potentially means a government won't even be formed
One Nation are the good guys.
The results are fucking amazing the house is in shambles and the senate is full of nazis and nutcases
none of them its every cuck for themselves!
So when do we remove kebabs?? any ideas?
Explain the difference between Labor and Liberal.
>good guys
Shorten is better
Not to say hes good though, but kikebull needs to hang
The good stuff is coming from the potentially very hostile senate the DD has created
Who voted greens here I'm sick of Australians being racist bigots.
You have until Tuesday, familam. Happy hunting.
The Unions and greens and Independents call the shots now! hahahahahahaha! your fucked mate
we have One Nation, all is well and hopeful
Labor is socialist, recently got on board with stacking the deck.
Liberals are halfway between neocons and actual conservatives.
Not a good comparison. Libs and Labor are much closer on the political spectrum than democrats and republicans
sounds like australia itself is more sick of you
Greens voters are communists
Bishop has been plotting and waiting this is her moment.
Ann Aza Aly is in NO chance of removing Kebabs
Liberals = anti-gun conservatives, bad for growth
Labor = anti-gun vaguely-leftie unionists, bad for debt but good for growth
One Nation, Rise Up Australia, ALA, etc = anti-immigrant crazy bogans
Greens = SJW faggots
Nick Xenophon Team = centrists
Palmer United Party = Not Palmer or United, just a Party
Nationals = Farmers with Liberal dick up their asses
Labor - Democrats under Hillary
Liberal - Republicans under Rubio or Kasich
Is he hangers af?
Nothing will happen at all BUT rest assured the leftie cuckolding of the rest of the population will continue full steam ahead.
Labor is made up of unionists and centre-left wingers
Liberals are made up of conservatives, corporatists and some freedom lovers.
I'm not hip to your lingo young man please speak english
as will the labor shilling itt
She's got Tony's blood all over her Prada shoes.
>The only guy with a man date
Lmfao, fuck off bill shorten
The Muslims all voted ALP.
>and some freedom lovers
The fuck are they doing in the Liberal party
Does Turnbull seem like he has a hangover?
although the liberal party is much more left than the republican party =/
Its all Labor national socialist in this thread.
boy there's 1 of these for everybody
Labor is Centre-Left
Liberal is Centre-Right
you wish
Nah he looks like a broken man, which he is
Don't you have a noose to go tie for yourself Turnbull?
At least the Medicare for the immigrants is safe from privatisation! hahahahahaha
>Liberals hate Muslims! I voted Liberal!
>tfw my seat got cucked
And our two senate seats are apparently being split lab/lib so I don't even get memes
>oy vey
Liberal will always protect you, friend.
HAHAHAHAHAHA cucks voted independents...independants give preference to ALP...alp give preferences to GREENS HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I can't imagine kids even caring about it desu
Like, teacher is all "what do we call people with other genders that aren't binary" and the Rowan up the back row mutters "faggots" causing half the class to start laughing.
No its muslims time to shine friend!!
Depends how much money they have.
Hahaha yes the few girls in the class then get angry and defend that one gay kid good times
Sad tbqh
When is Turnbull going to resign?
No one gives preferences to anybody you moron, at best there are suggestions on how to vote cards.
>Bill Shorten as prime minister
>people that don't even understand how our voting system works are forced to vote
This is why our elections are always a fucking joke
>support manufacturing
>support farming
>support anti gambling law
I don't think he will go Libs
Probably during the week, some time after Tuesday.
anyone have the drunken rambling turnbull on video?
It will be what got hinch over the line.
Gay marriage, Safe Schools, more union control. treaty with abos. Yay Labor!
At the very least you don't have retards demanding a re-run of the election like in the UK when they get a bad result they don't want.
onus is on the government to provide education to citizens
then the government cuts education and relies on scare tactics in the media to 'teach' uneducated voters about how they should vote
>Turnbull is LITERALLY going to lose an unloseable election