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I will not shitpost today

Fucking delete this right now.

can you give me a picture of you where you are smiling ?

*sydney gangrapes you*

no u

i wonder what thread leader thinks about philippe lavil

I will leave this here for my boy Reza

Is this Chechen war?

death to pig skins
also morning bb
how is middle school is so boring here

Anyone have the discord?



تحيا عروبتنا جميعا


>best football

good song,antic migrations and conquests themed lyrics reminded me of King Crimson in a way

>king crimson

kek. this picture is ostentatiously egyptian. it must be, because a morrocan wouldn't complain about us ethiopians """stealing""" their water.
somalians and other roaches gtf this is a middle eastern % north african thread.


let me guess, your name is something (probably reda, saifedin, badr, etc...) BEN something, right?

BZZZZ wrong

stop lying m8, i'm pretty certain that you've got the word ben in your full name. also, when are you going to stop occupying western sahara? morrocans are the israelis of the maghreb

I seriously don't
couldn't care less about that mess honestly

please come have sex with our women

>couldn't care less about that mess honestly
kek. why should i? you a cuck m8?

my blood is red like my homeland flag, the weed I smoke is green like the ominous star in its center.

checkmate flag nazis

I'm a tourist
Also isnt ethiopia east africa

we need more superior BLACK genes
>captcha: nibletts
see allah has spoken

same shit

I know you.

aye, my bad ben something.
we're still friends, r-right?
we've got lebanese and jordanian girls in ethiopia. i needn't travel all the way to lebanon to get laid. problem is, they only fuck their cousins, and i'm not a muslim, so...
>I know you.
shiiieeet. where do you know me from dude? are you the /dbt/ terminator lad who terrorizes the kafirs?


I love black people.

Hey brother, can you redpill me on ethiopian people? Are you basically caucasians with dark skin or is it more complex than that? Are you divided in different people/casts?

So much.

My dude.

ben just means "son/daughter of". Just distinctive sign used between people, recurrent in small communities where tradition is stronger than public administration. The ancient greeks recognized each other from their ascendance and would never miss to introduce themselves according to their male parent ok ? Isn't it beautiful that beyond borders and seas we can share similarities with other societies ?

I am greek :)

kek. you're fucking awesome mate. 'miring your bike, but i would've gotten a dual-sport if i lived in sa though.

That isn't me, m8. But he's doing God's work,that's for sure.

he's doing it wrong
he must be dead first for that to work

sauce to this shit? also, story? etc

gladly, ethiopia is made up of countless ethnic groups but the prominent ones are: oromo 34.4%; amhara 27%; somali 6.2%; tigre 6.1%; and sidama 4%. it's racial genome is divided in three, semitic (amhara primarily, and tigre to some extent) hamitic (somalis and oromos) and omotic (the really dark ones).
the majority of the eritreans are also tigrean. i myself am 1/2 amhara and 1/2 tigre.
power always belonged in the hands of the tigre (solomonic dynasty) or amhara (zagwe dynasty) and the many monuments built in ethiopia are also either tigrean (axum obelisk, mary of zion church, dungur) or amhara (gondar castles, lalibela rock hewn churches) you should google those, they are really amazing. we amhara and tigre are also the ones that fought the italians, twice. the others just sat on their asses. ancient abyssinia was only made up of the amhara and tigre region, the others are just conquered tribes that we used to enslave. this is made evident by the many literary manuscripts of the times, the countless paintings depicting us true ethiopians fighting off darker skinned tribes. the word "baria" also means slave and negro in ethiopia. it's still in use today to insult the other tribes. we also fought off the ottoman backed somali invaders with the help of the portuguese, etc... ethiopia is rich in cultural things, it's incredibly sad that we're now nothing more than a punchline.
yeah, i knew that. i was just having a laugh. i had many school mates here in ethiopia who were marocain and nearly all of them had ben in their surnames.
kek, i fucking love that guy. do you have that webm, which i think was filmed in sa, of a guy getting electrocuted whilst he was trying to steal copper? was titled black guy steals white power or something.
>that flag
brother john, is that you?
>he must be dead first for that to work
where's the fun in that?
also, thoughts on saddam hussein?

>wh*Te """"""""""people""""""""""

>brother john, is that you?
idk who your shitter brother is, my name is tariq
>also, thoughts on saddam hussein?
has his ups and downs, mostly is an agent for Palestinian, Jordanian, Egyptian, Tunisian and various other Arab leaches

thoughts on those who leave Islam?

Pic related my apostatefu, she is one of the top posters on /r/exmuslim

Thx bro that was very interesting.

I don't care, but the reasons why people leave islam 9 out of 10 times is ridiculous.

the ones who do it for seeking attention and approval, like that whore you posted, are cancer
ones who do it for the excitement of fucking @LL*h are /ourguy/s

like hurr durr modern technology is able to treat pork cleanly now?

true. Good point.

It's a lot funnier when they're alive desu.
Coffin guy is different from bike guy.

just some webms of an sa afrikaner who occasionally shitposts on /dbt/. last webm isn't his though.
>not knowing jihadi john
goddammit tariq, there can only be that many famous johns in iraq
>mostly is an agent for Palestinian, Jordanian, Egyptian, Tunisian and various other Arab leaches
>what is ba'ath?
>not knowing what pan-arabism is
>dismissing the lion of the middle-east saddam (the one who leads) hussein as a mere agent when he was the one of the greatest arab leaders that the world has ever seen. on par with nasser, qaddafi, mubarak and saddat
you're welcome!
had a stint with islam when i was 14-20. left mainly because i felt betrayed by the other muslims who weren't properly worshiping and because of the fact that i was heading down a dark alley by wanting to punish those who proclaimed themselves muslim and didn't properly exercise their faith.

yeah, i know. thanks for the webm, kek.
retourne chez allah avant de retourner chez allah, mdr

>this is a middle eastern % north african thread.
This is an English language, Japanese otaku media website.
Fucking kill yourself. Generals don't belong on Sup Forums. Get a fucking discord channel if you want a little national blogging circlejerk, you fucking nigger.

I hate sandpeople.

well no offense but you're a nigger so your opinion was expected
he's only loved by niggers and pseudo niggers (non iraq arabs)

somali, pls stop.

>iraqi - arab
>ethiopia - nigger
what did he mean by this?

jesus christ. reminds me of gus from breaking bad when the bomb went off and he seems alright until they pan left and his entire side was blown off.

whats the story behind this?

only persian gulf arabs and yemenis are actual arabs. where do you think you are? you're amongst arabs and africans, mate. we're not going to fall for that. do we look like ignorant westerners to you?
nigger trying to steal white power

I was wondering whether tet or whatever it's called (that honey booze) is worth a try. also no memeing here but any good ethiopian cuisine? I tried fried plantains and I thought those were pretty fukken good

also, whats the state of your cities like? and how is your film industry? is it anything like ghana?



> greatest arab leaders
getting cucked by the americans and later hanged by some illiterates from baghdad slums makes you great?
>that the world has ever seen
he achieved nothing
> on par with nasser, qaddafi, mubarak and saddat
Oh fuck off you dumb nigger

Can someone explain the "دقني" phenomenon to me

Isn't it haram?

>Oh fuck off you dumb nigger
woa-woow the little kitty scratches :DDD
wouldn't want to get in trouble with you tough guy :DDD

Used to defend apostates and the right of apostasy

Now I just want them murdered in any way possible

well, it depends if you like mild and sweet alcoholic beverages. i personally only drank it a couple of times as i don't understand the appeal. neither do i chew khat because it's mostly a somali thing, kek.
as for the ethiopian cuisine, you should try eating tre sega (raw meat, goat of course) with awaze. or tibs (sizzled mutton) maybe. gored-gored (medium rare diced beef) is also nice. as is quanta firfir (injera+beef jerky in a stew and mixed together). but it all comes down to the injera, will taste sour if it has been prepared more than 48 hours before consumption.
cities are good, but similar to anything ethiopian, it's decaying. because we ethiopians aren't proactive, we always mess about until the last minute to fix things (ie. oromo protests) so the roads more often than not are crumbling.
and, i rarely watch movies or series (ethiopian or not) so i wouldn't know.
in the words of the late saddam hussein the great (pbuh) "The lion does not care about a monkey laughing at him from a tree."
(you) now bugger off



Don't even start this shit while bearing the Belgian flag

neat. thanks for the cool tips! i am actually planning a year off in maybe 2 or 3 years from now, and I am just thinking of where to go. Ethiopia, America, England, Africa etc.

are you likely to get robbed in ethiopia?

the vast majority of muslims in Belgium live in French speaking territories

Only good belgian

weak minded degenerate and mostly leftist cucks and low testosterone losers with familly issues, as their shitty subreddit shows.


I hope a bantu caves in your skull

Belgium is a beautiful country, to bad Napoleon didn't managed to keep you as french clay :^)

Righful tunisian clay inhabited by berbers unfairly treated under the rule of the eternal italo.

>dat hair
Tumblrina detected.

They are not tunisians or Berbers, they are Italians with major Greek genetic input

Those are russian lolis so it's okay

>blond with green eyes
typical berber


No this is. Compare and contrast the two

Do moroccans like this pic?

also one drop rule

Protestant mumbo-jumbo, you just want to Immigrate to Southern europe
They get very angry when you remind them of when they got BTFO


he has negroid dna like most moroccan, pure blood berbers looks like pic related



no offense if it's our moortuguese brothers

Is /sag/ eternally dead?

not really, no. petty crimes exist in addis ababa like they do anywhere else, but it's not widespread like it is in other african countries.
tfw you start laughing in french but your spanish side takes over midway into your laughter
>Police have found the man who, in the late evening of Friday, had tortured and killed a stray dog in Vittoria(Italy), not far from the railway station. The camera images of a fuel distributor nailed the rapist, a 50-year-old algerian homeless who raped, tortured and killed the dog.

Are maghrebians human beings?

>you just want to Immigrate to Southern europe
i don't need excuse to live in the land of 1/3 of my ancestors my rosebeef brother

>tfw you start laughing in french but your spanish side takes over midway into your laughter

Ever since Indiachan started, Indian flags less and less apparent.

Think it's safe to say so.

That isn't your ancestors land you maggot, your Homeland is in your camel fucking desert. You don't belong in Italy or greece and one day you will be killed like the dog you are