Chinese men and Russian / Slavic women

Chinese guy taking his new Russian bride & her family on a day trip. Why is this because so common now in China?


those are tourist and their cab driver.

nice tits

Russia has more women than men. So they marry foreigners.

China has more men than women.

>tourist and their cab driver.

aka /r/russia

Is this a cab driver and tourist also?

He is Chinese and she is Russian also

>tfw no russian gf

You have your qts, i find them more attractive

i wonder how butthurt one have to be so he would try to prove that some white girls marry asian men by looking for their facebooks and posting his findings on Sup Forums, ror

Russian women>>>>>>>>Bermuda triangle >>>>>>>>>Korean women

nobody is going to get a beauty queen and the average korean girl doesnt look anything close to that. however this is what the average russian girl looks like


gook women look nothing like that irl
out of 100 i see, 10 are good looking
5 maybe really good looking
generally your women look like shit and have that weird blank stare

Asian "men" are excellent beta providers. They are rich have low sexual drive and are very submissive. The perfect target for gold digging whores

Korean women really like to cover their jaw line too. Because it's their ugliest face part

jesus fucking christ this dude may be brainded but what a bitch she is, using people like that

Not common.
Also I've heard from friends near the border that some Chinese companies literally paying blonde and blue-eyed people for just being present on some their important meetings, lol.

Proof of what? That she is Russia, here it is

>low sexual drive
says the guy from a race of people who are the smallest percentage of the world population. i wonder who is the highest?

Arab women > French women > Russian women > Japanese women >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> K*rean dog

No he is just braindead

Seems fine? Just she has a big test or something and he helped her out because he wanted to. Like the whole post is thanking him.

Maybe this is why you're single?

>Why is this because so common now in China?
What did he mean by this

I'd marry a rich chinese too if I lived my whole life in Cheeki breekiland. At least the men wouldn't be ugly penniless drunkards squating all the time.

Not you, Squinteye.

hahah pls be joking
>beta tries to suck up to a girl by literally slaving for her and she is playing him like a fiddle
>somehow this nip thinks this is ok
im baffled i had to explain this seriously

No, it's not fine.

Racemixing with East Asians is fine, they have culture that promotes hard work and education and they are not shitskins

Europeans and East Asians share more DNA.But you're still rolling the genetic dice with any kind of race mixing.

well ideally europeans would keep to each other but truth is lot of russian men are literal subhumans that are not able to provide for a woman and will die at 55 from alcohol poisoning, Chinese men that can afford going to Russia and actually bring woman back will atleast be able to support the girl and children

sad and weird how did this happen? Maybe money hungry ho's.

Europeans are more genetically related to that South Asian in the pic than any East Asians

It's a possibility they actually love each other.

Romanian man, Slovak woman isn't mixing. Both are Eastern European.

true, i fucked like 3 erasmus romanian girls

I thought Europeans and Eastern Asians both had Neandrathal DNA.
Guess not.

>Korean women really like to cover their jaw line too
damn I didnt notice that until you told me. they really are covering their jaws in every pic. btw, the russian girl in photo with her Korean boyfriend

She works as a model

вoт этo тaк yж ничeгo ceбe дeвчoнкa

so do south asians, not sure what it has to do with what i said


Because slavs are hot

Is there a physical reason why Russians look like they have downs syndrome? We should call it the Russian syndrome because Polish Brazilians don't look retarded like this.

Fetal alcohol syndrome

enjoy your babushkas lmao

it's the Finnic admixture that makes their faces look like those of chubby babies with slanty eyes

Fuck off r/asianmasculinity.

sorry i'm dumb.
see flag.

Pay denbts


>enjoy your babushkas lmao
these russian girls are living with their wealthy chinese husbands and dont have to work the fields, so they wont turn into babushkas.