
follow Otoya Yamaguchi's good example edition

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how can people still support communism

Love fannies.

>tfw don't use yotsuba in public in case it gets recognised


/gf2017/ ?

Cats Meow still going? Awesome, it's 5am there and they're still partying. Best live cam ever.


who here /photonmasterrace/?

>using Sup Forums in public

This video is why communism will NEVER work


Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, impaired verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior. Parents usually notice signs in the first two years of their child's life.[6] These signs often develop gradually, though some children with autism reach their developmental milestones at a normal pace and then regress. The diagnostic criteria require that symptoms become apparent in early childhood, typically before age three.

[heavy breathing intensifies]


only Western adult babies and decrepit old people

clogged the bog again
mums gonna go mental

Can hear neighbours greeting each other in the shared garden. It's pissing it down haha, wtf are they doing?

poor hot water on it, that's what i do

lidl used to do this peng ciabatta bread at their instore bakeries. I used to especially buy it to make sandwiches and burgers with when i used to do barbecues

but they discontinued it, but managed to continue the rest of their fucking awful tasting """""""""""""""""""""""""""""bread""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

really done my nut in. because tescos ciabatta and bread is fucking grim and the only replacement comes from an actual bakery (and thus comes at a higher cost - also where the fuck does one even find an actual bakery that doesn't just sell sloppy chicken or steak bakes).

greeting each other


Cats Meow still going? Awesome, it's 5am there and they're still partying. Best live cam ever.

good morning

pour ffs. do NOT brainlet post me

dont live in a povvo pleb town

Yes. The normies are having alot of fun they don't want to close up.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes, the north

In the rain though? Not one but TWO people decided, independently, to go stand in the rain. Landlord doesn't care about smoking in these flats.

sex tourism is disgusting, simple as


just bought a coffee grinder, some coffee beans and an aeropress

not gonna happen Brucey, not especially hopeful for /gf2018/ either.

just go to one of the ten Greggs on your street instead

Such honoraburu!

the actual boyfriend

what coffee grinder?

but seriously

I got beans and grinder, didn't notice a big difference between fresh ground and pre-ground 2bh. Just buy pre-ground now, beans aren't worth the hassle.

Had dreams last night about being Spiderman and also about going on a night out and talking to people. Both equally unbelievable and fantastical things for me haha

looks simple

a manual burr grinder from amazon

Looks like they're having a lot of fun.

The Hook Up soon on TripleJ. Wonder what sex topics will be discussed tonight. They talked about fisting last week.

hate varied opinions
love reddit

I deffo am as well. Fucked my tastebuds over decades of drinking, smoking and spicy food.


Okay, I'm going to address the elephant in the room... FUCK DRUMPF

I was going to buy a porlex but some autismo on /ck/ said a good grind is more important than having freshly ground beans

any runts in

>move to London
>your children get raped
ah yes, THIS must be the London Experience I've heard so much about

our ted

Love when rorkes pretend to care about free speech and then say 'banning communism and islam is good' in the same breath

only the centrist can handle the heat of the public fora. left and right just want to shut down anyone who disagrees with them, so that bad people with bad ideas just go away. children.

i can at least understand that because its a subreddit for the left
/r/news shouldn't lean any way

>last call

>neighbor is a 30-something girl who doesn't work or drive
>my dad thinks she's retarded and/or crazy
>tfw i'm a 30-something guy who can't work or drive

the one advantage of not having any friends and/or leaving the house is I can be up at 8 am on a sunday to day trade bitcoin lol

>tfw 23 and can't drive

political idea: ban lefty and rorke opinions

>having the government steal all private property is the same as free speech
>banning people from inciting terrorism and mass rape is the same as shutting down any and all dissenting political opinions
Ah yes, the lefty false equivalence.

how much do you make doing this?

good la', I also by pre-ground

Working out for about 6 months now and everything has got smaller, hope to but on some muscle soon he he

Would dick the thicc girl with the purse.

not been doing it very long desu so still dunno if proof of concept or just luck but average around 1% a day after transaction fees (which if you have a lot of money, which I don't as of yet as still proof of concept) is very good. atm though a lot less money than actually working lol, but then you can do it while you work to a certain extent if you work in an office

t. manny macaroon

uh loads my salty nocoiner friend

what part time job can an autismo do

the state of you lad

negative thousands of pounds as of yesterday lol

stocking shelves

Why can't you work? Too fat? x


I do volunteer work at a community centre as an IT Tech.


how come every yank who posts here is an utter wasteman?

>having the government steal all private property
advocating it is free-speech. doing it is not.
rorkes won't to ban advocating it (just as lefties want to ban them from advocating capitalism or racism)
>inciting terrorism
so how do you propose banning islam?

preferable to whatever lord of the rings scenario rorkes want us to live in

capitalism murdering hundreds of shitskins is one of its positivesc

>tfw 26 & only ever had one paying job.

yeah thought about shelves but apparently they make you do social work like tills too so I'm not going to

>people died from many varied causes, from famine to military action
>blame every one of them on "capitalism"
>so that you can justify supporting a political system that was directly responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths


Cat's Meow is now closed. :(

people who die under capitalism deserve to die

the irony in this post

Dicks (preferably men's)


23 and not had one
applied for a few 'upermarkets in the past year but rejected every time


>user. user. can you smell that? have a good sniff cos that's a moist, wet, swollen pussy you are not getting tonight.

>p.s. i've shit the bed too. sorry.

if you could do only one, would you FUCK DRUMPF or FUCK BREXIT ?

>when communist military kills people its communism
>when capitalist military kills people its anything but capitalism

here's to Gnon and inhuman futurity

my word!

don't mind trump because literally nothing he does affects me.

brexit is a right headache though.

nobody is a capitalist anymore except virgins lol

fuck sake not you again

wonder how Marx would react if he saw most of his followers today

this post implies that imperialism=capitalism which isn't the case

unironically bipolar and agoraphobic but i've been trying different medication this year and things are slowly getting better

he would call them all jewish niggers

you don't have to be social to work tills, it's just remembering four lines 99% of the time

>do you need some bags
>that will be £____ please
>here's your change
>thanks, bye

if they try to make conversation/joke just smile and agree with what they say.

Every single political figure before and after Stalin was capable of controlling the weather to a degree yet Stalin couldn't. And people will still defend him as a good leader.