What happens/happened here? I want to impress my ethnically Indonesian girlfriend's parents

What happens/happened here? I want to impress my ethnically Indonesian girlfriend's parents.

I know we colonized the shit out of it and kept the original feudal systems in place and it's one of the most ethnically diverse places on Earth and we bastardized their food.

I'm mostly interested in javanese culture

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=Indonesian Culture
google.com/search?q=noor ellis&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b

>I want to impress my ethnically Indonesian girlfriend's parents
just show them you have car and house.
also why dont you get dutch gf?
nigininogs will actually replace your people if the men stay sacred of competition with the BBC

I'll tell you if you tell me something interesting

we could be white if gooks never stepped foot on this land desu

OP's at the grass


>want to be like either insane south american or meek european
lad, i...

Indonesians in Indonesia are both meek and insane though.

t. feminine

lmgtfy.com/?q=Indonesian Culture

>tfw 1.8m is considered manlet

Batavia had the best Coat of Arms

okay i'll tell you something.
just pretend you're interested in collecting antique stuff like kriss or carved wood art.
but seriously user, stick to dutch girl, not even because of jealousy or anything, indo women are just insane and murderous.
this kind of story is really not uncommon
google.com/search?q=noor ellis&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b

England has it better

How do you want to know? history? the origin of indonesia people?

Jogjakarta coat of arm at his majesty Hamengkubuwono VI era was the shit desu.

I'm Javanese but am kissless virgin so can't tell nothing to impress woman's parents.
But that its standard to bring murtabak for her parents when visiting her house.
Might sound stupid desu

Wait is that unwritten rule now when visiting your gf's house?
I always thought that martabak is chosen because it's relatively cheap and polite compared to buy fruits (since it's usually for sick people visit) or a kong guan biscuit tin (since it's usually for visiting at religious holidays, like eid fitr or chirstmas),
I don't live in east part of java though even though my parents are javanese so maybe that's the reason.

I don't know desu, never have a gf.
Maybe a meme

Sultan Mehmet tier signature

I'm other user and I have a Dutch girlfriend already. But I love the kriss

That's the UK, not England

I want to have a time machine that would prevent gooks and mudslime ((((traders)))) before stepping land on here

islam was spread on java by gook dumbo, first king of mataram was a chink

>first king of mataram
i mean demak

that would be nice

The fuck are you talking about?
That coat of arm was made by the influence of Dutch.
Even now at his majesty hamengkubuwono X era, the coat of arm is so javanese. The only mudslime influence in the coat of arm is the sultan crown in pict related.
If you want to say mehmet tier signature, then just talk shit about malay royal family.

> gooks and mudslime ((((traders))))
That's redundant, user.

I meant to say that the Coat of Arms you posted was so difficult that it was hard to see all details, just like the Ottoman Coat of Arms. It was a compliment, not an insult, although I must admit I don't like mudslimes (Turks) neither.

The dutch got scot free for the atrocities they committed in Indonesia just because muh Nazi invasion. Maybe you can pay reparations to your gf parents.

Japanese invasion of Indonesia (Dutch Indies) was much worse than Nazi invasion of the Netherlands.

I think we payed enough reparations in the form of industrializing the fucking place. We left it in a much better state than it could have developed to naturally and we definitely left it in a better state than we found it in, even considering muh politionele acties

Our historian would definitely argue with your notion.

only homo and cuck countries demand reparation, martial cunts knows that spoils of wars exist