She's gotten fat but I'd still fug her
used up butt slut click bait
take your garbage elsewhere
This desu senpai
god she is fat now, disgusting
Is this whole video just about the colors blue and pink? They never shut up.
Pretty much.
Showing the whites of your eyes is a sign your unhinged.
Also fuck off Laci.
Is she tied to a rocket-launcher-smuggling Islamist? Oh wait, that's Anita Sarkeesian:
Sign the petition:
Stop this cult
I want to lie in bed with her, hug her from behind while smelling her hair and whispering in her ear about the merchants.
How difficult would it be for her to give up her garbage beliefs?
My favorite part of this is the manlet doing an impression of a man.
Her head is so bulbous and round
It's funny because he has to chop off his balls and cater to feminists because they're the only one's who will even consider him, and he has to be the one who bends over for his feminist overlord.
Must suck being a manlet beta male in 2016.
What did computer programming in the 1940s and 1950s even look like?
I want off this ride.
Riley Reid is looking a little chunky. This is not a complaint
Just look at his facial expressions.
I really want to eat Laci Green's asshole. Just suckle on her butthole and ram my tongue up her ass. I wanna taste her insides.
The fact that deep down she's really just an ordinary gutter slut turns me on even more.
One day I will lick her where she shits. You'll see. You'll all see.
>One day I will lick her where she shits. You'll see. You'll all see.
I eagerly await updates, user.
The cringe...
>Im five foot two
that one girl has awesome tits
who keeps giving this airhead a platform?
>Computer Programming
>For women
I don't think these people understand the history of Computer Science.
Oh shit burglary in progress! They kicked in the door and started beating a female.
>men have pushed women out of tecnology
Bullfuckingshit. Most women want to be teachers and caretakers, not doctors or engineers. My calc 2 class last year had about 25 students. How many women? THREE
Fucking hell MTV, this is embarrassing
this is a revelation to nobody but yourselves because you are so fucking fixated and seeing gender problems where there are non
for the sake of future generations, PLEASE, sort your fucking brains out.
Prolly Cleaning out tubes and pugging wires
Jesus Christ they get decently hot girls and make them repeat (((feminist ideas))) and you tards drool all over it. These aren't even their ideas.Go look at fucking porn if you wanna see tits
The transformation into a pig-like life form is almost complete. I give it another 2 years at most
All I'm saying is go beat off and stay focused
I choked.
>high heels were made for men
False. High heeled BOOTS were made for men; you can still get today.
>computer's program was considered women's work
Completely false. They used women for going through and debugging extremely basic mathematical formula; because there was a shit ton of it that needed to be done. Anything more advanced than that was done by a man. It is true that telephone operators were primarily women, which is what I assume they are getting confused with.
>Cheerleader were originally men
This is true.
>Crying was considered manly
Uhhh...Not really? I'm assuming they are referring to poetry which was primarily written by men throughout history. Really though, there's nothing to verify this. You could easily come up with any meaningless factoid that has no evidence to prove or disprove it.
Sauce: I'm an anthropologist.
Fuck man, I legit feel bad for him. I mean could you imagine being two inches shorter than the average female height? I would probably consider suicide.
I honestly don't know how these guys do it.
About the crying thing, it's the ancient belief that crying required emotions and higher thought processes that only men were capable of.
Regardless, everything in this video is analogous to reading a single sentence from wikipedia and then thinking they known anything that they're talking about. As you've thoroughly debunked, all wrong.
>t's the ancient belief that crying required emotions and higher thought processes that only men were capable of.
I don't know exactly where you are getting your sources from, but I can tell you just from my understanding of ancient cultures' mythos that that is just not true.
The only thing I can figure is that they are basing the statement on ancient European theatre where women were not allowed to participate and even female roles were played by men until around the 1600s.
pic related, because I couldn't think of a way to type this without coming across as a giant fedora wearing faggot
>I don't know exactly where you are getting your sources from
Some Latin text I read like a decade ago.
Don't really remember who wrote it so can't find it.
Maybe I'm just remembering it wrong. I'm looking for it though.
>where women were not allowed to participate and even female roles were played by men until around the 1600s.
That has nothing to do with it.
>1 post by this ID
>It's an user passive-aggressively tries to get someone to post Laci tits by making a meme thread episode
Oh fug!
I call bullshit on this being lacy green, where is the proof? Where is one of those crime CSI anons that zoom in on the photos and analyze scars and shit.
from the google
thats what Im talking about. She seems like one of those girls where if you knew her in real life it would be easy to fuck her.
>thats what Im talking about. She seems like one of those girls where if you knew her in real life it would be easy to fuck her.
I would.
>white knight
>associating white with good
I'm so fucking triggered
I want to impregnate Laci Green and watch as she makes some beta take responsibility for my child then I will cut ties with that bitch forever.
somebody has to have some lacy green nudes out there....
>not taking the opportunity to convince her to lose weight and redpill her and wife her for the rest of your life.
>stupid people have too much own time
I have found the beta that will take responsibility for my child. Now, I must find and mate with Laci Green.
>stupid women have rights
i wouldn't mind taking a deep inhale or two of her shit hole before proceeding to pump her colon full of my big fat dick.
I will take a bullet for her and her son just to get a chance to stick my face inside her ass hole. Pic related
I had a nurse that looked just like her. OMG I wanted her so bad.
what the fuck is going on, why are so many Sup Forumsacks fawning over laci's fat smelly vag?
Got any more sexy pics of her? tried looking on her instagram but it was pretty underwhelming
literally nothing wrong with this video
>degenerate drug addict feminist
You have low standards user.
Thought that video was proven to be for a school project or some sort of anti drug video
>Thought that video was proven to be for a school project or some sort of anti drug video
confirmed she is a fucking slut. all of her vids/pics are just full of fat tit cleavage.
I didn't realize my waifu was a drug addict whore
That's really too bad
>be mainstream feminist
>get fat
have fun getting your dick cut off because she forgot to remove her anti-rape device
Those shows don't even have a loyal audience, most of the audience they get is from people who disagree with their views.
It's immensely retarded.
this is what our children are watching
maybe your children you cuck
>Those shows don't even have a loyal audience, most of the audience they get is from people who disagree with their views.
>It's immensely retarded.
this is why webcams need to be banned
Typing "Sup Forums BTFO" really should result in an instant perma ban.
>1 post by this ID
Stop feeding the shills, guys.
come on.. so hostile lol. you know what I mean, the collective children of America who have irresponsible/ignorant guardians, kids on social media in general.. I'd never allow my kids to look at youtube garbage.
I don't blame them, saying "what do you think of this" never results in replies, even though I personally don't use OP's method.
post by this ID
Here I am, little boy :)
why are all of her facial expressions so exaggerated? is this how they drive up the view count?
>"i'm triggered, pls pay attention to me" : the post
yeah nah im not clickin that shit
hahaha the absolute madman
You're still a shill/slider, senpai
Transcribing the programs men (physicists) designed.
so how did cheerleading orignally work, did they have pom-poms or were they just cheering with signs?
Men are such scumbags.
>now i wait for the triggering....
transcription, ie. secretarial work
1. True, but women wanted to take over the pink color to show that they were as good as men, and now that they have it, they still complain.
2. Those were made for horse riders, to help them keep their feet in the stirrups.
3. Women still do programming?
4. Men still do cheerleading?
5. You have to be pretty narrow to think men dont cry..
Punch card systems, machine code.
The face keeps moving, but the eyes stay dead.
>True, but women wanted to take over the pink color to show that they were as good as men, and now that they have it, they still complain.
It was actually Hitler who made it so pink was seen as feminine.
You know what's funny about this?
What I'm getting from it is that, things are for guys, until girls start infiltrating it, and then men don't think it's cool anymore.
The hell is wrong with white people pushing this shit?
Why do they all have that intense stare every leftist has? Do they all take some cult like drug when they decker their SJWness
>gay asian men
they must go back