what do you guys think about it?
Korean reunification
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Would be funny to watch the Norks walking around like they were on fucking Mars.
Realistically, very difficult with continued Sino-American geopolitical influence in the peninsula. The Chinese don't want a launching point for Americans right on their backdoor.
Would like. Can't be done right now due to what said. It could happen in the future if/when the Kim dynasty collapses. SK and US would have to be ready and have a plan for that scenario.
Who cares, korea is a shit. North is all shorter than italians, south smells like rotting garlic.
Lol, angry gooks
Simply impossible.
it'd cost more than the reunification of Germany. And that involved the DDR, which was one of the more successful commie states. Best Korea would drag them both down to 2nd world status.
It could go two ways:
>All Out War, NK Loses and Korea is United
>SK and NK unify peacefully
A Trump Presidency seems to want to do the 2nd option rather than the Clinton way
Mad South Korea's now the cultural center of Asia.
Globalist meme pushed by violent commies, just like Mexican-American superstate
It won't happen, mostly because China needs cheap labour from NK and is afraid of having all of North Korea walk into their country because they sure as fuck won't go to South Korea. In other words, neither the South nor the Norks or Chinks want it. It will never happen.
It's not going to happen until NK breaks down which won't happen until the US has a greater presence in the region than China does which is never going to happen. Korea is going to remain divided for the foreseeable future.
Trump will make Korea great again
North korea will destroy the South
Heil kim jong un
Be honest, could you tell those chinks apart? Even if I was best friends with them for years, I don't think I could manage.
I'm wondering, are all Americans blind?
I can instantly tell them all apart. It took me months of practice though
I think it's easy to tell the Filipinos from other East Asians, they can get very feisty sometimes.
Why do you post this shit in every thread? Is this some kind of new meme or something?
The only people that want reunification are the Best Koreans and the U.S.. It will never happen so long as U.S. And Best Korea or China are maligned
No. Most of us do tend to be blind and fucking idiotic though. It's a problem.
Reunification would be ideal. But having the DPRK disband peacefully seems impossibru.
I think once 'we' finally get in there and liberate the north we'll be shocked by what we find. It'll be like, 'camps, summary executions, starvation, torture, we kinda knew it was bad but nothing like thi, just had no idea.'
NK and SK will unite if there are no US/China influences. They will unite once globalists take over the world or Koreas grow stronger economically/militarily.
Ideal? What exactly would be ideal about an economic crisis?
Lots of economic opportunity once the dust settles. Imagine the work and dollars involve building NKs infrastructure. I'd start learning Korean with an eye to nice there and rebuild the moment things look like happening.
Good thing you don't get to make decisions then.
I'd have no problem with it. The deal is NK liberalizes, no US bases there, and the country agrees to be neutral. Better than having 30,000 soldiers stationed on the line.
Not really. The infrastructure of NK can't support more than 50000 people.
Everyone should be.
Why people would want to consume media made by a bunch of soulless plastic gooks is beyond me.