Would it be legal to breed birds like dogs to make them larger to the point when we can ride them? Horses can't use public roads. Will griffins be allowed to use public airspace? Will bioetical commission be ok with such bird breeding operation? Nobody gives a fuck about different races of dogs.
Would it be legal to breed birds like dogs to make them larger to the point when we can ride them...
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You're special.
No birds spines aren't strong enough to support weight.
The only feasible place is in their mouths
Anyway you're kind of weird kid, on with the politics
first post is best post
Maybe some kind of gondola?
can they be used to hunt (((them)))?
I was thinking about Magpies. They are smarter than the gorrilas but on the oter hand keeping them in captivity is illegal. Why is this illegal in Europe when there are 250 millions magpies on Earth?
Can Sup Forums accept that there are other animals that are conscious? Do they technically have souls if they are conscious?
The main idea behind this is to allow cheap mean of public air transport before we develop anti-gravity.
Literal autism
No no no, what you need is a raven. The largest of songbirds.
But the Magpies are smarter than Ravens. How do we make ravens smarter? How can we measure the progress?
Poland, just go drink yourself to sleep for the sake of our sanity
Message for you Sir!
The atmosphere isnt dense enough to allow birds over the size of albatrossdz fly casually.
A Gondola you say?
whats the largest bird now? condor? Some nasty mean ass vulture? he aint gonna let you ride him.
I thought it was all about weight/wing length ratio. Our current max is 25kg/1m of a wing (or something close to that). We just need to make them bigger.
And yet we turned wolves into obedient dogs.
they don't look cool though
We had 30,000 years to do that.
But then again, some Russians bred the meanness out of fur Foxes in like 3 generations. They selected the tamer ones and culled the rest.
Tell that to the quetzalcoatlus, giant of the sky.
Once science catches up we can create griffons.
Use genetic engineering it'll be whole lot fast than trying breed something that big
Silly burger, we can't breed dinosaurs. They are all dead. Cloning a dinosaur would be illegal.
kek, poland makes the best threads, we love you poland.
>there are people who currently browse pol, who seriously doubt that large flying animals can't be created
I believe nobody gives a serious fuck about birds so we don't really know enough about their genomes to do that.
a gryphon is basically the most unrealistic mythical animal that could actually exist
if it existed, it wouldn't be able to fly unless it was basically a dragon. it would be like an ostrich
Griffins will be able to use public air space, but you will require a griffin pilot's license, griffin registration and proof of immunization against bird flu.
I like his stylish beret
What does he need such long neck for? He can easily fly to the top of the tree.
birds like this didnt fly they just glide well
Will the government force me to stick a black box into my griffin's anus?
That's why you would install a bird launcher to your house, so that you could initially gain altitude.
From there you could glide to your destination.
If you don't like the bird idea, tell me how else can we move public transport from the ground to the sky? It's fucking 2016 and we still do not gave flying cars.
That depends on the sexual orientation of your griffin
Both males and females have a cloaca.
But birds are dinosaurs
Pterosaurs not dinosaurs but actually flying reptiles
Side question for extra points. Do you have chickens? Is it legal to have chickens in a city? Can neighboors complain to the cops that the chickens make noise in the morning?
Been working on this a few years desu. I know I can't do it in my life Soni take thorough notes and hope my kids are as weird as me
yeah but only females and gay males like you sticking a box inside it
They are not dinosaurs. They evolved FROM dinosaurs. Inb4 God made them.
Also, fun fact "kek" is a sound made by magpies.
One day they will rule the Earth.
Smart raptors.
I'm talking in terms of taxonomic classification.
Birds are filed under the clade of dinosauria and are classified as avian dinosaurs.
Soo..avian dinosaurs have feathers but flying reptiles don't, is that right? What aboit archeopteryx? Was it still a dinosaur or already a bird? What does the molecular data say about this?
Forgot the pic.
Also, why did philosoraptor meme gone extinct so quickly. Was it a forced meme?
Correct, flying reptiles had their own unique covering, a hair-like covering called pycnofibers.
And yes, Archeopteryx is generally considered to be the first bird
what if you spliced it with a horse. I don't know if it would have the damn lift to carry a person though, the thing might have to be like as big as those birds in shadow of the colossus.
No, the problem with birds is that their lift sucks, but they have extremely light internals to compensate. A bird big and strong enough to carry a human would probably be 60 feet wide.
Actually, scratch that. At some point, you run into a cube-squares issue where the additional lift provided by extra wing area and muscle gets outstripped by the additional weight.
Well, fug
what if it had 2 sets of wings
when we go into space we dont need birds to fly any longer. then we need species that can fart is space to move around. so for having compact animal it needs wings and farts to move freely in space and planets
ofc there is chance for finding suitable planet for living with more dense air so birds can fly easier in it so breeding perfect bird for riding is possible on such planet
What if we build something that produces more thrust than wings while still running on oxygen and food?
>we need species that can fart is space to move around
Pic related
that's a ton of drag that will have to be supported by the head
your best bet is mechanical griffins