
going on a tinder date

rate my outfit edition

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me at the top, this is an allegory btw


me tomorrow morning


snorted mandy last night instead of bombing for once

was actually pretty amazing, just so short

wanna take lsd but i live in a flatshare and i dont know anyone.

where do i get lsd from

how do i take it discreetly and make sure no one finds out.


britain is rubbish


then leave

not done any drugs in more than a year

this sounds like a bad idea

buy it on the dark web, take half a blotter and go for a walk in nature

dead children, raped elders and regular bomb threats are all necessary sacrifices for multiculturalism

You'd be better off shitting in your hand, going naked, and offering only the shit in your hand as your sole item of clothing.

Get naked, start shitting.


lsd is pretty hard to hide, it's a long trip and your pupils dilate to saucers. with a lower dose you'd have more control but high doses you can wander around and not even know it

is ordering drugs to my address really clever?

Britain has had black people in it during the following periods in history.
4000BCE - 1900CE
1970CE - Present
Rorke's "ideal" Britain has only existed for 70 odd years and is therefore a historical anomaly.

last time i did drugs was over 3 years ago no intention to start up again

I think nowadays anything slightly serious is mocked endlessly so people can't take others seriously when they hold strong beliefs that are so different to their own

Did Steve Irwin inspire this guy I wonder?

guess what anyone can order anything to anyones address

Accelerationism is the reason Sup Forums has such a boner for terror attacks. The backlash is inevitable, but it'll take more insanity from the jihadis and their leftist allies before the masses have had enough. I can't stand the way Sup Forums celebrates these horrific attacks in the name of progress towards the "redpilling" of society, but the current situation is just not acceptable by normal standards.

The worry is that what is considered "normal" is changing. This new generation doesn't know what it's like to live without the constant threat of terror attacks, and so can be trained to accept it as part and parcel of modern life. Who knows what people will be accepting in the name of "tolerance" three or four generations down the line?

buy domestic and the risk is almost non-existent

not gonna advocate though. it's your decision and there are risks no matter how you obtain drugs

Rate the fit lads

if the rozzers get you just say you didn't order them yourself

The Hookup talking about revisiting dates lads.

world-changing politics is about aiming high


maybe going out picking shrooms would be a better idea.

my next problem is how do i safely take them on my ones.

so update on last night I flew from gatwick to meet irish /brits/ for a night out at 2 am in dublin this morning but they never fucking showed. I ended up staying in a hotel and now i'm waiting for the flight to take me back to london lol. fucking cunt

as in tagging graffiti?

you're ordering it to an address with 4 people. Just stick a different name on it and get it from the darkweb


as in putting the mdma in a rizla and swallowing it

i used to send all my drugs to work under an assumed name

never had a problem and even got 2cb from the continent

nice one bro
i'm going to my friend's wedding and this is what i'll be wearing

cant take fashion tips from small people seriously

lol why


Any of you lads play Victoria 2? How's it compare to CK2?

outside of not doing it there is no way to be 100% safe especially on your own, pragmatically you should underdose and have someone accompany you

you're stupid

always use your real name

using fake names is bait as fuck


typical skiving paddy

How would they know as long as its not something outlandish
just say charlie smith or something

bc some irish lad said I could go out with his mates, fucking hope it wasn't you

>Someone accompany me
don't know anyone?

i know dmt is more intense, but i've read if you smoke it you tend to just fall back onto your bed trip for 10 minutes (or 4 epochs in your head) and then get up and back to normal. would that work?

in case you have a scenario where you have to show ID to collect it for example

See that's the kind of cutting-edge social commentary that I confusely hoped to find in underground communities like this one
>Premium mediocrity is a pattern of consumption that publicly signals upward mobile aspirations, with consciously insincere pretensions to refined taste, while navigating the realities of inexorable downward mobility with sincere anxiety. There are more important things to think about than actually learning to appreciate wine and cheese, such as making rent. But at least pretending to appreciate wine and cheese is necessary to not fall through the cracks in the API.
Instead of shallow bullshit like "who does deano vote for"
This is the very fabric of the global deano laid out bare.
Will only frequent elite communities from now on tbqh

dont think u shud be doing drugs desu lad

Someone post the picture of Alan with his boyfriend

DMT is a pretty intense experience for a first time psych user

dont reply to it


>too lame to even take drugs

guess i'm destined to toil through this boring life without any pleasure. no girls, no drugs, no money.

just call centre, dinner, chan and sleep.

there is no reason you should EVER collect anything yourself
if anything if youre asked to collect something then theres something wrong

as I said I dont think you should take drugs

not my first time. did shrooms and lsd when i was younger a few times.
what should i do then?

i'm really bored.

fuck off drug mongs

do drugs but dont start by the strongest ones

>package gets delivered and you're out
>have to go to the PO to collect it

just one such example. you've read too many horror stories about yankland mate

reckon alan is a secret marxist


listening to charles mingus

watching the sad horse programme

cunt needs a shave and a good haircut
suit is ok I suppose, obviously not top tier though.

try 2c-b. it's a pretty nice psychedelic and you can go from tripping to sober at will

any kaiserreich man in

I'm thoroughly bored of ganja, mandy and opiates (did all of these regularly when i was younger)

i want to explore my mind and crack open the ol' 3rd eye, but that said i don't want to do anything stupid like jump out of a flat.

start doing pretty much anything else desu start reading watching films excerise whatever all the meme stuff you dont sound in healthy position to be taking drugs imo

>having the yank understanding of the word 'marxist' and the kneejerk reaction that goes with it.

I know someone who got hundreds of yokes and it was delivered in a jiffy bag. It will always just be pushed through the letterbox

just dont use postage that requires a signature
unless you're ordering 20kg of weed, anything will fit through a letterbox

did the horse man get sad?

go in the forest and take a little bit of lsd

listening to miles davis bitches brew

yeah, in most scenarios, but using your real name is better than not. your postman isn't a dunce and it might cause questions

why because i don't have mates?

good taste


or a name from previous tenants etc that still get the occasional mail

depends how much you order i guess

i have packs coming 2-3 times a week

one of the best miles davis release

Very cold out today down south lads


Caffeine is a drug. Nicotine is a drug. Alcohol is a drug. The term "drugs" is very misleading, and generally only serves to demonise (or celebrate) all prohibited drugs equally, while, by comparison, presenting legal drugs as inconsequential.

The main dangers of doing cannabis are being caught with it by the police, or smoking it with tobacco. The main danger of alcohol is becoming addicted, and allowing it to destroy your life and slowly kill you. The moral of the story: Choose your drugs carefully.

why has the whole world become so reddity


german techno lads

bluepilled my gf on brexit

/brit/s been talking about drugs none stop all fucking weekend
shut the FUCK up you runts
these threads are so much better when the runts aren't around

because you're constantly self loathing


or the yanks

Cringed at the shots with him walking around lookin at the drone. He's got the virgin walk

Then when he said he's been too busy drinking coffee

Normies found the internet a few years back
Its all over

absolute state of that skinnyfat body

>dude weed lmao
honestly just shut the fuck up lad. We've heard this argument before 100 times