They know protesting can have a cost, what are you laughing about? It'd only be laugh worthy if they thought there was no chance of this happening.

loooool why are self important lefties so fucking stupid

you have a very strange and extreme reaction to a very simple concept that if you dont go to work then you might not keep your job, also this has nothing to do with tv or film.

>18 out of tens of thousands


delete your shit of a thread, this is Sup Forums and film

>all those random people with the flu or something that had to call in sick the same day this shit happened and all their coworkers think that they were secretly part of this thing

is being sacked for going AWOL 1 day the norm in America?

holy shit liberals blown out

>sack of shit employer hires a bunch of illegals
>said illegals skip work to protest people trying to deport them
>said shit employer who hired them in the first place fires them for trying to ensure status quo and allow the employer to continue hiring illegals and pay them below market wage

How does this work?

no call, no show can get you fired at a lot of places, but not all, of course.

>protest for the rights of immigrants
>end up getting fired and probably replaced by immigrants
remember: if you fire your employees, they win

Yes. Most Americans have zero legal job security. They can be fired for pretty much any reason, barring one of the federal exceptions, but you can only make a case on that if your employer is dumb and pretty much admits it on a recording or on paper.

>Sup Forums

Yes it is. It's called a "no call no show" and even on a union job you can get told to fuck off or it. These illegal beaners thought someone would beg them to please come in and then maybe apologize for taking them for granted after they returned . Kek worthy thread op. I laughed heartily.

it cost employers to fire someone, they would much rather get you to quit on your own. firing is a last resort

>Rates vary by state but as a rule, companies who lay off more workers and have larger payrolls pay more into the state unemployment trust fund than those who don't.

you're talking about the wrong jobs m8.

It just shows how galling their little entitlement stunt was to the employer.

>I want to deport illegal immigrants
>i don't
>you're fired

Yeah sure turnover in general is expensive, unless you've got a contract saying otherwise though an employer can sack you anytime they want for pretty much any reason at all.

were memes always this desperate and bitter?

Why shouldn't it be?

they were all legal workers you silly goose. you think businesses would be making it public that they hire illegals? roly/pol/y think more next time

18 isn't much

But for those that did get fired, kek


What makes you think they're all illegals?

I agree, everyone should relax.

someone who is employing someone illegally wouldnt announce to the media and world that they had to fire their illegal workers


i think the less strawman argument would be that many illegals have been living in the states for awhile, having families, or you have young people with parents or relatives who are illegal. the issue is breaking up families. now you can say "fuck them all theyre all criminals for being here", but i cant understand the empathy liberals feel for people who are trying to escape a shitty life in 3rd world mexico, and want to have a better life in america. and then they have families and it just becomes a big mess. but your interpretation is ignoring all the nuance. at the same time a lot of illegals, including people in my gfs extended family, are dumb beaners who just join gangs and commit crimes and i agree they should all be rounded up and sent back.

I'm one of the 18. Ask me anything.

whoops, meant i CAN understand the empathy

When you act nice like this, you just cause more and more to flood over. The children are free to go with their parents.

just asking a genuine question, not making a statement.

Can anyone recommend some good movies where liberals get BTFO?


no one on Sup Forums has ever had a job

Deport the parents.

Kids sent to orphanage / work camp.

problem solved.


going back to mexico isnt a punishment. its like saying it rude to ask a bank robber to give back the money they stole and go about their normal life

why do liberals think any country ran by brown and black people are hell on earth?


Until now i did:,(

No call, no show. Fuck anyone that does that. A job isn't there at your convenience. I dated a girl that was fired from her job for not showing up because she was tired. We broke up, but that was an early sign that I should've taken note of.

well there you go, bleeding heart vs hardliners. but a lot of people, you know, liberals, dont mind paths to citizenship for illegals who are here, as long as theyre the type who mind their business, try to work/go to school, dont commit crimes. so they dont want to send them back to mexico. so the struggle is between treating people decently, despite being illegal, because they understand the reason for them to break our laws and try to come here, and deterring increased illegal immigration. its a difficult issue, which is why its always salient in the public discourse. whatever, build the fucking wall, deport the illegals who commit crimes aside from simply coming here, and then give paths to citizenship to the ones still here.

>why do liberals think any country ran by brown and black people are hell on earth?

Why do conservatives think that also?

Crush fool flesh.

because mexico literally is

not usually, liberals make most movies because people who go into arts are usually liberal

is that a legitimate suggestion? ethnic camps?




peep truth passion

If you're not going to do your job mods and delete these threads, appoint someone who will.

It's not a strawman, it's exactly what happened. People are mad because they think that Trump is after every immigrant. It isn't the responsibility of tax payers or the president to hug families just because someone came here, broke the law and never was held accountable.

well it kind of is a punishment, its a shithole and they come to america to have less shit lives. it might be appropriate, but its a punishment. i mean youre only in america out of sheer dumb luck, its not exactly fair that we get to be comfortable meanwhile the people who were slightly less lucky geographically when they were born get fucked over. im not advocating open borders or anything, just that i understand the empathy some people feel for them. also thats a terrible analogy

Why dont we just make Mexico great again?

Well foster care if the parents decline to take them with them till they're 18. Work camps would be practical but the public wouldn't go for it.

what kind of question is that? are you fucking retarded? mexico literally is hell on earth. poverty, crime, corruption, lack of opportunity, barely industrialized. do you want to live there? its not a matter of which countries are run by brown people but thats a shockingly childlike notion


I re read nigger

he's not laughing at all

it's just something you write when you want to make your opponents feel insecure


Why would they do that when it costs them money instead of costing America money.

h- how did it know

no, work camps would never happen lmao. the best you could hope for would just be throwing them all into the foster system. either way the kids life will be fucked up, whether its foster care or going back to mexico. the best option for them would be staying with their parents in america, but we have issues with allowing the parents to stay. which is just another element of the whole quagmire

Shut your bitch hole.

these good ten

Glad to see Sup Forums users are so tolerant and mature when they decide to raid other boards with their threads.

roly/pol/y pls go!

who will play them in the inevitable biopic?

out of tens of thousands

Did anybody even notice?

remember when the right actually bothered standing up for something and faced risking the consequences? I don't

18 from that particular establishment. If you Google it up, it happened all across the country. Where I work at Microchip Inc., we lost like eight people from our Portland location.

same d-list spics that play latino gang members in every fucking series

some Sup Forumslacks talked some shit to shia during his live feed of the protest but he intimidated them all until they stopped showing up

t. Sup Forums crossposter

Ah yes I am sure Taco Bell just fell apart without your gf on the line that day.

Fuck you wagecucks. You guys sacrifice all free will for $9.50 an hour.

>reward criminals who stopped committing crimes

And what about all the people who worked hard to get here the legal way? Fuck them, right? Because 2/100ths of the Martinez family didn't commit crimes, they get fast tracked to citizenship while people in other shit countries who worked hard to get here but didn't have the luxury of mucking through the Rio Grande get fucked.

i went to chipolte that day and all the little spicarinos were working

Must be why the stream was shut down

Gross misconduct especially if it is politically motivated

What are your plans for when your single mother finally gets a boyfriend who tells her to throw her 32 year old fatass neet son out?

Actually they kept coming and were dominating the stream so they shut the stream down for "safety reasons".

i dont think anybody is saying that. but do you know much about our immigration process? The main 2 ways are either getting married to an american, or being a professional/highly educated. random ass poor beaners very rarely get through the process legally that way, unless they come illegally first and then hopefully are allowed to do the path to citizenship if they arent deported.

yeah all last year the people going to trump rallies were attacked by "tolerant" leftists, people were physically attacked, had their cars damaged, had bottles and eggs thrown at them, saw people screaming FUCK YOU at mothers holding babies, real mature tolerant bunch you democucks

What do you think they are doing now?

It's a punishment in multiple ways. Ignore that their country of origin is shit and just think of being uprooted after years of making a life somewhere and assimilating into a culture, and then having to start anew (again).

> its like saying it rude to ask a bank robber to give back the money they stole and go about their normal life

You're a fucking retard. Why do I subject myself to these retarded analogies ffs.

that was stupid. I also hate when liberals show up to white power rallies or whatever far right rallies pop up. just let people exercise their right to be an annoying chanting cunt and just let it burn out. no need to dump gas on the fire


tits or gtfo

Not kino related material. Reported

yeah, putin's sock puppet truly is America's savior


Edgy as fuck.

almost as bad as those hillbilly militias shooting at cops after obama won because da gubment was comin for their guns. not as bad, but close.

hes not a puppet, he just doesnt give a shit about russian expansionism or their subterfuge campaigns they wage across western europe or its totalitarian policies. honestly, i dont either. just let them fuck around with eastern europe. the eu can deal with it

>Dude, I know I stole that money from you, but it was years ago and I kind of still need it

> It was the Russians I tell you! THE RUSSIANS!!!

More like this pls.

And I'll submit Taken.

wage across eastern europe* fuck

Love Sweet Dream

wow. youre trying to expand on an argument by elaborating on the analogy. truly fascinating lmao. so which debate team are you on? It has to be Harvard

>and just think of being uprooted after years of making a life somewhere and assimilating into a culture, and then having to start anew (again).

They probably should have thought of that before they went into your country illegally. In my country illegal immigrants are placed in an off shore camp. Come here legally or fuck off

Like how Big War Hero McCain talks so much about how terrible Trump is then spinelessly votes for anything Trump proposes? The GOP are the biggest bunch of loser cucks in the world. They're so desperate for the win they'll sell themselves out and ruin their lives.


i know this is a strawman but i cant even identify the point or argument its trying to establish

>commit crime
>family gets broken up as a consequence of your actions


I guess we can't put serial rapist-murderers in prison because that would break up their family.

>Come here legally or fuck off
No, just "fuck off". The ones who "come here legally" almost always side with their kin and will vote to allow more to flood in, as well as for amnesty.