Society is being brainwashed about sex

You see, sex is NOT the most important thing in life, and anyone who puts sex as #1 in their life often ends up in a very miserable situation. If sex were the most important thing when it comes to happiness, then why is it that so many celebrities decided to take hard drugs or commit suicide? Is it because they could not get laid? NO! I mean, they are celebrities. They can fuck almost anyone that they want. The shit that is being crammed down your throat daily is FALSE. Many of the psychologist that put sex up their as a high priority are simply full of shit. We have seen people who can get laid by simply making a phone call take their own lives. Sex may be important for a relationship but it is not the #1 most important thing in life.

said the virgin

you really need to get laid bro

No. I am actually married dumb fuck. I am not saying that we need to exclude sex completely. I am saying that society has created a generation of perverts that see sex as a "must have or you will die" type of idea.

You understand that eating and reproducing are the most important things in life right? We live to produce more of our kind.

That said if sex is the only thing holding a relationship together it is going to fail. You need a balance, my marriage has been perfect.

only one way to find out

Being happy is the biggest priority in life. Peace of mind, well being, etc. Not going from bed to bed with some STD infested skank.

Sex is only amazing when you're doing it with someone you love.

Your powers are all overwhelming...Great autists you will all make

I agree, and take it even further that male virginity shaming, in particular is something THIS BOARD has a huge problem with.

There is NOTHING wrong with being a male virgin. People who cry "muh birthrates" but ignore the greater importance of chastity and that there's nothing wrong with celibacy.

People on this very board who say they're "conservative" consider virginity the absolute worst thing that defines a man as worthless,

while at the same time being against sluts .

That's true. I am not hating on sex completely. I am simply saying that EVERYTHING you see in our culture has some sort of fucking sexual reference as if that is the only thing that maters in life. I mean shit, a man has to tell his children what fucking Viagra is because of the fucking relentless asshats on TV who keep trying to cram shit down our throats.

>tfw 26 year old virgin

I think arranged marriage was a good thing and it was a huge mistake to even be ok with the idea of "Dating" and abandoning formal courtship where the parents are involved.

go ahead, call me a muslim or poo in loo. You know I'm right.

Muslims etc. are outbreeding whites because they don't even have to take part in a "Dating game" that has men putting so much energy into pleasing women. They just marry like it's a job and it's pretty much guaranteed for them.

Agreed. One big trick to marketing is to make people think they need a product. Sexual desire is built into people. Easily exploitable.

Its true that it should not be #1, but pretty much all of your activities should be geared toward getting sex. That is how babies are made, that is how society continues itself.

Male virgins are shamed because they're incels, not because they're virgins. They're failures and wear their bitterness on their sleeves.

If some 10/10 celebrity dude chose to stay a virgin, I doubt he'd get much if any shame except from the most sex-obsessed.

I would have to disagree with that. I mean forcing a person to go against their will and marry someone that they do not truly love? How can that be good?

Even so-called "right wing redpilled" people here jump right on pressuring men into defining their lives with sex (even if it's premarital, they consider virginity to be even worse).

I suspect half of the people shaming virgins are either virgins themselves, or promiscuous man-whores who don't even plan on marrying thus won't even be fixing the birthrate problem anyway.

I don't agree with forced or child marriage, People should have the right to turn down potential partners. But I think good parents really can know best for their children a lot of the time. Imagine what it was like in the past where you'd essentially grow up to marry a childhood friend

No shit, faggot. Sex is literally meaningless and unfulfilling outside of the context of a relationship with a man/woman you love. inb4 vaginal Jew. Nope. You fucking virgins make such a big deal out of the raw act itself when it's really not all that it's cracked up to be. If you pay a random whore or fuck some random bar slut, you're going to be disappointed as fuck.

The best sex--and what makes it all worth it--is when you're fucking someone you're deeply in love with.

No, I've seen many people here directly say premarital sex is OK or even preferable to being an incel.

Women can't seem to make them

>waa why should I shit is sexist yo

Exactly. Better to be a virgin than chase sex just for it's own sake.

>when you're fucking someone you're deeply in love with.
and then jizzing on her face

I recognize that I come from a line of people that were probably sex crazed and produced enough wealth to make kids, and I believe that me being alive is a good thing, so might as well pay it forward. If you want to die alone and let your contributions end with you that is fine, no one is going to miss you or remember you.

>be biological species
>3 billion years of life driven only by the fact it can, and is compelled to reproduce
>sex is NOT the most important thing in life
>you're just told it is by mainstream media
Virgin detected, but more importantly, you're verging into SJW territory claiming that biology doesn't affect behaviour and that everything we do is a result of society.

>her face
>not on her penis


the best way to pursue a sexual relationship is to find a nice girl and get married

prove me wrong

yep and talk to her parents first. People tend to not get that marriage is the union of two family lines, not just feels between two people

Reproducing and raising offspring to become a better version of you is the ultimate point of life. Fucking some nasty whore for one night and then bouncing really isn't. Even primates hook up with other primates on the same social tier and raise a family together.

>Virgin detected, but more importantly, you're verging into SJW territory claiming that biology doesn't affect behaviour and that everything we do is a result of society.

I never said that I was a virgin. The shit that you are talking about is over-exaggerated to the extreme. There are even some universities that are trying to justify pedophilia as being "normal." You see, you have to investigate shit for yourself too. Never think that just because some asshole has a PhD makes everything that he says true.

Yes it's obviously garbage. It's like how you always felt like finding a good pure wife would really make you happy but you are a fag if you don't care about your future and just fuck around because "we are al unique and must discover life" rather than just do what you were wired to fucking do.

>virtually every religion on earth considers celibacy a virtue
>user thinks he's figured something out with, "hey, maybe sex isn't the best thing in life"

thank you

this thread is full of materialistic virgin shamers who think getting laid solves every problem

Alright, go ahead and become a serial rapist then you asshat.

Dude the fuck are you talking about? I'm FOR marriage. You misunderstood my point.

for 3 years I was obsessed with fucking as many women as possible. Once I met a woman I truly cared for and grew into a relationship with, I discovered I had herpes 6 months into it and passed it along to her. We're still together, but it really makes me regret all the promiscuous sex I had with hot sluts for the sake of boosting my ego.

Yeah, I guess I did...sorry...

Pumping a dumping isn't what we're wired to do because we're not a prey species like antelope or bison that needs raw numbers to survive as a species. Predators like lions, for example, will mate with the top female of the pride and then stick around and raise their young until they are old enough to fend for themselves. Gorillas, chimps, etc do the same thing.

Sex is a means to an end. Creating improved, superior versions of ourselves is the point of life and why humanity is at the top of the food chain.

>You see, sex is NOT the most important thing in life

if you don't reproduce you're a failed human bean so yes, sex is the most important thing in life you stupid fag

chimps have multiple sexual partners everyday.

>Gorillas, chimps, etc do the same thing.
So they are more developed than niggers.

It's about priority. If you don't fuck for the sake of procreating than it's pointless you cuck.

it feels good

now get back to milking chocolate trees

Alright. My bad, then. I guess I was speaking out of my ass since I'm drunk.

But still--they stick around and raise their young. My point is that random sex with one night stands are pointless because we evolved as a species by producing offspring and then raising them to become better than ourselves. /pol9k/ puts such an emphasis on sex itself which isn't all that without something else attached to it. The virgin that obsesses about sex is just as worthless as the PUA that pumps and dumps whores (some of which will become pregnant and produce fatherless bastards that will probably end up becoming insecure criminals or NEETs).

When have i mentioned universities even slightly? The entire reason humans even exist is because for 3 billion years life has been compelled to exist. Unless you're religious their is only one rational meaning of life, to survive long enough to reproduce. Thats what all other life does. I mean feel free to get all hippy, spiritual with i and say the meaning of life is to be happy or some shit, but objectively, life has no real purpose, it just reproduces constantly.
>Reproducing and raising offspring to become a better version of you is the ultimate point of life
Theoretically sure. But the evolutionary mechanism to cause this to happen isn't aware of this is it? Whats the best way for life to reproduce? For the act of reproduction to be enjoyable and desirable, that's hard wired in our brains. Then their are mechanisms in females to make having children be desirable too, even the most staunch "I will never have kids" kind of woman, fucking melts if you leave them with a baby, and the older they get the more desperate they are to have kids before they're biologically unable to. And in most humans, clumsy, round, wide-eyed things are regarded as cute, to promote the protection of the young. So these mechanisms already exist, but nowadays we have contraceptives, there's literally dozens of ways to have sex without having children, so whats going to happen? You have a species with the drive to fuck and now they can fuck even more because they don't have to bear children and then raise them.

It's pretty simple shit.

Milking chocolate trees? Wtf is that you gay fag?

I am happy to see that the people here value the future exploits of humanity.

The evolutionary purpose of life is to survive and reproduce so sex is in fact the most important thing for me

I don't see very many virgins here desiring one night stands. Maybe some, but I also see a lot of virgins here who say they want actual relationships, and they get constantly attacked for this and told that being a virgin and waiting is the worst thing in the world, and even that casual sex is a good thing and they're "missing out" and getting laid would solve all their problems and stop their "hate"

I would have to say that reproducing is more important than sex but hey that's just my opinion.

Sex is not the problem. The problem is abusing it.

>even that casual sex is a good thing and they're "missing out" and getting laid would solve all their problems and stop their "hate"

None of that's true. I think if someone was like 24+ and then forced themselves to hook up with some drunken bar whore just for the physical experience because they were ashamed of their virginity, they will be so disappointed (since they built it up to be some sort of end all be all thing) that it will just reinforce their hate.

Falling in love with someone that is worth it would fix them, not the act of sex itself. It's a glorified wank.

Well of course you're correct, but for me the mere thought about making that argument and trying to get it into a liberal's scull makes me resigned, exhausted and depressed so I usually don't even bother to think about it.

I mean I know that Jews are fags but why are you so obsessed with black dicks?

Nietzsche believed that history would view the West comically for causing "the love story" (as he put it) to artificially inflate into the greatest driving purpose of a person because Western morality condemned sexuality and promiscuity, intensifying natural urges that would normally be satisfied. And then the sexual revolution happened and we STILL revolve our entire lives around sex. Face it, it's in our DNA.

Love is a meme user
Ask any couple that's been together for more than a few years, especially married ones

This is true. I must say it took fucking S prostitute for this to sink in fully for me.

One night stands were usually pretty fun and in some cases led to relationships or friendship at least. Being hard up enough to fuck a hooker is one thing, but how soulless and boring the act was, was quite surprising.

I don't see love as completely a lie, what's a lie is that love is all about compatibility and CHOICE.

It's not, love is a verb. It's something you do, and it really only comes in the long term after years and years of marriage with the good parts and the bad parts.

This is why there's nothing wrong with arranged marriage a lot of the time, it's about what you do more than what you feel for each other initially. Love is about the sacrifices you make for each other. For the past century or so people have wrongly equated love with "romantic love" which is just an emotional form of lust.

The whole idea of agape vs eros in the Bible.

A good thread...
On Sup Forums?

Good to see a thread that isn't shat up either by sex obsessed virgins OR sex obsessed pretend "alphas"

Bro I'm 29 know