>dude degeneracy lmfao xD
Dude degeneracy lmfao xD
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How many jews, OP?
I'm truly wondering what's so great about this show?
>dude a show shit for more seasons then it was good LMFAO
Emmy Rossum's 2 dozen nude scenes and counting.
>he believes in the degeneracy vs normalcy social memes
Get a load of this spooked faggot right here hahaha
>A bunch of unrealistically attractive working-class white people from Chicago fuck each other, and
WHM is charismatic
Is that about it? Am I missing anything by not watching this show?
>unrealistically attractive
What did he mean by this?
Exactly what it looked like he meant. Go to any public space and look around, most people aren't hollywood levels of attractive. Even the nerds in hollywood shows and movies are aesthetic as fuck in the face.
Only Fiona is attractive though
Lip is a weird looking manlet
Ian is a ginger
Debbie is the fat girl
Carl looks like your average 14 year old edgy kid
These things don't exist in the real world though. You're doing internet style nitpicking that results in everyone being 2/10 wouldn't bang besides literal greek gods. Unattractive people look like literal ogres in real life.
I watched the first episode and wasn't that into it. Why is it so popular? Seemed pretty average
>decry degeneracy
>hate mudslimes
you'd fit right in, move to some muslim shithole OP
You are attracted to Debbie then?
Ian can be considered attractive, sure.
But Lip has some quality to him that makes him weird looking
Just because you are poor and ugly doesn't mean every poor person is
Go to a Cubs game sometime, you'll see how unattractive white, working-class Chicagoans can get.
Edgy humor that's not edgy enough to upset normies
Emmy rossum and qt guest star tits
>But Lip has some quality to him that makes him weird looking
He's a jawlet
>Cubs Home Game
This show is just annoying to me why do people like it?
I'm arguing the Gallaghers are nothing special, all average, sans Fiona
fuck off retarded child. You're fucking pathetic
fuck off faggot. Its shitty Amy Schumer tier humor
I hate it because it uses progressiveness to cover up its shit writing nowadays
Good thing Showtimes got TP I guess.
I want to ____the jewess
jiggly pasty jewish cellulite
Fiona and Lip both are, Carl might be too. Only 50% of the main cast, it's pretty Jew-lite.
Inferior remake of already trashing Eurotrash show. I loss interest after Season 3 or whenever Frank got the liver transplant, the same shit story just repeats over and over again
I started getting bored with the whole Jimmy/Steve thing and missed Joan Cusack's daughter.
Yeah I liked it until the very things you mentioned. The show went full on day-time soap when the daughter/Lip's girlfriend got brain damage and started acting like a little kid. I don't think the actress was up to it either acting talent wise. And every season Steve comes back, but uh oh Fiona was just moving on! She's still mad at him but she really does love him? She's dating another but uh oh she cheated on him with this guy once again!
William H Macy and Carl were the only reason I stayed even vaguely interested
WHM is the best thing in the show, his relationship with Carl is pretty neat
I don't know. Lip got /fit/ over the past couple of seasons, Debbie's udders came in and they're Ariel-tier, and Carl is actually turning out to have a-lister good looks as he grows into himself.
post Rossum's best nude scenes
>wanting Rossum's weird bumpy nippled nudes when Emma Kenney turned 18 before the filming of this new season
Definition of butterface
"Degeneracy" has always existed and always will.
Stop acting like it's something new because you can't remember a time before the internet.
>it's not our fault we're disgusting STD ridden white trash!
>it's because of the Jews!
You sound like a nigger complaining about DA WHITE MAN holding him down in the ghetto.
>tfw you will never get a blowjob under a table from a qt while her mother is cooking next to you
But it doesn't need to fill an entire TV series for years and be popular with the unwashed masses.
>jews only make up 2% of the population
hmm this must be some sort of miscalculation
It's a nothing show that practically never gets talked about by anyone.
>7 seasons and counting
>dozens of nominations
>a few wins, including SAGs and Emmys
It's no Game of Thrones, user, but get real.
You get real. When was the last time you heard anyone in public talk about this show?
It's only on because Showtime needs to fill the slot.
It's television. If less than 85% of the cast is Jewish, it's pretty damn gentile.
My wife and some of my friends like it and try to get me to watch it, but I refuse. It's more popular than you think user.
Do you expect me to believe your friends and significant other don't try to push you to watch this show?
This. My wife got me watching. Honestly, it's not that bad. It's refreshing to see white trash that's not depicted as southern trailer trash.
>Every day people tell me that I look like lip from shameless
>I look him up
>His character is just as degenerate as me
This. My wife got me into it. I grew up in Philly around white trash families like this.
its an edgy version of Grounded For Life
>I grew up in Philly around white trash families like this.
Let me guess, Fishtown?
>unrealistically attractive
They have an extremely average looking cast
Are you implying the word is inherently pol and there is no such thing as degeneracy
>Fiona getting fucked in high heels in the pilot
muh dick
Jimmy was the best character
Prove me wrong
Same, my wife and her son really like it.
kind of sad that all the talent on this show is stuck doing these roles
Why is the actor at varying heights in ebery fucking picture hes in? Seriously good justin chatwin, and look at how he magically grows and shrinks
Great show. Good humor, fun plotlines that end at the perfect time. I'm at Season 5 and nothing has felt forced or abrupt.
Why do people here hate the show? Is it because everybody is having sex?
I hate every main character in except Kev.
Frank is a cartoon character. Everything that he is involved in is ruined. He's completely unrelatable and unlikable and gets away with shit in ways that defy logic and reason.
Lip is a fucking moron who throws away every good opportunity that would not only elevate his life substantially, but enable him to help his degenerate family as well.
Deb went from being the voice of reason to even crazier than Carl, a juvenile sociopath.
Carl went from being a future serial killer to a wigger idiot for no real reason.
Ian is a manwhore who made the conscious decision to live his life as a fucking lunatic funker nstead of take meds and be with his partner who genuinely loves him. All because pills are icky.
Fiona is a slut who thinks she's tough shit. She throws away every good thing that comes her way and makes endless poor choices because fuck it she's a poor Irish American gal.
I gave up completely when Lip told Mandy to go away after she came back. No one is redeemable in this shit.
There is no such thing as degeneracy.
They always film this shit right near my apartment. Makes the commute to work a fucking pain.
You're still on S5, it gets shit at S6 and only gets worse from there.
Shameless is the kind of show you watch with an iPad. You watch it for the storylines you care about and zone out when those aren't on. They sent the best storyline to military school and then did not follow that storyline. Fucking retarded.
Debbie is currently one of the biggest cunts on Tv
>Same height as manlet Speilberg in one pic
>Taller than Chow yun fat in another
So its lifts right?
>Fiona is a slut
Do people really fall in love with a woman who has fucked 20+ dudes?
Lip has horrible plots and I'll never feel empathy or sympathy for him
Carl da best
this day and age, that's an average number for women
Holy shit, USA is so fucked.
Women fucking love this show.
No, it really isn't
Grays ferry user?
Wow men are sluts.
Still way too fucking high, sandniggers got it right with their treatment of women.
Maybe the Asian guy is actually short
Have you thought about that?
You fucking retard
This is why you never ask how many dicks someone has given or taken. Just start fresh...unless that bitch has no traction on their vagina.
Explain how he looks an inch taller than 5'6 Steven Speilberg and then is 2 inches taller than a 6 foot man in the span of like 4 years
>dump rich asian gf
>get expelled from uni
yup, fuck him.
That chick is barely 17 atm. WTF?
I for one am glad these last vestiges of the Obama era are on the outs.
I want to believe
fucking /r9k/ cursed my mentality back then. I really want to believe lads :(
This. Fiona's scenes were completely shit this season.
Lip always had some charisma though, his relationship with his teacher was idk. For some reason that dude made it seem believable. Last season this song played when he realized he fucked everything. Made me have a lot of feels.
I'd like to chow on Rossum's fat ass. If you get what I'm saying
kek, Sup Forums is so easily triggered
Only the women. That one guy has negative chin.
>its an emmy rossum gets naked episode
It turned to shit after season 4 which was based.
>dump rich asian gf who loves you, buys you things, helps you take care of your family, and whose dad has amazing connections in the industry in which you're looking to work
We're not complaining for our sake. If it wasn't for people like this I'd probably have been a twink faggot who lost my virginity at 17 because I get passed around like a fleshlight every Friday night.
>show starts out being about the prole life
>turns into tumblr meme fanservice
leftist writers just can't help themselves desu
That whole tranny shit last season was boring and why was it even included
>Moving goalposts
Better for your kind to focus on not being such manwhores
This. That ending with Frank passing down the bottle was incredible. The show has felt like fan-fiction ever since.
How bout sluts quit rewarding them with sex.
obvious tumblr pandering, also one of the reasons I dropped the show. didn't even watch the last few episodes.
How about both.